Wano Country's obituary

The year 1502 was destined to be a memorable one for the people of Wano Country. So much had happened in this year, and it all occurred a bit earlier than in the original timeline, making this great upheaval coincide with the New Year.

Flower Capital and Kuri were directly affected, with many people injured, but even more remained unaware of what had transpired.

The next day, an obituary spread throughout the entire Wano Country, listing the names of those who had perished the previous night in the entire country.

"How...how could this happen? What happened yesterday?"

The Flower Capital's great battle was chaotic, especially during the massive battle centered around Yamato. During that time, neither the samurai nor the pirates paid any heed to their surroundings.

Capturing and rescuing were their only thoughts. The number of destroyed buildings was unknown, and despite subsequent efforts by Kojiro to provide relief, there were still significant casualties.

Many people have friends and relatives in different regions of Wano Country, and a significant number of them were on that list.

Of course, there was an even more critical issue: the names of Kozuki Oden and Daimyos like Shimotsuki Ushimaru and others also appeared on the list.


"Yasuie-sama, Ushimaru-sama! What in the world happened?!"

"What? Oden-sama is dead?!"

Chaos reigned, and many people pushed forward, not believing this could be true. Some clung to those around them, asking questions left and right because they were illiterate.

The literacy rate in Wano Country is not high due to isolation, and social classes have long been fixed. Before becoming retainers of Kozuki Oden, even people like Kin'emon, Ashura Doji and others were mostly illiterate. Only a small minority has the opportunity to receive an education.

They couldn't understand what was written in the obituary.

"Silence! Silence!"

The person standing by the obituary notice struck a large copper gong, using this traditional method to quieten the crowd.

"What's going on? Tell us!"

"Yeah, how could the Daimyos all die on the same day? They're powerful samurai!"

"I've already said, silence! Otherwise, how can I explain to you all?"

Similar scenes unfolded in various regions of Wano Country. Huge screens were set up, and Picture Tanishi were already ready. Following the development of the original timeline, the execution of Shimotsuki Yasuie was also transmitted nationwide through this method, and they can naturally do the same.

This live broadcast didn't feature an execution but instead contained records of last night's banquet and some interview clips.

For example, an interview with the head chef of the Flower Capital's Palace.

"Kurozumi Orochi didn't allow us to test the food for poison and took it away directly."

"I saw Orochi arranging ambushes around Flower Capital."

These were "testimonies" from survivors of the palace. Following that were records of the banquet, with the grand scene being a false banquet scene created by Olga. The person responsible for creating this special effects scene was currently on vacation.

Creating illusions also required energy, and for her, creating such a lifelike scene was quite draining. So, she took a break and headed to Kuri's beach for a vacation.

At this moment, no one bothered her, and she was currently happily sunbathing with Elizabeth.

"You've all seen it too. This is all part of Kurozumi Orochi's scheme! He secretly killed Kozuki Sukiyaki-sama a few years ago! Then, one of his sorcerers impersonated Sukiyaki-sama, allowing him to take the position of Shogun!"

"Then, Orochi, while impersonating Mr. Kaido, provoked conflict with the Daimyos, planted poison early on, and arranged ambushes to eliminate everyone, ultimately plunging Wano Country into hell!"

Although these people are from Wano Country, they are the ones who were originally recruited by Kojiro. Therefore, the words they said are all pre-arranged. There are also many "spies" in the crowd.

Now, these "spies" were recounting how Kaido had dealt with the stragglers yesterday. Some were genuine supporters of the Beasts Pirates, like the farm residents who were protected by the Pokémon from thugs.

Relatives of those being treated at Pokémon Centers and so on. Finally, under deliberate guidance, Kurozumi Orochi became the root of all the evils.

Even the rebellion that was initially downplayed, involving his grandfather, was brought back to light. In Wano Country, the Kurozumi surname became synonymous with sin.

The kind of widespread hostility that Kurozumi Orochi had experienced in the past as a member of the Kurozumi family was almost happening all over again.

But this matter was far from over.

"While there have been many unfortunate events, there is some good news! Oden-sama's heir, Hiyori-sama, is still alive! She was just rescued and is under Mr. Kaido's protection. She will succeed the position of Shogun in a few days! Shogun's position, stolen by Kurozumi Orochi, will return to the Kozuki family!"

Initially, there were many voices of opposition, but when this statement was proclaimed, the dissenting voices instantly disappeared, replaced by cheers.

Wano Country's centuries-long policy of isolation has given rise to this abnormal cultural trend. Attempting to directly remove the Kozuki family would undoubtedly lead to widespread rebellion. Crushing the rebellion with force was easy, but it would result in an unstable rear, and the Beasts Pirates would need to allocate more troops to maintain control.

This did not align with their goals. A puppet would suffice to address this issue, and with a stable rear, the new generation of Wano Country residents will eventually change this situation over time.

"All right, everyone, there's one more thing! Some people incited riots during the chaos last night! Kuri, Hakumai, Flower Capital, Kibi, Udon—all except Ringo—were affected by these riots!"

"Many people have suffered as a result of this. Now, the leaders behind it all have been captured, and they will all face execution!"

The primary blame was pinned on Kurozumi Orochi, and the group of rioters was executed. Through this method, the Beasts Pirates shifted the blame and effectively distanced themselves from the situation.

Not everyone believed this, though. The remaining retainers of Oden were reluctantly forced to accept it, as well as one person who knew a bit more due to Kojiro but had stayed out of this murky situation: Hyogoro.

"Hyo, what's wrong?"

Observing Hyogoro, who seemed a bit out of sorts, his wife asked in puzzlement.


Although the Beasts Pirates provided an explanation for Oden's dancing, stating that he had been deceived by Kurozumi Orochi, who tricked him into thinking that ordinary people working for the Beasts Pirates were hostages.

Given Oden's character, this wasn't surprising. However, he was aware of another fact: Kurozumi Orochi didn't have the capability to kill the Shogun and Daimyos. The Beasts Pirates' words contained both truth and falsehood, and this matter was undoubtedly not as simple as it seemed.

But he did not speak up because he had seen those "real" images, and some of Wano Country's people were indeed living better lives due to Kaido's arrival.

Bonus Chapters:

400, 600, 800, 1000, 1300, 1600, 2000PS [1 chapter for every milestone.] 

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