*Title Hidden*

Setsuna's arrow played a crucial role, completely destroying his idea of using others as hostages to threaten them. Zeraora had noticed Setsuna following behind earlier, which is why he chose this tactic; otherwise, he had other options.

In any case, compromise is impossible. Giving up one's advantage during a standoff is simply suicidal.

Moreover, this arrow was not an ordinary one. Not only was the arrowhead made of Seastone, but the shaft was also not a regular wooden one. It was a hollow metal tube infused with Seastone, making it impossible for him to pull the arrow out of his body when he tried. His hand gripping the arrow shaft couldn't exert any strength.

Furthermore, the barb on the arrowhead had hooked into his bones. As Seastone took effect, he lost the ability to fly.

Beneath Zunesha lay the vast sea, theoretically making it impossible for a devil fruit user to survive falling into it unless they were a Fish-Men.

Of course, considering the Beasts Pirates' current habits, either they didn't kill or they were one hundred percent sure of the opponent's death. Zeraora descended from the sky and, in one swift motion, tore him apart with a single claw.

"Setsuna, take the others back! I'll deal with their ship!"


After dealing with the devil fruit user, Zeraora didn't return to Zou Island. He didn't believe this group had flown up on clouds, so he searched the vicinity of Zou Island for their ship. After all, a ship was essential if they intended to retreat.

A single ship meant nothing to him, especially since he was currently in an overloaded state, with a large amount of electricity coursing through his body. Upon discovering their ship, he unleashed a widespread thunderstorm centered around it.

The ship was shattered by his attack, and the raging thunderstorm evaporated a portion of the seawater below.

Several hours later, most of the Mink in Mokomo Dukedom had awakened. Caesar had only used a simple knockout gas since he wanted them as live test subjects. Once its effect wore off, they woke up.

With the two devil users defeated, the remaining agents were no match for them. Moreover Hitsugisukan could still fight, and with his help, the agents on Zou Island were all eliminated.

Minks don't show any mercy when facing enemies. The Musketeer Squad divided into small groups and conducted a thorough search of Zou Island. They were uncertain about how many agents had infiltrated.

Thanks to Mink's keen sense of smell, the agents had nowhere to hide and were found one after another.

Afterward, Hitsugisukan led several more  searches until they were certain that no Mink was missing.

Now it was time for Dr. Miyagi to be busy. This was one of Zou Island's drawbacks - lack of doctors due to the island's small population.

Because Minks are usually in good health and rarely get sick, and there aren't many people on Zou Island, they can still manage.

The most severely injured among the Minks were Hitsugisukan and a few elite Mink warriors, as they were the ones who had initially faced those two devil fruit users.

"Cough, cough..." Hitsugisukan, seated on a rock, pounded his chest, while Miyagi, also a Sheep Mink, was shaving him. The thick wool had shielded the wound but it was hindering his body's recovery.

"Duke-sama, you don't have any serious injuries. Rest for a few days, and you'll be fine."

"How are the Musketeer Squad members?"

"They're also fine. A few have fractures, and one has internal injuries, but I've already provided emergency treatment. The medicine Setsuna brought back is very effective, much better than what we have in storage."

He was carrying a new set of medical supplies around his waist, all brand new. Setsuna had acquired them from the Beasts Pirates Pokémon Center before returning to Zou Island.

Zeraora continued patrolling the nearby waters, ensuring there was nothing unusual around Zou Island.

Meanwhile, Setsuna was facing Rin and Hachi's new questions.

"How can you fly?"

They had seen Setsuna using Magnet Rise, and they couldn't believe their daughter had learned to fly on her journey.

"Did you eat a Devil Fruit?"

"No, no, it's the power of that lord that Zeraora respects the most. I learned it not long after escaping from the Organ Dealing Assassination Group."

She was checking Yanyan for any injuries; it had done a great job earlier. So, she answered Rin and Hachi's questions without thinking the answer through.

However, she didn't notice that the atmosphere seemed to grow quiet after that answer.

"Sister, what is the Organ Dealing Assassination Group?"

"Oh, uh..."

She realized that she might have accidentally revealed something troublesome; it had taken considerable effort to fabricate a plausible excuse to avoid discussing this matter before.

She turned around, and saw that there was a dangerous look in Hachi and Rin's eyes.

"My dear daughter, can you explain to Mommy what that group is?"

"Yes, it sounds like a very dangerous organization. Shouldn't you explain it properly?"

Setsuna's previous report had been typical 'reporting only the good news but not the bad'. She had concealed all the unexpected events that she encountered on her journey. In fact, apart from the initial incident with the Organ Dealing Assassination Group, she hadn't encountered much trouble after meeting the Beasts Pirates.

A dangerous air began to envelop the scene. When Zeraora returned, he saw Setsuna being chased again, and this time, it was both of her parents.

Finally, Hitsugisukan, wrapped in bandages, intervened and stopped Hachi and Rin.

"Alright, alright, it's all in the past now. Let's not dwell on it anymore. I have something to discuss with them."

Saying that, he called Setsuna and Zeraora aside.

"Duke-sama, is there something you need?"

"There is indeed something. Those people were from the World Government, right? Although I don't know what they were planning to do with their so-called experiment subjects, I don't think they'll just give up. This situation has somewhat exceeded my capabilities. Although it's also related to time, we can't expect the enemy to only come on a full moon."

Hitsugisukan thought for a moment, then said to Zeraora, "Although you weren't born on Zou Island, and I don't know who your parents are, do you have any intentions of marrying Setsuna?"

"Marriage! Duke-sama! It's too soon!" Before Zeraora could express his stance, Setsuna spoke as this development was beyond her expectations.

"Don't be in a hurry. I'm not asking you to get married now. This world belongs to you young people. What I mean is if you plan to live together, then stay by my side afterward. I'm getting older, and in a few more years, the position of Duke will be yours."

Chapter 285 Are you interested in being my heir?

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