Pink Demon's team battle and Chief Blastoise

These thugs have always been troublemakers, normally bullying the townsfolk. With the chaos of the war, they naturally seized the opportunity to carry out their zero-cost shopping spree.

Originally, the Beasts Pirates Pokémon Center was guarded by pirates. However, unexpected news from Yamato's battlefield spread through the pirate communications.

There hadn't been much happening here, so they decided to make a move to rescue their young miss, and shortly after they left, a gathering of thugs began to eye this place.

"Those doctors must have a lot of money."

"I think so. Just asking them a few questions costs a few silver; they must have plenty of money on hand, not to mention those nurses."

He didn't say anything else, but his lecherous expression and gesture clearly conveyed what he meant.

"Shut up, let's go! Many people have suffered at that mine! Today, we'll take it all back!"

After confirming that the group of pirates had indeed left, hundreds of thugs rushed toward the Beasts Pirates Pokémon Center. When the nurses on gate duty saw the approaching crowd, they instinctively pressed the button under the table.

Since arriving here, they had done some drills, but they never expected to use them now.

"Click, click."

The sound of mechanical gears turning filled the air. The once transparent windows were now covered by metal panels, turning the Beasts Pirates Pokémon Center, which was originally a hospital, into a fortress.

This was also the purpose of the building's construction design, and now it was serving its function.

At the same time, the Pokémon Center alarm bell rang loudly, waking up both the nurses and doctors, as well as the patients in the hospital.

However, there was still a problem. Most of the pirates had already left, leaving only a small number of personnel behind, which meant their defenses were not very strong.

Guarding the Pokémon Center alone wouldn't be an issue, but those thugs, after failing to breach the defenses here, turned their attention to the family area in the back.

The defenses there were much weaker, and due to migration, the family members of nurses and doctors were residing there. Upon seeing this situation through Rotom's images, those who had been in a safe spot couldn't sit still.

"Dr. Toddler, where are you going?!"

"My parents live there! Where do you expect me to go? Also, aren't you in the same boat? Are you just going to stay and watch?"

After saying that, Dr. Toddler began searching the hospital for something to arm himself with. A killer might not make a good doctor, but for these experienced doctors, given the chance, they could kill much faster than they could save.

A scalpel and a mop were hastily combined, and in terms of sharpness, the scalpel was much superior to ordinary blades.

Apart from the elderly professors, the young medical staff gathered together. However, as they were about to open the door and rush out, they found that the situation outside was not as they had expected.

After they came here, they spent a long time with the Pokémon. In their eyes, Pokémon may just be reliable medical assistants, but in reality, Pokémon were also good at fighting.

In the world of Pokémon, whether on ancient battlefields or in modern special combats, Pokémon could play a role far beyond conventional weapons. While they were still preparing, the Pokémon had already left.

Under the cover of the night, Comfey flew through the air, dropping seeds one by one, and green grass began to sprout on the ground below.

"Where did all this grass come from?"

One of the thugs couldn't figure out why the area had suddenly turned into a grassy field. But the plants on the ground suddenly intertwined and tripped them to the ground like they were tripwires.

Initially, it was Grassy Terrain, a terrain-type move that all the Comfey jointly used to increase the power of Grass-type moves. Then, they used Grass Knot, which tripped up many of the thugs.

Even though they were currently acting as a team, when it came to robbing things, they were all competitors. In order to secure more loot, they were gathered tightly, which led to stampede when they tripped and fell.

And that wasn't all. Among the seeds scattered by Comfey were Leech Seeds. Some of the fallen thugs found themselves entangled by vines grown from these seeds, continuously sapping their strength.

"It's those things above! Shoot, quick, shoot!"

Firearms could also be found in the Wano Country, but these guns accuracy was worse than weapons from a factory. So, after a burst of gunfire, it only made Comfey fly even higher.

After Comfey's harassment, a mixed team composed of Chansey and Audino appeared. Even though their target became much larger, these thugs still couldn't inflict effective damage. The Protect barrier raised by Chansey formed the front line.

All the attacks were blocked by them. Then Audino began to build up Secret Power in their hands. Depending on the terrain released, Secret Power would have different effects.

Amidst the Grassy Terrain that had formed, Secret Power manifested as an attack akin to Magical Leaf. While Audino's attack was still ongoing, Chansey prepared for the next move.

The substitute released by them charged at the front, while their actual bodies, now reduced in size, quietly hid behind the substitute. Upon reaching the thugs feet, Chansey delivered a powerful blow to their toes.

"Ouch! Something bit my foot!"

"Me too. Darn it, what's all this stuff here!"

Although their size had shrunk, their strength hadn't diminished. Moreover, people in Wano Country commonly wear wooden clogs, which offers little protection. Most of them ended up with their toes crushed, emitting painful groans.

Moreover, Defense Curl combined with Rollout wasn't just Miltank's privilege; Chansey could also do it. Their bodies, like bowling balls, tore through the thugs' formation. With the Pokémon's attacks, this gang of thugs was thrown into complete disarray.

But that wasn't the end of it. Right next to the Pokémon Center was the Squirtle Squad. They weren't just skilled at firefighting; they could also fight.


Although the firefighting squad was led by two Squirtle, there was also a Blastoise serving as the chief. At this moment, it had arrived here, with its two enormous cannons now pointed directly at the thugs.


"Squirtle! Squirtle!"

Under Blastoise's leadership, a large volume of water sprayed towards them. Squirtle sprayed simple high-pressure water, while Blastoise's cannon was filled with scalding boiling water.

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