*Title Hidden*

Kaido will take over! The three of them shivered when they heard these words. Kaido's crash course is effective, but it is also quite deadly.

If Shayna adopts this training method, it would be impossible for Kaido to keep breaking their bones one after another.

So all three of them mustered every ounce of their spirit.

"Come, Sister Shayna, please complete your teachings before father gets involved!"

"I told you that you would accept it."

Kaido's significance lay not only in personal instructions but also in intimidation. Sometimes, a single word from him could have a multiplier effect. However, what she said was also true. If her teaching progress was too slow, Kaido would indeed take over.

However, this crash course is not considered beautiful, and those undergoing training cannot escape the beating.

"The power of Haki comes from the body; it resides within you, but at the same time, it's also the power of the mind!"

While Shayna provided hands-on combat instructions, she also shared some knowledge about Haki.

Although Haki requires physical training, this power is also highly mind-related. If the mind is dead, even if it's the same body, Haki cannot be used.

Moria and Crocodile were both pirates who had once vied for victory in the New World, but their encounters with powerful pirates took a toll on their body and mind, leading both of them onto an entirely different path.

One looked for ancient weapons, while the other researched the army of undead zombies. Additionally, their long and comfortable lives in Paradise made it difficult for them to learn Haki.

"Your Haki will grow stronger in battles against powerful enemies. When you cower, fear, or become timid, your Haki will weaken as well!"

"Does getting beaten like this really work?"

Once again, being knocked to the ground, Maria began to doubt the effectiveness of this method. Although Shayna said that Haki was within them and needed to be guided with the mind, she felt nothing of the sort.

"It definitely works. We've all been through this. It just takes time. Don't worry; Mr. Kaido has given you plenty of time. You don't need to master it; just being able to tap into it, to feel its presence, counts as passing."

"Now that the warm-up is over, the three of you should attack together. Just getting beaten up won't give you a real sense of battle."

Shayna didn't use her legs from the beginning, but she still crushed them overwhelmingly. Haki training is not something that can be completed in just a day or two. Rayleigh spent two years teaching the basics to Luffy, and during this process, half of the time was spent in meditation.

Although his advanced Haki training progressed quickly, the basics also played an indelible role, so the process of Yamato and her group getting beaten up was not a matter of a few days or a week, but rather, measured in months.

During the breaks between beatings, they also had to experience the death games prepared by Kaido. This was Kaido's initial assessment of them, and so far, he seemed satisfied. Thus, Shayna continued to play the role of their instructor.

After several months, they gradually began to grasp the principles of Armament Haki. However, it was sporadic; they could only occasionally use a trace of Haki.

Originally, this was a straightforward training, but on this particular day, Yamato seemed to let out a mournful cry.

"Sister Shayna, you lied!"

She had agreed that as long as they trained hard, Kaido wouldn't take over. But today, they saw Kaido standing on the training ground at Onigashima's roof, which made Yamato feel a sense of betrayal.

"My foolish daughter, she didn't lie to you, and her training has been excellent. But you should have heard your Dad mention a term called 'midterm exam.'"

"Alright, your task is to attack me with what you've learned. If I'm not satisfied, Worororo, you'll have a fantastic second semester!"

Since then, while Yamato still found studying a tedious process, she grew to detest another word - exams.

Since the three of them worked themselves half to death, the invigilator Kaido reluctantly gave them a passing grade, sparing them from the fate of joining Kaido's remedial class.

Without summer or winter breaks, they proceeded directly to the second semester. The first semester focused on comprehending Armament Haki, and the second semester naturally moved on to Observation Haki. However, the teaching process didn't change much; it simply shifted from punching to throwing stones.

As October approached, it was the busiest time of the year for fireworks craftsmen within Wano Country. Originally, they only created fireworks for the New Year celebration, but with the arrival of the Beasts Pirates, the fireworks craftsmen's business boomed.

Every year, Yamato's birthday was an extra celebration on Onigashima. Although Onigashima's celebrations had little to do with Wano Country, it was a time when they would purchase resources on a grand scale, gather performance groups, and hold fireworks displays.

As for whether the all-night fireworks would disturb the peace, occurring only once or twice a year, it was still not lively enough for Wano Country.

Moreover, as Yamato grew older, her birthday celebration became more formal. If it weren't for the fact that the venue was in Wano Country, it might have rivaled Big Mom's tea party among the events in the Underworld.

Among these festivities, the "Fireworks King" competition became one of the most highly anticipated events for the fireworks craftsmen. Although the title of Fireworks King is bestowed by the Beasts Pirates, it was a matter of prestige, not to mention the substantial prize money.

But it wasn't just them who were busy. Next to the Beasts Pirates Pokémon Center, a new red building had sprung up, with a giant turtle sign hanging above.

"Squirr, Squirr, Squirr, Squirrrrtle!"

"Squirrrrtle, Squirrrrtle!"

In the courtyard, a squad of Squirtles was running, while another squad was doing push-ups. There were a lot of firefighting equipment in the courtyard, but no sit-up benches as it would be difficult for a group of turtles to do sit-ups.

They were a firefighting squad that was newly formed just a few months ago.

Wano Country's houses were mostly made of wood, which made them highly susceptible to fires that could easily spread with the wind. Not long ago, a sudden fire nearly engulfed the Pokémon Center.

For this reason, this firefighting squad was established to prevent such emergencies from happening again. Nearby, there were two red electric-powered Rotom-brand fire trucks, though their main job was to serve as a means of transportation as the Squirtle themselves were much more effective than high-pressure hoses.

After completing their day's training, a group of Squirtle had just started to relax in the swimming pool.

However, at that moment, a series of explosions were heard in the distance, and the sky was soon filled with smoke and fire which was visible even from here, with black smoke rising up from below.


The leader of the Squirtles put on its sunglasses, and both squads of Squirtle hopped onto their electric cars, beginning their firefighting mission.

Chapter 288 Midterm Exam and Squirtle Firefighting Squad

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