Mandrell's light of evolution

Outside the royal city, it was filled with ruins and broken walls, remnants of years of battle between the royal army and the revolutionary army. Inside the royal city, however, had turned into an ocean of dust.

In the wake of Judgment's annihilation, there was nothing left here except for dust, and even the composition of that dust was exceedingly complex. King Sekai V and his royal city had become completely one with it.

As for the so-called swordsman, faced with the final attack, he did not escape or beg for mercy like King Sekai V. Instead, he attempted to fight back with his sword. However, let alone that he has only recently grasped the art of cutting steel, but even if he were a master swordsman, he would still lack the power to resist this calamity.

Faced with a giant's crushing stomp, a colony of ants would make no difference. Whether it was the ant queen, worker ants, or even larger soldier ants, their fate would be the same.

The slower individuals attempting to escape were knocked to the ground by the force of the shockwave. Afterwards, as they rose from the ground, the towering royal city behind them had already vanished, leaving behind an empty basin on Kuraigana Island.

The expressions of both the kingdom's army, who once protected this place, and the revolutionary army who sought to conquer it, froze completely.

Many of them, who had lived in the first half of the Grand Line, had never left Kuraigana Island, and today, they were seeing the consequences of encountering the highest level of power.

Relying on the walls of the royal city, the kingdom's army had been resting easy, as the revolutionary army struggled to breach them.

Likewise, in their efforts to breach the city walls, the revolutionary army had suffered significant casualties. However, it now seemed that the royal city they had long coveted was nothing more than a toy in the hands of the other.

The evil dragon spewed dragon breath, and judgment rained down from the heavens, turning the majestic city into mere illusion.

At the same time, a greater fear welled up in their hearts, especially among those of the kingdom's army who were well-informed.

They knew that after that night's surprise attack, the revolutionary army had gained a powerful reinforcement, accompanied by fierce artillery support.

The mobility of that ship was far superior to theirs, and the firepower and range of their naval guns far exceeded the kingdom's weapons. If it weren't for their limited ammunition, they would have had no chance at all.

And a few months later, this terrifying existence descended upon Kuraigana Island. It was clear that the actions of that day had provoked someone. If these people were allies of the rebels...

Thinking of the consequences, many in the kingdom's army gave up. Taking advantage of the fact that most were still staring in astonishment at the city's disappearance, they hastily removed their armor and fled the ranks of the kingdom's army.

But what they didn't know was that at this moment, the rebels were equally confused. Mandrell had inexplicably brought a group of people into their ranks, claiming it was because of a personal vendetta against the other side.

Despite the unfavorable course of the battle, Mandrell's people remained calm, patiently waiting with unwavering confidence each day. Seph had initially thought they would be just ordinary reinforcements, never imagining them to be such a terrifying existence.

As for what the future of this country would be like, he could no longer imagine. When facing King Sekai V, they could still put up resistance, but against these people, he didn't even know how to resist. It was like facing an insurmountable challenge.

Compared to the bewilderment or panic of these individuals, the pirates aboard the ship were shouting with excitement. Among these pirates, there were a few elderly individuals, and many of them had been recruited in recent years.

Though still called pirates, the Beasts Pirates' development style increasingly began to resemble that of local warlords, thanks to the discipline imposed by Arceus and Acier. Within their territory, there was hardly any opposition to the Beasts Pirates' occupation.

These newcomers were pirates who had come seeking fame and were recruited after careful scrutiny. Individual hero worship had a strong influence among pirates, and while they might not like it, the captain's orders could change their habits.

Because of their recent addition, these people had hardly seen Kaido in action. When the officers tasked with manning different islands received orders to gather, they were specifically instructed to bring along as many newcomers as possible.

Retrieving the Plate, seeking revenge, establishing authority, and showcasing their power to the newcomers—Kaido and Arceus' actions this time yielded far more than what meets the eye.

Even though they hadn't done anything themselves, witnessing the destruction caused by Kaido and Arceus excited them even more than if they had been personally involved.

Arceus's business was done, and now it was Kaido's turn to take the center stage. As the Governor-General of the Beasts Pirates, he still had quite a reputation outside.

"Worororo, did you all see that? This is the price of disrespecting my flag, harming my valued officers, and taking what belongs to me! Remember this day, unless you also want to experience the feeling of destruction!"

After destroying the capital of the Shikkearu Kingdom, the Beasts Pirates had no interest in this country whatsoever. According to their investigations, there is no value in occupying this country, and they didn't even qualify to join them.

Its location was too remote, not on the main sea routes, with limited economic potential, and no significant advantages in soil or environment. The foggy climate wasn't suitable for the development of agriculture and animal husbandry under the Beasts Pirates' banner.

Moreover, it was also in the first half of the Grand Line and lacked the abundant gold resources and specialty products like Dials of Skypiea. This place simply wasn't worth occupying.

And this economic situation probably meant they couldn't even afford the cost of using the Beasts Pirates' flag. After all, even those weapons were given to them at half price by Mandrell.

In the New World, there were many islands actively seeking the protection of the Beasts Pirates, but Kuraigana Island didn't have that privilege.

The Beasts Pirates temporarily regrouped on the coast of Kuraigana Island. For these ordinary pirates, this operation felt akin to watching a movie, allowing them to experience the power of their captain firsthand.

Sometimes, pirates don't need a reason to party. Right now, their reason was to celebrate their captain's formidable strength. At the same time, Mandrell also received something of his own.

"Mandrell, come here."

Amid the pirates' party, Mandrell was called out separately.

"Lord Arceus."

"You've done well. Although you couldn't bring the plate directly, you found what I needed, so you will receive the appropriate reward."

A surge of power separated from the Splash Plate, resembling the light orb that Yamato had received years ago. Then, the light orb slowly merged into Mandrell's body.

"This is the light of evolution. Your ability will become more powerful and well-rounded because of it. Keep up the good work."

The light of evolution broke the limits of his Magikarp' ability, granting him the qualifications to evolve into Gyarados.

Compared to the Magikarp with only scales, Gyarados, inheriting both the tough scales and more comprehensive power, represented an epic upgrade for Mandrell, but for now, there were no visible changes after the light of evolution had merged with him.

"Lord Arceus, this evolution..."

"Use your ability more frequently during this time, and when the time is right, you will naturally evolve."

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