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The words of his confidant made him take back the expletives he was about to utter. Spandine has an influential background, so he couldn't afford to offend that guy. Looking at these nepotistic people in front of him, he had no choice but to endure this time.

And he decided to find them a place to sit around and do nothing from now on.

What he hated most were these kinds of nepotistic people. When there's credit to be claimed, he gets little credit, but when things go wrong, it's certain that these people will be nowhere to be found to shoulder the blame.

"This wouldn't have a big impact, would it?"

"Not much. In fact, the Science Unit discovered the situation, and it was later passed on to us."

"Vegapunk's place?"

"That's right."

"Okay, I understand. You may return to your work and quickly transfer all of the work that this guy is responsible for to me. If this delays an important matter, it will be disastrous. Remember, do not assign this kind of work to people who are only here because of their connections. I do not know where this bookworm came from."

After all these people were dealt with, and the new intelligence was summarized and sent up, he took out a small Den Den Mushi.

"Sir, it's me. Do you remember me? I have a little problem here."

Being able to reach his position, he definitely has some ability, but he is a chief, not a front-line agent. Therefore, in addition to ability, obedience and interpersonal relationships are also important.

Spandine could push his useless son into the position of CP9's chief. In the end, it was because both Spandine and his son Spandam were obedient to higher-ups; they carry out all the tasks given from above.

Although creatures like Gyarados haven't become as common as Magikarp yet, they have still caused some impact. Originally, they thought it was just an ordinary sea beast, but now it clearly appears to be a specially modified creature.

Now in Gyarados' file, a label suggesting 'Queen's Experiment' had been added. Putting modified creatures into the sea was not uncommon; even Vegapunk had done such things.

Outside a research institute in the New World, a cargo ship was transporting two water tanks. Inside were sleeping Gyarados. It took them a lot of effort and some casualties to capture them.

"Why do we have to catch such monsters?"

"Don't ask what you shouldn't. This has nothing to do with us."

There were two reasons for capturing Gyarados. One was that Vegapunk wanted to see if Queen, his former colleague, was truly this talented, capable of accomplishing such feats.

On the other hand, he recently had an idea for a mecha sea beast legion.

Vegapunk has many ideas running through his mind, and he often implements them as they come. Although he is currently under the control of the World Government, there is a reason for that as he wanted to use their funds. After all, scientific research was a massive expense.

Queen, Acier, and Nightin spend a considerable amount of money each year on similar research projects.

Feeling that his time was not enough, Vegapunk even created clones of himself to conduct research together.

He has limited achievements with the mecha sea beast legion, so a magical creature like Gyarados naturally piqued his interest.

Moreover, there was still no definitive conclusion about the relationship between Gyarados and Magikarp. Few people have witnessed the scene of Magikarp evolving, and even those who have seen it could not preserve evidence due to shock.

If one were to pinpoint a person with the most extensive research on evolution, it would be Nico Robin at this time. Only those affiliated with the Beasts Pirates have the opportunity to closely observe evolution. However, even if they had observed it, they cannot comprehend the origin of this power.

No one could have imagined that the inconspicuous Magikarp could transform into that creature after evolution.

Meanwhile, when Tiger returned to Fishman Island, the Fish-Man District was not calm.

Unlike Rusalka, who had early speculations, and unlike Mandrell's friends' shock, some people simply couldn't accept Mandrell's identity, such as Arlong.

Being defeated by a Fish-Man, he didn't say anything. Tiger, Jinbe, and many Fish-Men could achieve this. However, being defeated underwater by a human dealt a blow to his pride.

"How can a human breathe underwater? How can a human do such a thing?! This is impossible!"

"Bo-Boss Arlong, stop! What are you trying to do?!"

Watching Arlong suddenly pick up his weapon and about to leave, several of his subordinates hurriedly held him back.

"Let go, don't stop me!"

"It won't work, Boss Arlong, you're not his match!"

Hearing this, Arlong's anger seemed to grow even more. But at this moment, a voice made him calm down.

"Arlong, what are you doing? After so many years, why are you still so short-tempered?"

"Big...Big Bro?!"

Tiger holds a transcendent status in the Fish-Man District, and most Fish-Men born in the district deeply respect him. Moreover, Tiger is essentially the only person whose orders Arlong would follow.

"Ah, how have you all been these years? And where is Jinbe?"

"I've been well. Jinbe became the leader of the royal army. Big Bro, where have you been all these years? Why was there no news?"

"I had some personal matters, and then just experiencing the world, you could say."

He didn't want to mention his life as a slave at all. If possible, he would never mention those years of his life.

"Why are you still so short-tempered? What happened?"

"Big Bro, it's like this."

Looking at the newspaper in his hand and Arlong's explanation, Tiger seemed to understand what had happened.

"You mean he was red before?"

"Yeah, and he looked a bit like you, big bro."

"I see. Arlong, let's just forget about this."

He knew better than anyone why World Government ships would appear here. It can be said that Mandrell got involved because of him, and although he hated Celestial Dragons, he didn't extend that resentment to all of humanity.

"Okay, since you say so, big bro, let's just forget about it."

Arlong didn't even ask why. To be honest, his feelings towards Mandrell were strange. Mandrell's actions in recent years had helped many Fish-Men, so he found it hard to accept Mandrell's identity when he learned about it.

So when Tiger requested, he naturally agreed.

"All right, go do whatever you were doing. I'm going to meet King Neptune."

"Understood, big bro. I'll inform the others. Your return is a big event."

Meanwhile, inside the Ryugu Palace, Neptune was looking at the business deal Kojiro proposed. He didn't care much about Kojiro wanting to open a department store on Fishman Island; he had agreed directly when Kojiro suggested it.

However, when faced with Kojiro's proposal for mining and the substantial arms deal he presented, he hesitated.

"What's wrong, King Neptune? You are the king of a nation, and you should know the importance of weapons. Forgive me for being blunt, but the weapon quality of Fishman Island is too poor. Upgrading them could at least enhance your ability to protect your citizens."

Chapter 398 Gyarados under research and Tiger returns

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