Let the bullets fly!

It's not that Galvantula is ugly; it's just that Spider-Spider Fruit is like this. She's still a beautiful girl. Onigumo from the Marines looks even more hideous after using his devil fruit ability.

He can manipulate his hair with Seimei Kikan, turning them into six hands, which is closely related to his devil fruit ability and that is his usual combat stance.

Queen's drug hasn't been effective yet, but now when she transforms, her face doesn't change anymore. This reluctantly allows her to accept this form.

"That girl is a devil fruit user!"

Among the slave traders, there were no strong individuals, so a devil fruit ability was quite deadly to them. Electrified spider webs and fur hit the slave traders, causing them to collapse in screams one after another.

However, Maria is still unfamiliar with her abilities. You could say her Galvantula's level is quite low, so the intensity of the released electricity isn't sufficient. While those slave traders were paralyzed, they haven't lost consciousness yet.

But this isn't a good thing. The spider webs coated with lightning were constantly discharging electricity, leaving those trapped within them powerless to resist, only able to endure the beating.

"Maria Thunder Punch!"

Her fist was coated with lightning, which was mixed with her resentment because she has to use this form.

Meanwhile, another slave trader was rushing towards Robin. He hasn't been hit head-on, hasn't been caught in an electric web, hasn't been dragged into the water, but he got a face full of cream.

The cream released from Alcremie's palms can be sprayed out like compressed cream. The slave trader never expected that doll-like Alcremie could do such a thing, and afterward, a sharp pain came from below.

Two hands sprouted out from his legs, and started wildly attacking his sensitive area.

Cream splashed into his eyes, causing a sharp stinging sensation. Simultaneously, he received a heavy blow to his sensitive area. For a moment, he was unsure whether to cover his lower part or eyes. Thus, he rolled in agony before Robin, eventually passing out from the pain.

Having finally defeated his opponents, Tesoro struggled to his feet. As he gazed upon the scene before him, he began to question his life. He felt that he had lived almost nineteen years of his life in vain.

"So strong!"

The leader of the slave traders was shocked by the scene before him. Dozens of robust adults have been brought down by a few children, and there were even two devil fruit users among them. This greatly surpassed his expectations, but it didn't make him afraid.

Because he has an ace up his sleeve, these dozen or so people were merely a small part of their gang. He thought they were enough to capture a few children, as involving more people could raise suspicion among other slave traders.

In his view, this was a prime opportunity. To prevent other slave traders from targeting them, those skilled in combat among his subordinates remained on lookout at critical points.

"Very good, very good. Two devil fruit users. Now we can sell you for an even higher price. Everyone, come out! Capture them at all costs, even if it means injuring them!"

The first ones were unarmed or carrying ropes, but those on lookout are armed with lethal weapons.

If they were ordinary children, his goal would naturally be to capture them intact. But Yamato and the others have already demonstrated with their strength that this is simply impossible.

He thought that when he gave the order, his subordinates would step forward. But in reality, everything around remained eerily quiet as if nothing had happened.

"What? Is there anyone else? Then quickly call them out."


The leader of the slave traders didn't know what to say. He wasn't joking with his subordinates. Just as he was feeling puzzled, a few people were thrown before him.

A lizard walked out of the shadows. It was Elizabeth, who had been following Yamato and others earlier. She was now in humanoid lizard hybrid form, but that was not the worst part. Three people were hanging from her long tail like a candied fruit stick.

Her blood-stained face under the cover of night resembled something otherworldly, and the dragging sound of her heavy tail on the ground was like the tolling of a bell from hell for the leader of the slave traders.

Seeing that the situation here wasn't good, these people had wanted to attack earlier, but Elizabeth accompanied them to prevent such a scenario.

Facing Yamato and the others, the ordinary slave traders could still put up a fight, but when up against Elizabeth, it was a one-sided massacre.

Then, Elizabeth flicked her tail and these people were thrown in front of the leader of the slave traders.

"Miss Yamato, Lord Arceus suggests that you all should return and prepare for sleep. I will handle things here."

A few slave traders are nothing. To Arceus, ensuring that Yamato and others go to sleep on time is more important. They've done what they needed to do, so there's no need for them to waste any more time.

So, after receiving the order, Elizabeth stepped forward, and in passing, pulled Jack out from the water. Although shoving enemies into the water is a good tactic, he hadn't considered the terrain.

So, after dealing with his opponents, he couldn't get out.

"So, Dad was indeed watching all along. Hey, big brother, remember to redeem Sister Stella, and don't forget to repay the debt. See you later."

Hearing Elizabeth's words, Yamato didn't insist on continuing the fight either. Along with Maria and the others, she headed towards the Genesis. Before leaving, she didn't forget to remind Tesoro.

For Tesoro, today's experiences felt somewhat dreamlike. It was only when Elizabeth called him that he snapped back to reality.

"You should leave. I won't be responsible for your safety."

"That guy ran away. Won't there be any trouble?" Tesoro got up and tidied his clothes. His guitar was broken, but that didn't matter.

As long as he finished the last day of work tomorrow, received his salary, and added the three hundred thousand Berries that Yamato provided him, he would have enough money to buy Stella.

However, he was curious why they let the leader of the slave traders go. When Elizabeth turned to speak to Yamato just now, the leader had already started fleeing.

"Don't worry, he won't get away."

Elizabeth's left hand formed a pistol shape and aimed in the direction of the slave trader's leader. Then, with a swish, a water bullet shot out from her fingertip, piercing directly through the man's head.

After Elizabeth's sniper shot pierced his skull, his remaining consciousness only heard the sound of the water bullets.

"Dad, dad, did you see that? I did great, right?"

Back on the Genesis, Yamato bragged about the fight asking for praise. It was her first time fighting an enemy.

"Not bad, but don't get too conceited. You still have a long way to go."

For them, the slave traders were a relatively simple test. The slave traders' strength wasn't overly formidable and was just average.

Some slave traders even manage to capture pirates. There are many people who buy powerful pirates. For instance, Celestial Dragons love buying pirates to use as mounts.

And the explosive collars around slaves' necks serve as insurance. With those in place, slaves can't run or rebel, and even death becomes a luxury.

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