Continuing the tradition of Beasts Pirates

Flames erupted from the nozzle, engulfing the ruins entirely. During this time, he naturally encountered real pirates, but Draw was not all talk. In addition to the flamethrower he carried, his martial skills proved formidable against these pirates.

At that moment, Draw's Den Den Mushi rang.

"Lieutenant Commander Draw! Bad news. There's a breach in the fire wall, and many people are escaping! What should we do?"

"What! Kill them all; those people are pirates and their accomplices!"

Shocked by the reports from outside, Draw knew that if any of those people had witnessed him starting the fire, it would spell big trouble for him. So, he immediately issued the order to kill them.

However, before he could receive a response, a new situation arose.

"There's a new development, Lieutenant Commander Draw! There are pirates behind us, and their leader is a devil fruit user!"

He could see a female with two green blades popping out from her elbows, relentlessly harvesting the lives of nearby Marines. She was one of Shayna's subordinates.

Most of the female members of the Beasts Pirates were under Shayna and Olga's command. While gender plays a role in this, many of them, by using their female bodies, defeated others and became officers. In fact, their talents surpass those of many male pirates.

"Reinforcements? Annihilate them."

"No-Not good , Lieutenant Commander! These people are pirates from Beasts Pirates, requesting sup—"

Before they could utter the word "support," the Den Den Mushi went silent. While many of these pirates were newcomers, they had experience fighting at close quarters in the New World. Moreover, their leaders were veterans, many of whom were even direct subordinates of Shayna.

Being led by a high-ranking officer of an Emperor's crew, they easily crushed these Marines of the first half of the Grand Line whose highest rank was Lieutenant Commander.

Seeing the flames appear here, the Beasts Pirates hiding nearby began to move. They mistakenly thought there was a conflict between these Marines and Shayna, so they immediately launched an attack.

"Hey, hey? Are you there?"

The busy tone from the Den Den Mushi hit him like a blow. As a military officer from the headquarters, he was well aware of the aftermath of Morgans' proclamation of the Emperor of the Sea.

"Pirates from the New World…Weren't the Beasts Pirates supposed to have gone back already?"

Initially, they were only pursuing a group of pirates with bounties of over ten million. But now, it seems that the trouble has multiplied.

The enemies inside the village had not been completely eliminated, and even more powerful pirates had arrived outside the village, and a gap seemed to have appeared in the fire wall that was supposed to block them here. As he contemplated how to deal with this situation, a figure walked out from the flames, who was quite tall even for Draw.

Standing over two meters tall, he was still shorter than Shayna, but as Draw gazed at the figure within the flames, he didn't hesitate to activate the flamethrower he held.

Even if it were an ordinary person, it wouldn't deter him from attacking. After all, the fact that the person could move indicated they were still quite conscious. Moreover, that shadow with wings didn't look like an ordinary person by any means.

However, this time, no sound came from the flames. There were no screams or the sound of falling; instead, the shadow inched closer and closer.

Although Draw couldn't clearly see the face of the person due to the flames, the silhouette gradually drawing closer made him increasingly nervous. While opening the valve to increase the spraying flame's intensity, he also began to retreat step by step.

However, the flamethrower that he had just marveled at as being useful was now entirely useless. A brown hand emerged from the flames and grasped the nozzle, which was still spewing fire.

"Fire isn't used like this; it should be used like this."

Suddenly, flames ignited in the palm of her hand, and the heat-resistant nozzle of the gun gradually softened under Shayna's flames onslaught.

Then, it twisted under Shayna's grip, and if it weren't for the flamethrower's excellent safety measures that promptly cut off the fuel supply, it might have exploded right then and there.

"Why..why are you people here?"

Compared to King and Zeraora, who had frequently appeared over the years, Shayna's presence was much lower. She spent most of her time handling affairs on Onigashima or leading people in search of stuff.

Although she also has a bounty of over a hundred million, information about her was much scarcer compared to other officers, and the focus from her had gradually shifted. So, Draw didn't immediately recognize who she was.

However, it was impossible for Beasts Pirates' pirates to suddenly appear here and attack them. Therefore, Shayna's identity left no room for doubt. Ordinary pirates couldn't withstand his flames and walk up to him to crush his flamethrower.

"This isn't important, but I'm really not pleased with you right now. Isn't this village innocent?"

"When did this kind of thing become your business? If it weren't for you people, none of this would have happened!" Saying that, he threw the girl in his arm towards Shayna.

Shayna crushed one of the flamethrowers of Draw, and with one hand holding the girl, he couldn't free the other, so he threw the girl towards Shayna, while raising the flamethrower.

"The reason I'm burning this village, isn't it because you pirates infiltrated it?"

Shayna had no intention of arguing with him. She was unhappy with Draw's callous disregard for life as it reminded her of the people she had encountered in the laboratory.

After catching the girl he threw, Shayna opened her mouth slightly and expelled a stream of flames. She wasn't a specialized combatant, but the jet of flames she released forcefully pushed Draw's flames back.

As it ignited Draw's clothing, it also detonated his fuel container. While the nozzle had a safety mechanism, there were none at the back.

As he was set on fire, Draw understood the pain of those who had been incinerated earlier. Soon after, the fuel container was ignited, leading to an explosion.

Draw's few trusted subordinates had already begun fleeing due to fear when Shayna had forcefully withstood the flames. So, they weren't affected by the explosion.

Shayna didn't chase after them because her people who had broken through the outer perimeter had now appeared in front of them.

They attacked those pirates with the intention of breaking through, but with only one captain in command, they were no match for the Beasts Pirates.

While the Marines were being quickly dispatched, the person leading this group of pirates arrived in front of Shayna.

"Boss, have you encountered any trouble?"

"No, have you eliminated all the Marines outside?"

"Well…there were too many of them. Many of them must have run away."

"Never mind then. Is resupply finished? There's nothing more we need on this island. Let's extinguish the fire here and retreat."

Since they hadn't completely eliminated all the Marines, that meant the news had already spread. There were many more Marines stationed in the first half of the Grand Line compared to the New World. To minimize trouble, she gave the order to retreat after extinguishing the fire.

Thanks to the passage Shayna had opened earlier, many villagers had managed to escape. Seeing someone extinguishing the fires, they returned to the village to help put out the flames.

Extinguishing the flames mixed with accelerants took considerable effort. Following their principle of doing good deeds, they also tended to the wounds of some burn victims before leaving the island. However, something strange happened the next day.

"Why is this little girl on the ship?"

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