This is the Beasts Pirates?!

Perona's ideal living environment is hard to find ready-made here, even the largest Cemetery in Ringo can't provide that. While Ringo has a lot of snowy days, there are also sunny days.

Moreover, the snowy environment isn't what Perona prefers. If she were born in Ringo, there's a high probability she'd die due to the extreme cold weather there. Wano Country under the feudal system might have been a paradise for the upper class, but not for the lower class.

If it weren't for the mild climate of her birthplace, the chances of surviving in a cemetery with a teddy bear as a companion would be very low.

However, where there's a will, there's a way. Though there are no ghosts singing songs cursing the world and a damp environment, and Wano Country may not have ancient castle-like buildings, creating a gloomy room is not difficult.

After covering the windows with black fabric, some decorations can be added. Although this might result in a lack of sunlight, in a world where missing teeth can be restored with just a glass of milk, this issue hardly matters.

While Setsuna was figuring out how to decorate Perona's new home, the Boa sisters, under Olga's guidance, arrived at their residence on Onigashima.

As an officer, she not only has authority and exclusive training room but also independent living space similar to the large floors in Onigashima.

So, arranging for three more people was a simple matter for her.

Hancock and her group' residence wasn't in the same place as Yamato and her group because their status was different.

"Alright, you three can stay here for now. We'll naturally send you back to Kuja when the time comes, and if you change your mind and decide to stay, just let us know."

The current Beasts Pirates is easy to join, hard to get promoted, and no way to leave.

Joining the Beasts Pirates isn't difficult. As long as you have some talent or demonstrate the corresponding value, and pass the initial screening, then there's no problem and you can become a member of the Beasts Pirates.

"Hard to get promoted" is relative; without enough strength, gaining a good position within the Beasts Pirates' ranks is as difficult as reaching the sky. However, as long as one is powerful enough, a good position is only a matter of time.

The so-called no way to leave means they don't accept traitors or quitting midway, even if they're just ordinary pirates. Once you join the Beasts Pirates, as long as you choose not to leave, you'll be properly accommodated.

This includes compensation for those who die in battle and job placements for the disabled. There are many such pirates responsible for maintaining law and order at grassroot level within Wano Country.

For example, Hafat in Kuri Region, who is responsible for buying agricultural products. He is a crippled pirate who can no longer fight.

However, it's impossible to quit halfway. Such behavior is no different from rebellion. If there's a suitable reason, the place they are stationed can be adjusted, but if they absolutely refuse to work, they will face consequences.

The world of pirates isn't playing house. You can't come and go as you please; there are rules.

Of course, it's not entirely impossible to leave. As long as someone can defeat all the All-Stars consecutively, they have the right to leave the pirate crew.

Unless you're someone like Nightin, who traded her unique skills and abilities for a special status working for the Beasts Pirates. People who work for the Beasts Pirates without formally joining are not subject to such restrictions.

"Sister Olga, do you also live here?"

"That on the side is my room, and the room opposite is my father's. You can look for him if you need anything. He may not look very serious, but he's pretty reliable; although he's rarely here during the day."

"A doctor lives in the room next door; you can look for her if you're not feeling well."

Nightin's room is next to Acier's room. Olga couldn't quite define the relationship between the two, but they often play tennis together.

"By the way, here are your identity cards. You can come and go on Onigashima normally, but there are places you shouldn't approach without permission, or else..."

She raised her hand and made a gesture by running it across her neck, making her intentions quite clear.

"Hmm, we understand."

Amazon Lily also has forbidden areas, and trespassing into them leads to a visit to the arena. Being a pirate nation, Hancock and her sisters easily accepted these rules.

Under Hancock's weird gaze, Olga left the room. She wanted to see if her old man had caused any trouble during the time she had been away.

"Sister, sister! She's already left!"

Olga had already closed the door and left, but Hancock's gaze remained fixed on the door. Next to her, Sandersonia and Marigold kept calling her out.

Having not endured three years of slavery, Sandersonia and Marigold hadn't lost their figures. While Sandersonia's head was slightly rounder compared to her sisters, Marigold resembled Hancock even more as the younger sister.

In the original timeline, she started eating sumo hot pot to gain weight in order to enhance her strength. Eventually, she developed formidable Armament Haki, but the cost was that she became quite plump.

"I know. Well, Marigold, Sandersonia, get ready to live here. The people of Kuja should know the situation, so they shouldn't be too worried."

As she spoke, she examined the room's furnishings. Even though this was Olga's private room, it didn't appear to be lived in much at all. Most of the time, she only shared it with Elizabeth, a lizard.

However, the slaves she had brought back and settled in Onigashima had taken on the role of servants. They had kept this place meticulously clean.

From the room's window, they could see almost half of Wano Country. The contrasting seasonal sceneries of Ringo and Hakumai appearing right before their eyes.

Even the tree that had been replanted in Flower Capital was visible, along with some of its treetop.

Wano Country, despite its name as a country, didn't have a particularly large land area, with over 4,000 square kilometers and a population of just over a million. In other places, it would be no more than a decent-sized city.

"What a beautiful country. Where exactly is this?"

Olga hadn't disclosed the name of the country to them; all they knew were the words "Onigashima."

"Do you know about the Beasts Pirates, big sister?"

"Beasts Pirates?"

In the perspective of Amazon Lily, the Great Pirate Era was a time when anyone could become a pirate. As they had set out on voyage for the first time, they were unaware of the happenings in the outside world.

When Olga's subordinates showed her the wanted poster, they just waved it briefly, so she didn't have time to look at the specific information. Now, Marigold saw some of those wanted posters on the wall.

Using wanted posters of the captain and crew as wall decorations was a popular practice among pirates. However, it can sometimes look strange, as it can give the impression that the person wants to trade their bounty for the other person's.

Arceus and Kaido's wanted posters were side by side in the first row.

"Ones, tens, hundreds, thousands of millions. 1 billion?!"

Looking at the two sky-high bounties on the wall, both reaching in ten-digits, the three sisters were deeply shaken. It was far beyond anything they had ever seen before in Kuja.

Today, for the first time, they got to understand what a pirate overlord truly looked like.

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