Naive like a fool

While he had Kozuki Oden dancing, it was only to buy some time. If the situation hadn't turned increasingly bad, he could have continued to deceive Oden into dancing.

However, even though Kozuki Oden endured humiliation and carried a heavy burden, spending several years to achieve this result, in the end, he chose to advise the other party to leave, putting all the initial efforts in vain.

But the thing is, Kozuki Oden has his own understanding of the situation. If it were the Kozuki Oden before he went out to sea, he would indeed choose to fight regardless of the cost, and even not waste these past few years.

However, he has changed a lot after going out to sea. He was no longer the ruthless person who cooked oden on others' ashes. His strength has increased, but it has also made him more indecisive.

Kibi's grasslands, ranches, the smiles on the faces of the residents, the assistance from the Pokémon Center, and the scene where the Squirtle Squad had helped put out a fire were all etched in his mind. That's why he didn't follow the script as planned.

Upon hearing Oden's words, Kaido suddenly felt that this boring gathering had taken on a different tone. Such a naive guy wasn't something you could find anywhere.

"Gulp~ Gulp~"

He drank nearly half of the alcohol gourd at his waist, then pulled the kanabo out from somewhere and smashed it in front of him.

"Worororo, am I that evil dragon? In that case, is that clown who endured the humiliation, Orochi? He really has quite a talent for self-flattery. "

"Oden, do you really believe Orochi's words? Even dancing like a fool for all those years? Your father died at his hands, you know."

Although Kozuki Sukiyaki is currently imprisoned in some hidden chamber by Orochi, Kaido is unaware of this fact, and he also doesn't see any significance in the former Shogun being alive.

Upon hearing Kaido's words, both Oden and Orochi's faces changed, but Orochi's change was more pronounced.

"Od..Oden-sama! He's talking nonsense! It's certain that he's trying to sow discord among us. Please don't believe him!"

He couldn't handle even one of them, let alone two. At this moment, he could already sense the murderous intent from the daimyos.

His script was supposed to involve a battle between the daimyos of Wano Country and the Beasts Pirates, but it seemed to have turned into them trying to eliminate him. Given this situation, he can no longer trust Kaido, so his only reliance was Kozuki Oden.

However, Kaido didn't intend to give him any more chances to talk. He swung his kanabo and shot Vajra Arrow toward Orochi, but it was still blocked by Kurozumi Semimaru's barrier-barrier fruit's ability.

"Tsk, troublesome devil fruit."

"That guy is just a waste, any one of us can easily drive him away. But Kaido, it's your strength that we have to be wary of."

Shimotsuki Yasuie drew his sword. They were already prepared for a decisive battle, and the script changing at the last moment wouldn't stop them.

"Kaido, Wano Country is not where you should stay. This place is going to be opened, to welcome Joy Boy. Someday in the future, he will surely come here, so you must leave."

"I am not going anywhere. It's because this is Wano that I came here. Oden, put away your foolish naivety."

Kaido slowly stood up, while Orochi pressed several buttons in his hand. The color of the fireworks in the sky seemed to change, followed by the sound of gunfire.

He was really afraid that Kaido and Oden would reach some kind of agreement, so he triggered the chaos below in advance.

"Oden-sama! Oden Castle is on fire!"

From the Flower Capital, you could see the taller buildings in other regions, such as Oden Castle, which was now burning brightly.

This was also part of Orochi's plan.

It appears that relying on Kaido is now impossible. Even if they do not perish together, he must ensure Oden's victory; otherwise, his own fate will undoubtedly be very miserable.

So, when he gave the signal to start the battle, he also relayed orders to his undercover agent. Oden's retainers had already split into two groups—some had accompanied him here, while others were protecting Kozuki Toki and the others.

This was Oden's most significant weakness at the moment, and it was the best way to prompt him into action.

To be precise, not only Oden Castle but the entire Wano Country seemed to be in chaos. Orochi's ultimate intentions had not been exposed yet, and they were unaware that he aimed to destroy Wano Country.

In the eyes of ordinary citizens of Wano, Orochi was at most power-hungry, so this situation was perceived as the work of the Beasts Pirates.

The sound of chaos from outside gradually reached them. Some serving girls accidentally dropped their plates, almost serving as the signal to start the battle.

Oden had not yet taken action, but some people were already unable to restrain themselves.


"Die, Kaido! Foxfire Style: Fire Willow Flash!"

Kin'emon, who had accompanied Oden, ignited flames on his sword and charged towards Kaido. However, Kaido didn't even spare him a glance, and with one hand, he used Hassaikai to send Kin'emon flying.

People inside the palace began fleeing outside, especially Orochi. He was shouting for the Oniwabanshu to help eliminate the Beasts Pirates, but he himself was running further away under the protection of the barrier-barrier fruit ability.

"Kaido, you handle this yourself; It's time for someone to die."

"I was also about to tell you not to interfere. These guys should be able to bring me some fun."

Arceus walked in the direction Orochi had fled, and as for those trying to stop him, he simply ignored them. Someone had already cleared a path for him.

Under the pressure of the unfolding battle, Kozuki Oden finally unsheathed his weapons.

One white, one purple, both belonging to the twenty-one Great Grade Blades. They were known as Ame no Habakiri, capable of slicing through the heavens, and Enma, capable of conquering hell. After years of being sealed away, they once again revealed their sharpness. However, someone was even more impulsive than Oden.

"Kaido, you've hurt my retainer."

Seeing Kin'emon sent flying by Kaido, Oden's expression turned unpleasant.

"Is that idiot really your retainer? That's really disappointing."

Just as he said that, Kaido felt like he had been slapped in the face as Queen's massive figure suddenly flew out and crashed near them.

A unique aura also reached them, although it couldn't affect them. Both Kaido and Oden understood that it was the aura of Conqueror's Haki.

"Someone just awakened the Conqueror's Haki? Is it Yamato? That brat is quite something."

He wasn't entirely sure if it was Yamato's Conqueror's Haki, as it was quite far away. Nonetheless, it didn't dampen his excitement. Transforming into a dragon, he broke through the roof of the building.

"This place is too small. Come out, Oden. The war has already begun!"

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