Jack: You're putting women before your friends!

Otohime can read minds. Unlike Enel, who developed his ability through training after combining it with his Devil Fruit power, her ability is innate. However, she does not have the habit of casually delving into other people's thoughts.

Constant intrusion of external voices into one's mind could drive a person insane, and freely accessing the inner thoughts of others was not her style. She was, after all, a naive idealist.

During her speeches, she only senses the emotions of approval in the other person's heart, similar to distinguishing between good and evil. However, that approving aura was rarely encountered; one might not find it even among hundreds of people.

Mandrell and Jack both felt a certain degree of agreement with her words. One desired to marry a Merfolk, while the other enjoyed interactions with humans, so they partially agreed with her message of equality.

Otohime didn't chase after them but continued her speech with even more vigor. Every bit of approval served as motivation for her.

In truth, her ability went beyond this. Her Observation Haki was both strong and weak.

Strong enough to influence others' minds and thoughts, creating a strong resonance and even altering their values and beliefs.

Several years later, Mjosgard's sudden change of heart was not solely due to gratitude for saving his life; Otohime played a significant role.

However, at the same time, she is also very weak. Her constitution is so fragile that slapping someone can result in her own bones breaking. Forget about training with such a physique. Moreover, her Observation Haki, which can influence others' minds, is also different from the conventional Observation Haki.

It wasn't the typical Haki that could be trained to reach the level of foreseeing the future. Instead, it was an innate ability similar to Conqueror's Haki, causing a slow and subtle influence rather than instantaneous brainwashing.

Celestial Dragons are heavily polarized, and some have very low mental resistance, placing them at the bottom of the world.

Even then for her to influence them would require considerable effort. As long as they are slightly stronger, she would be essentially powerless. Otherwise, there is no need to do anything else; she could just go out for a walk and conquer the world.

Passing through Gyoncorde Plaza, Mandrell once again returned to Coral Hill, and along the way, Jack saw various Merfolk and Fish-Men of all kinds.

Whether it was sea fish or freshwater fish, and even some non-fish marine creatures, they all occasionally appear here. Though Jack looked more like a human, his large size and Mandrell accompanying him kept him out of trouble.

"Brother Mandrell, didn't you say that woman is the queen?"

"Yeah, any problem?"

"A queen's words should have the same effect as Lord Arceus and Mr. Kaido, right?"

"Um, Jack, although...it might be..it is more or less something like that, your analogy is quite inappropriate. Do you want to get scolded by Boss Shayna?"

"No, I just want to say, why is it that when the queen speaks, as subordinates, no one listens? Many of those who pass by are like this; their actions are completely different from the queen's request."

In Jack's view, the subjects to the king and the ordinary pirates of the Beasts Pirates to the captain are the same. If it were Kaido saying those words, it wouldn't be a speech but a command.

"Because Governor-General Kaido and Lord Arceus are strong, Jack. This is a cruel world, and without strength, everything is just talk. If she had absolute strength, then all of this would be quickly implemented, but she doesn't. Although I agree with some of her words, unfortunately, she is destined not to realize her dreams."


"Peace isn't something you can talk into existence. Hoping for peace from others is a sad thing. Your fist needs to be powerful enough to advocate for your ideals."

"If not, even if you convince them today, it's all talk. A blank piece of paper can't restrain this world of power."

The territory of pirates, the status of allied nations, to put it plainly, all of these are defended with strength. The World Government is no exception. Without military support, these Celestial Dragons would have died countless times over.

"Is strength really that important?"

"Of course, it is. We're almost there; don't speak carelessly later."

Rusalka's home was getting closer. Mandrell emphasized once again the things Jack should be mindful of.

"I understand, don't worry, Brother Mandrell."

"Umm, and by the way, smile a bit. Don't be so stiff. On second thought, don't smile. Keep the expression you had just now."

Looking at those sharp teeth, Mandrell thought it was better not to make him smile.

"Rusalka, are you home? I'm back!"

Familiar place, familiar words, familiar way of knocking on the door. The only difference was the door-opening time. Unlike last time, this time there was a response as soon as he finished knocking.

"Mandrell, you're back... who's this?"

Seeing the giant figure behind Mandrell, Rusalka was clearly dumbfounded.

"Orders from above. I was asked to bring this kid to learn some Fish-Man Karate and Fish-Man Jujutsu. Have you seen Hack recently?"

"No, but are you sure this is a kid?"

Even among Fish-Men, Jack's large size was rare. Though, she didn't linger on this issue for long. During this time, Jack also saw the situation inside Rusalka's room, where many things were in pairs.

If what Mandrell said was true, Rusalka has been single during this time, which implies that there has been quite a bit of progress between them.

Finally, Jack watched as Mandrell happily walked into the house, while he remained outside alone.

It's not that Rusalka didn't let him in, but he couldn't enter. This wasn't Onigashima, where houses were built with Kaido's size in mind, allowing even Giants to freely come and go.

Due to her reputation of being cursed, Rusalka has always been living alone, so the house was naturally built to her size. Even Mandrell, who was around two meters tall, had to bend down and turn sideways to enter.

So unless he tore down the door, Jack couldn't get in. In this situation, he chose to let Jack wait at the door, dealing with his matters first before making arrangements for him.

Thus, an odd scene appeared with a young, sturdy man sitting by himself at the door.

"Will he be fine?"

"It's all right. He's often alone. He's already used to it."

Jack outside didn't hear this remark; otherwise, he would have argued with Mandrell. He was used to a man being alone in a group of women, not used to being alone himself.

Meanwhile, in the sea outside, Kojiro was still waiting for the coating. On the other side of the Red Line, at Sabaody Archipelago, a group of pirates received a mission.

"Find this Fish-Man?"

"He's an escaped slave; your goal is to capture him and bring him back. Of course, for other Merfolk or Fish-Men, we'll purchase them at auction prices as well."

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