"Chinjao's Repayment" and Gothic Country

He didn't listen when spoken to nicely before, but now that he's been given a beating, he's actually smiling. Setsuna found this very difficult to understand.

"Hey! What do you mean by this?"

"Hiyahoho... I suddenly realized that it's okay to take some of these treasures if you want them. After all, I owe you a big favor now."

Chinjao said as he rubbed his head. At this moment, his head was no longer flat but had a conical structure, the kick from Zeraora just now had turned his head back into drill-shape.

For Chinjao, getting rid of this drill head was a huge favor.

Then, without putting up any defense, he knelt down on the ground to show his gratitude, but this act caused a crack to form on the ice surface.

Looking at the cracked ice surface beneath him, Chinjao laughed even louder.

"Zeraora, did you hit him so hard that he became stupid?"

Setsuna's moral compass is quite simple: right is right, wrong is wrong. If all these treasures belong to Chinjao, she can accept the misunderstanding because she would feel guilty for having possibly made this old man go crazy.

"I don't think so, but this guy seems different from humans."

Watching the changes on Chinjao's head, Zeraora was somewhat puzzled. Was that thing just a piece of bone or a special keratin layer like a rhinoceros horn? He was contemplating this biology question.

After all, normal structures wouldn't undergo such a transformation.

"Hiyahoho, my apologies, my apologies. I'm just so happy right now. Please, let me explain."

Saying that, Chinjao explained the reason behind his head. But in summary, Chinjao's explanation could be condensed into two sentences:

1. He values this drill-head greatly.

2. Garp is a ba*tard.

"Because of my head, I really value these treasures. So, I didn't pay attention to what you were saying earlier. I'm truly sorry. If there's anything I can help you with, please feel free to ask."

Hearing Chinjao's explanation, Zeraora and Setsuna found it difficult to accept. After all, Chinjao's reasons were something they couldn't relate to.

Nevertheless, since he had said it, Setsuna didn't hold back. She gathered her Aura into a plate-like shape in her hand.

"Have you seen this before? Even your drill head couldn't break this."

Chinjao stroked his beard and thought for a moment before responding in negative.

"Do you want this? I'll look for it after I take care of some matters. It's been ten years; it's time for me to come out of retirement."

After leaving Chinjao an address, Zeraora left with Setsuna.

They didn't accept Chinjao's suggestion to take the treasures, no matter what. At this point, accepting these treasures would seem inappropriate, as it would make them look like they were really treasure thieves.

However, as he looked in the direction they left, Chinjao instead wore a thoughtful expression.

The next day, as they came down from the hotel's first floor, they were surprised by the scene in front of them.

"What are you guys doing?"

Looking at the group of people before them, Hachi almost drew his sword.

"Please don't misunderstand! We're here to serve you according to our leader's orders. Happo Navy will cover all your expenses in Kano Country, and we've also compiled a list of famous places in Kano Country. Is there anywhere you'd like to visit?"

These were all Chinjao's orders. As the biggest boss in the Kano Country, Happo Navy knew the area like the back of their hand. Minks are rarely seen, and it wasn't difficult for Chinjao to find out where they were.

Last night, after he returned to his base, he had ordered the other members of Happo Navy to find these people and treat them with the utmost hospitality, satisfying all their reasonable demands.

Within Kano Country, each navy maintained a subtle competitive relationship. When others saw their retired leader had regained his vitality, they immediately followed Chinjao's orders.

Hachi and Rin were unsure of what was happening, but Zeraora and Setsuna seemed to have some understanding of it all.

"That weirdo seems quite interesting."

And the matter wasn't over yet. After some time, they unexpectedly encountered Chinjao again, and this time he had a small book in his hand.

"Hiyahoho, I've thought it over, and I can't let this debt go unpaid. Since you don't want treasures, consider this a token of my gratitude."

Chinjao said as he handed over the book.

"This is?"

"This is a portion of my insights on Hasshoken. Besides this drill head and the treasures, this is my most precious possession."

Hasshoken, a secret technique passed down through generations of the Happo Navy, wasn't something readily shared with outsiders. Even though Chinjao had partially retired, he was still the 12th generation leader and had the authority to make decisions.

This portion of the technique could be shared with outsiders, though typically, those who wished to learn it had to join the Happo Navy. But this was an exception.

Treasures are mere worldly possessions, but strength wasn't. So this time, they didn't refuse.

Guided by the Happo Navy, they toured Kano Country for about a week, almost exclusively using VIP privileges. If it weren't for Ferren's limited carrying capacity, they could have left with a heap of souvenirs.

Before leaving Kano Country, Chinjao arranged for them to visit some worthwhile places in West Blue, and then Ferren spread his wings once again to leave.

"Leader, those people have left."

After Zeraora and the others left, the Happo Navy members reported to Chinjao.

"They've left, huh? Those youngsters were quite remarkable. No wonder they're officers of an 'Emperor of the Sea.' They have a promising future."

Chinjao touched his head and let out a slight sigh. Upon returning, he conducted a brief investigation and immediately learned their identity. Although he had retired for many years, judging by the bounty, their bounty is 8 million higher than his own.

And combined with their identities, his impulse could have caused serious trouble. That's why he continued to be friendly. While repaying a debt was one part of the reason, there was also this factor to consider.

"Pass the word, have our people keep an eye out for these individuals. It doesn't seem like a bad idea to establish a connection with these people."

"Yes, leader! By the way, the leader of the Niho Navy invited you to discuss a potential marriage alliance today. You should get going."

A few days later, Ferren continued to soar through the skies. Their purpose for traveling was to experience different landscapes, so they weren't interested in countries similar to Kano Country. After a few days of flying, they arrived at their new destination, a unique country with a predominant Gothic theme.

Moreover, when they arrived here, it seemed that a Halloween event was taking place, with the streets teeming with all sorts of peculiar characters.

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