The leisurely VIP ward

In the early months of the Year 1502, Wano Country underwent a drastic change overnight, occurring earlier than the events in the original timeline known as the Wano Rebellion.

Most of the battles on various fronts had already concluded, resulting in the complete elimination of the ruling class in Wano Country. This included the Acting Shogun, Kurozumi Orochi, the heir to the Shogun, Kozuki Oden, as well as the Daimyos from various regions, all of whom perished in the great battle during the banquet.

Except for Orochi, they all possessed formidable strength, and for this reason, they needed to meet their end here.

They were staunch supporters of the Kozuki family, possessed some strength, and had significant influence as the original leadership. Such people were not required in the future of Wano Country.

This was a massive restructuring, and if they were going to do it, they had to do it thoroughly.

However, while the battles on the frontlines had ended, two places had become incredibly busy. One of them was the Udon's Stone Quarry, overseen by Babanuki. Besides those who had fallen in battle, there were also a large number of prisoners.

Not everyone could stand their ground and fight to the death in a losing situation. After the Gifters killed the trusted followers of those daimyos, most of the remaining individuals chose to surrender after a period of resistance.

Due to the prison break incident, many cells had become empty, but they were still filled to the brim with new arrivals. Eventually, Emboar was dispatched to stand guard here.

The other bustling place was the Beasts Pirates Pokémon Center, where the doctors were experiencing their busiest night in years.

"Make way! Make way! He needs urgent surgery! Doctor Dolores, we need you in the operating room!"

"Send the burn victims to the underground physical therapy room! Comfey's healing baths are ready; don't waste any time, move faster!"

Injured pirates, Flower Capital residents who accidently got injured, filled the hallways of the Pokémon Center. The defeated enemies, however, were not afforded the same treatment. They were simply tossed a few bandages to take care of themselves.

At this moment, there were no extra resources to allocate to them. However, while conditions downstairs were quite strained, the situation was entirely different on the top floor of the hospital. In the VIP ward, Yamato, Maria, and Jack were all forcibly kept under observation.

"Um, I think I just have some minor scratches," Jack said, looking at the various peculiar medical devices with a sense of unease. While he was indeed injured, he felt like they were just superficial wounds.

"The human body's perception can be deceiving, so child, please relax and undergo the examination. This is arranged by Mr. Arceus, and the three of you must remain here for three days."

Of course, the doctors and nurses here didn't see it as necessary. Jack's test results had already come out. Fish-Men's physique is naturally stronger than that of humans. Although he had some injuries, they were all superficial wounds, and even some of the shallower wounds had already healed.

Maria was in a similar condition. Though not a Fish-Men, she was a Devil Fruit user with superior regenerative abilities compared to ordinary people. However, no one voiced any objections.

Although the Beasts Pirates Pokémon Center now operated somewhat like a public hospital, it was, in fact, a purely private facility. From top to bottom, everything in this hospital, including staff, medical equipment, and medicinal resources, is entirely managed by the Beasts Pirates.

This naturally included their salaries, and with orders from higher up, they had no choice but to comply. Even though the medical staff on the lower levels were overwhelmed, this specific group of people was only responsible for these three patients.

"But... Where is Yamato?"

Yamato's spot had remained vacant all this time. The three of them had gone for the examination together, but while Maria and Jack had returned, Yamato had not.

Although Yamato had fought the most ferociously in the previous battle, her injuries were, in fact, the least severe due to her physique. The physique of a Super Rookie is no joke.

Logically, she should have returned by now.

"Miss Yamato still has some additional tests to undergo; she'll be back soon. The two of you can proceed with the final examination first, and then we can conclude today's proceedings."

With that, she produced two questionnaires. Unlike other doctors, she was a specialized psychologist, tasked with evaluating their mental states after the battle.

Jack and Maria exchanged glances and suddenly felt like this was more tiring than fighting.

Meanwhile, Yamato's thoughts were similar. As she gazed at Audino with its ears and other wires attached to her body, she felt somewhat perplexed.

"Is this really Dad's request?"

"Of course, it's a comprehensive physical examination. By the way, Miss Yamato, here's a questionnaire. Please fill it out as well, and after twelve more examinations, we'll be finished."

"What about Chansey?"

"It's doing fine now. After the examinations, you'll be able to see it."

Under the urging of several doctors, Yamato, wearing a bewildered expression, completed the various so-called examinations. When she returned to her ward, she looked even more fatigued than during the battle.

"I'm back."

Lying on the so-called hospital bed, Yamato raised her Alcremie and began contemplating life. She now felt that being overly concerned might not be such a good thing.

The doctors had already left, having conducted overly meticulous examinations to confirm that there were no issues with their bodies. Since this was the case, there was no need for them to stay here any longer. One doctor remained on duty while the others joined the ongoing rescue efforts below.

"Congratulations, your examination is complete, but you'll need to stay here for three more days."

"Three days?! That's terrible...No, I mean, that's great!"

At first, Yamato thought this was a terrible situation, but upon closer reflection, it meant she doesn't have to face Kaido's training for three days. No matter how you looked at it, that was a great thing, so she accepted this arrangement.

However, she didn't simply rest. Instead, she lay by the window, observing the bustling crowd below.

"Maria, Jack, why do you think all of this is happening?"

"What do you mean, why?"

"Why do we engage in these battles? Our lives were quite pleasant before all this. Why not just continue that way?"

She didn't understand why these meaningless battles had to occur. In her view, this was entirely unnecessary.

"I don't know, but if they want to be our enemies, then we just have to defeat them all," Yamato's words prompted a brief moment of reflection in them, but Jack quickly gave up on pondering the issue.

Enemies had to be defeated. Once someone chose to be an enemy, the reason didn't matter.

"I think Jack's right. Just defeat them, why think so much about it?"

While this reasoning wasn't enough to convince Yamato, she was about to continue the argument when she heard Chansey's voice from behind.


The sky was already starting to brighten, and none of them had slept all night. They were still huddled by the window, which, in Chansey's eyes, was a clear sign of danger.

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