Muk Treatment and Beasts Fruits' new plan

Some Plates actually have certain extended types. For example, the Iron Plate not only refers to steel but also includes a large variety of metallic minerals.

Flame Plate also doesn't only refer to fire.

High temperature, magma, and other fire type attacks are all included. However, in reality, there are some hybrid-type attacks, such as magma possessing both fire and rock characteristics.

To completely be immune against such attacks, you probably need two Plates.

The refined Amber Lead ore falls under the control range of the Iron Plate. So, the Amber Lead ingots followed them out of here as if they were floating. As for the surrounding barbed wires, it was as if they didn't exist.

Now, only three people survived from the entire Flevance— the nun and the girl discovered and taken away by Yamato, and Law, who managed to escape across the border by hiding among the scorched corpses.

Yamato and others arrived here at the last moment, and at that time, Law had already experienced despair. Clinging to principles that he could trust no one, he fled from the vicinity of the hospital, determined to live on for revenge, which was his only belief at the moment.

Genesis ship set sail on a new journey, but this time, its destination was not Onigashima but the East Blue. Having witnessed the harsh realities of the human world, Arceus intends to bring them somewhere else to change their mood.

Because the entire world is not so cruel, beauty still exists. His purpose is to prevent Yamato from being too naive, not to make her negative and pessimistic. Therefore, a treasure hunt before returning home became her additional pastime.

However, sinking into depression due to such matters is not Yamato's nature. She never gets trapped in the memories of the past and was currently concerned about the doctor's rescue efforts.

"How is it?"

"Miss Yamato, we have removed the bullets from that woman's body, and their vital signs are currently stable. However, there is nothing we can do about the heavy metal poisoning."

Amber Lead poisoning is not conventional poisoning. The reason for their poisoning is not the destruction of cell structures by poisons but the presence of this substance throughout their body. Even fetuses get infected due to the mother's body.

Conventional methods are ineffective because antidotes cannot work in this situation. Their current methods can temporarily stabilize the lives of the two, but there is nothing else they can do.

Currently, each named flagship of the Beasts Pirates has a complete set of medical equipment. The ship doctors also receive training at the Beasts Pirates Pokémon Center when not sailing.

The accompanying doctors on the Genesis ship are top-notch surgeons, capable of most surgeries. However, even so, they are helpless against the Amber Lead that is dispersed throughout the body.

"What will happen if it isn't treated?"

"They will die. That woman can probably last for a year, and the girl, at most, a month."

This is considering conventional methods. For people in the one piece world, Amber Lead Syndrome is incurable unless Op-Op Fruit or a fruit with similar ability that can remove it is found.

However, this ship has abilities far beyond the world's understanding. It's not Diancie, even though Diancie has a method to extract Amber Lead, the prerequisite is that Amber Lead must be in a gaseous state. In that case, these two people would have to be burned to ashes first.

So, Arceus prepared a very special treatment for them - Muk treatment method. He had already anticipated that Yamato would request this, so he devised this method.

Muk has a unique characteristic: immunity to all poisons. Whatever toxic substance they ingest becomes a part of their body, whether it's neurotoxin, protein toxins, toxic metals, or anything else, it's all the same to them.

In addition, because these Muk are Alolan Muk, they are less likely to smell. However, the treatment process is not very aesthetically pleasing. It is equivalent to having the two people be wrapped in Muk for a period of time, waiting for it to slowly absorb the Amber Lead from their bodies.

If it were Yamato who was poisoned, Arceus would probably take action himself. Even if a member of the Beast Pirates encountered trouble in a battle, he could step in. However, since these two were unrelated to him, he has no reason to do so.

Providing two Muk medics is already out of respect for Yamato.

Throughout this process, they can basically only survive on nutrient fluids. To prevent them from experiencing physical discomfort, a potent sedative was also being used.

Anyone waking up to find themselves in a pool of moving mud would likely find it mentally challenging.

"Dad, why am I not allowed to watch?"

"The sight is not very pleasant; it's not suitable for you right now. Go and study that treasure map with Robin instead."

Yamato was persuaded by this reason. Yamato would still listen to him when he had explicitly forbidden something, otherwise she would very likely lose a protector when Kaido was training.

Rescuing those two people is partly for Yamato's personal well-being and partly because Arceus plans to do something with the help of Beasts Fruits.

The incident in Flevance was covered up with the excuse of a contagious disease. Arceus' aim is to break through this facade. Beneath Beasts Fruits lies the pharmaceutical industry, and Amber Lead presents a perfect opportunity, a chance to target wealthy individuals.

The wealthier people are, the more they value their lives. Enjoying the beauty of the world, they are reluctant to part with it all. So, Arceus intends to instill a sense of crisis in them - that they too have been infected with Amber Lead Syndrome.

Because Amber Lead exists as a luxury item, its price is high, and ordinary people cannot afford it. Many nobles from various kingdoms used Amber Lead as a symbol of status.

As long as this matter is made clear, informing them that it is not a contagious disease but metal poisoning, they are bound to experience a sense of danger.

Although using Amber Lead is harmless, they don't know that. Only the royal family of Flevance and the World Government are aware of the details. To better sell them, other kingdom's royals are also unaware of the specifics.

After all, anyone using a poisonous substance will need to think twice. Pufferfish is poisonous, so even if it's said to be delicious, many people hesitate to try it as no one knows if they'll be the unlucky one.

Facing the dreadful impact of Amber Lead Syndrome leading to extinction of a nation, even if the World Government is willing to explain the truth, they may not believe it. However, at this moment, a renowned doctor appears, having spent several years researching and finding a way to treat Amber Lead Syndrome, developing an effective medicine.

Moreover, a patient with Amber Lead Syndrome successfully self-recovers under his treatment. Facing this situation, the royal families and nobles naturally would be willing to spend a considerable amount of money.

The medical company under Beasts Fruits will also gain significant fame. This is the most powerful advertisement for the subsequent sales of some drugs.

Those Berry medicines are genuinely ethical medicine. Once used, one would know how effective they are, even if they are a bit expensive. At that time, Beasts Fruits can once again establish a pillar industry.

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