Enchanted weapon and Post-war medical examination

If Kojiro's father had sought the guidance of a skilled swordsman in the past, he might have been able to identify the problems with his technique. However, he didn't, and this inherited technique's secret remained a secret within the Kojiro family.

But dedicated as they were to practice it diligently, they remained oblivious to the key to master it, and thus, they couldn't perfect it.

So, Kojiro made a different choice. During his training, he showed the records to King, but even King couldn't comprehend it. With his vast combat experience, he sensed that this move held its own mysteries, so he passed it on to Kaido.

At Kaido's level, even though his weapon was a kanabo, he could discern some insights into swordsmanship. As a reward for Kojiro's loyalty, Kaido personally instructed him once.

However, Kaido only helped them overcome the training's challenges. This technique demanded exceptional physique, which Kojiro lacked at the moment. Moreover, strengthening the body was not something that can be achieved overnight, which is why he requested some secret medicine from Nightin.

In reality, Queen's enhancers would have had a more potent effect, but Kojiro still chose Nightin. Queen's enhancers were known to have unpredictable side effects, and the risks were too great. Comparatively, Nightin's traditional medicine was a safer option.

The results, however, were evident. Although he managed to execute the move with the aid of medicine, the side effect resulted in severe arm injuries. The doctor had already begun to treat him on the spot.

"Mr. Kojiro, there's nothing wrong with the bones; it's just a dislocation. However, there's also severe muscle tears. Your hands will need some rest."

After a brief examination, the doctor made the diagnosis. There was another cry of pain from Kojiro as his joint was reset; it was quite a painful experience.

The doctor then turned his attention to treat Hyogoro's wound.

"I'm fine, you don't need to bother with me."

Hyogoro's shoulder injury wasn't too severe. Initially, he hadn't used Haki, but when he realized something was wrong, he immediately used Armament Haki, so his shoulder only had surface injuries.

"Mr. Hyogoro, you should still have it treated. Mr. Kojiro's sword seems to be rusty."

After a single strike, Kojiro's sword had already fallen. For a samurai, this was naturally very disgraceful. However, at present, he is at best a half-baked samurai.

Hyogoro has several subordinates, and they all admire strength. The fact that Kojiro had managed to injure Hyogoro earned him some recognition from them, but when they picked up Kojiro's sword, their expressions twitched a few times.


"Ahem... This, uh, it's an heirloom from my family's storehouse. Perhaps it hasn't been stored properly."

Facing Hyogoro's incredulous expression, Kojiro gave an explanation but couldn't help but doubt himself. He had clearly meticulously polished and sharpened the sword.

Under the threat of the enchanted weapon, Hyogoro opted for the wound to be treated. While Wano Country's medical practices were primitive, they weren't entirely ignorant. Tetanus was referred to as the curse of weapons here. 

"You've won. I won't be going anywhere tonight. But you, you rascal, your sword was rusty?!"

Although Hyogoro was using swear words, those who knew him understood that it was his way of acknowledging the other.

"Well, I'm just a businessman."

"A businessman can't wield a sword like that. Is it that Sasaki? The one born in the same era as the Swordsman Ryoma? I never imagined he would have descendants."

"If the family tree is correct, then yes, it's him."

"That slash of yours was actually three slashes, wasn't it?"

"Swallows can avoid a sword blade by sensing the air currents it creates. This is true regardless of whether the sword is swung quickly or slowly. Any sword creates air currents when it is swung. Swallows can sense these air currents and change their flight path accordingly.

Therefore, no single strike can cut down a swallow. A sword is just a line. It is impossible to hit a swallow that is flying back and forth in the air.

The solution is to block its escape routes. One strike attacks the swallow, and the other strike blocks the escape route that the swallow uses to avoid the first strike.

However, swallows are very agile. A longsword can't keep up with the second strike in time.

To succeed, the two strikes must be executed almost simultaneously in an instant. If they are executed at the exact same time, the two strikes will be too slow.

Therefore, a third strike is necessary to block the swallow's side escape route."

Kojiro described the Tsubame-gaeshi as recorded, the essence of Tsubame-gaeshi lies in the instant execution of three strikes. It's a swift technique, with the first two strikes sealing the enemy's evasion and defense, while the third strike is the finishing move.

"It's truly the work of a renowned swordsman from the past. No, he should have surpassed the level of a great swordsman by now. Kid, you should practice this more. Letting this technique die out in your hands would be a grave sin."

Seeing that Kojiro's arm had been disabled with just one strike, Hyogoro let out a sigh.

"Thunder Bagua!"

Inside the Flower Capital, Yamato knocked down the last remaining samurai with a single blow. Most of Wano Country's samurai couldn't afford armor; it was a luxury only the nobles could afford. This made it easier for the Beasts Pirates to identify who the leaders were.

Those intricate armors provided decent protection against ordinary pirate swords, but when faced with blunt weapons like kanabo, the effectiveness of the armor was greatly reduced.

Whether they were samurai or thugs, most of the enemies within the Flower Capital had already been eliminated.

"Gather all the defeated samurai! Don't let these guys continue causing trouble!"

Mandrell issued orders to the surrounding pirates. Higher-ranking officers within the Beasts Pirates could assume command directly. Presently, aside from the Calamity-level officers, his status within the Beasts Pirates was quite high.

As the head of the scouting unit, his status was enough to command these ordinary pirates.

"Those who are seriously injured, take them to the Pokémon Center, and treatment for the people with minor injuries can be postponed till tomorrow. Give the doctors some time to rest."

"Wait, Uncle Mandrell, please send them there too."

While Mandrell was making arrangements for the wounded, Yamato voiced her opinion. Besides the combatants from both sides, the civilian residents of the Flower Capital had suffered greatly in this large-scale battle.

"Don't worry, Miss Yamato, there are people taking care of them. Look, someone has already arrived."

Mandrell pointed to a person with the Kojiro Trading Guild's emblem. This was also an assignment for them. At this time, their emblem has the Beasts Pirates' flag next to it, presenting a good opportunity to build a favorable impression.


"Of course. Miss Yamato, it's time for you to go to the hospital as well."

"Hospital? But I'm not injured; I'm perfectly fine."

"It's a direct order from Lord Arceus. After the battle, you must undergo a comprehensive medical examination. Please follow me."

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