War begins

Time seemed to freeze at this moment, as an unexpected gust of wind swept through the entire Flower Capital, with Yamato at its center.

The paper scraps left behind when fireworks were set off, lanterns that fell to the ground in the chaos, hand carts shattered during the battle, and countless miscellaneous items scattered in all directions as they were swept away by the air currents.

People in the distance only felt the sudden strange wind, but those around Yamato felt it most clearly. Maria and Jack were knocked to the ground by the force, and the remaining Chansey followed suit.

They briefly fainted at first due to the impact, but thanks to the Healer ability, that feeling of faintness quickly disappeared.

"What... what is this?"

The handcart in Jack's hand slipped to the ground. They weren't just standing idly by during this time. When the chaos erupted with the sound of gunfire, he randomly picked up something that could be used as a weapon, even swatting away a ronin charging toward them.

It wasn't that Yamato was too weak to react. The Power of Viridian allowed her to communicate more effectively with Pokémon, so her emotional connection to them ran much deeper than that of an average person. In her heart, they were not pets or anything of the sort; they were friends and family.

This was her first time seeing her loved one get injured, which is why she panicked when Chansey got hurt.

Previously, when they went out, Arceus was with her, which gave her a feeling of invincibility, but only now did the fragility of life start to dawn on her.

Well, it is a natural instinct. Jack was also concerned about Chansey's condition, but he couldn't heal or do anything else, so he made a different choice, while Maria, in her spider form, began to feel weak in her spider legs. This was something they had never experienced before.

However, at least they remained conscious due to Chansey's ability, unlike the others.

The group of people fell down in rows like harvested wheat, and on this street, both the Beasts Pirates' pirates and the Wano Country's thugs lost consciousness under this attack.

It was also Haki, but it was Conqueror's Haki.

It couldn't be attained through deliberate training, and only one in millions had the potential to awaken as a king, which was also why they hadn't received any training in this area. Conqueror's Haki was purely a rare gift based on innate talent.

For most people, the awakening of Conqueror's Haki was driven by intense emotions - whether it's hatred towards others or care for their companions. When emotions reach their peak, this power naturally manifests.

People affected by Conqueror's Haki, if their strength is insufficient, will fall into a state of unconsciousness. Most first-time users unconsciously tap into this power and has no idea how to control it, resulting in effects that affect both friend and foe indiscriminately.

"Conqueror's Haki."

The pirates who were farther away weren't affected by this attack and lose consciousness. They were seasoned people who had witnessed significant events alongside Kaido and were naturally familiar with the concept of Conqueror's Haki. Although her Haki might still be immature compared to Kaido's, there was no doubt that it was Conqueror's Haki.

"Isn't that Miss Yamato? She's truly Boss Kaido's daughter, inheriting that talent!"

"Now is not the time for chit-chat. Let's get Miss Yamato to safety! Do you want to witness the wrath of Lord Arceus?"

The leading pirates nearby were much more alert. The awakening of Conqueror's Haki only indicated Yamato's potential, but if something happened to her here, it would be disastrous.

At his reminder, the pirates' thoughts instantly became clear. They abandoned their fight with the enemy in front of them and made Yamato's location their target for a breakthrough operation.

When a focal point emerged on the battlefield, it wasn't just one side that regained clarity of thought; it was everyone. The goal of the samurai was annihilating the Beasts Pirates, while the pirates aimed to eliminate the samurai.

They were not very clear about Yamato's identity, but they knew that anyone the pirates were trying to approach was undoubtedly their target. Whatever the pirates want to do, they have to try to stop them.

"Don't even think about it!"

"Get lost!"

Just a few minutes ago, they were still drinking together, but most of the wine had been spilled on the ground as they clinked glasses. The New Year's Festival is a time of revelry, and it is not strange for strangers to celebrate together.

They had planned to take down the pirates when they let their guard down, but it turned out these pirates were prepared.

Yamato didn't care what was happening outside. She had no idea what kind of power she had unleashed. Right now, all she knew was that no one would interfere with her while she healed Chansey.

The Power of Viridian began to take effect, and under its influence, Chansey's body started to heal itself. Damaged tissues began to regenerate, and the bullet inside its body was pushed out.

Although Chansey's physical defenses were as fragile as paper, its life force was strong. This injury weakened it but didn't endanger its life, especially with other Chansey using their skills to replenish its lost vitality.

For Pokémon, as long as they didn't die on the spot, rescuing them was not a problem.

After that Yamato moved Chansey to a relatively safe location, then she retrieved Takeru 5.0 from her backpack.

Carrying a weapon at all times, no matter where she went, was one of Kaido's requirements. So, her kanabo was always in her backpack.

"Jack, Maria, stay here and protect the Chanseys."

The terrain around them wasn't complicated, but it was chaotic everywhere. Instead of running around, it was better to defend their current position.

"No matter what happens, Dad and Father won't lose. I believe they'll come for us soon."

"Wait, where are you going?"

"To take revenge. I won't forgive that guy." She didn't know who had fired the gun, but the current situation was clear: there were enemies everywhere, and anyone with a gun was her target.

Moreover, Queen had taught them the best positions for shooting in his classes, and combining that with where Chansey had been hit, she had a rough idea.

"I'll leave this place to you both. I believe you can do it."

There weren't many enemies nearby, and Yamato's Conqueror's Haki had just cleared the area once. More people were engaged in the chaotic battle on the outskirts, but nobody knew if there were stragglers attempting to break through.

Maria was somewhat worried, thinking that it would be best if Yamato also waited here with them. However, Jack had already given his response.

"Don't worry; no one can harm them anymore."


In the distance, one of the thugs who had fired a gun earlier had managed to get back on his feet. He was relatively far from Yamato, so he was only briefly stunned. When he got back up, he had already lost sight of his target.

"What the hell, what's going on?"

He shook his head and began searching for the enemy again, but at that moment, he heard a series of footsteps.

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