Missing Yamato

"Brother Katakuri."

"Don't worry, I'll explain it to Mama, and once she sees that guy's body, her anger will probably subside considerably."

Katakuri touched his neck. The burn medicine produced by the Beasts Pirates was very effective; although he hadn't fully recovered, he no longer felt the burning sensation.

"Opera, after we return, arrange for the buying of a batch of this medicine. The kitchen chefs could use it."

"Understood, Brother Katakuri."

Katakuri's words held great influence among his siblings. Even Perospero, who was older than him, had to consider his opinions. After all, he was the strongest member of the Big Mom Pirates, excluding Charlotte Linlin.

Moreover, due to Charlotte Linlin's occasionally irrational behavior as she grew older, many of the Big Mom Pirates' affairs were managed by Katakuri as the second in command. Additionally, he had always tried his best to protect his younger siblings, earning him high respect within the Big Mom Pirates.

The purchase of burn medicine was also due to the situation of the Big Mom Pirates. Their ovens worked almost non-stop for twenty-four hours, and injuries to chefs in the kitchen were inevitable.

For chefs, their hands were their second lives. Even minor wounds could affect their sense of touch, leading to changes in the taste of the food.

This matter is not a big issue elsewhere, but on Whole Cake Island, it becomes a significant crisis during Charlotte Linlin's craving-induced rampages. Hence, this medicine had strategic value.

After all, 95% of the damage to Whole Cake Island was caused by Charlotte Linlin's own issues.

Moreover, Katakuri also couldn't leave immediately. Charlotte Linlin is different from Whitebeard, he had to bring back some photos as evidence.

However, on the small island, a peculiar incident occurred. The Lone Hero died, betrayed by his subordinates.

Through a telescope on the island, they witnessed the battle on the beach. Even Marco, the first to retreat, showed monstrous combat strength.

The fight between monsters wasn't frightening. What was frightening was that these monsters were fighting to decide who would kill them.

News Coo hadn't blacklisted this group of lone heroes, so they also saw Morgans' news report.

Initially, they had some courage, but as the situation escalated, their spirits were crushed.

There was no way they could fight against these monsters. In order to appease their anger, this group chose betrayal, hoping to exchange their captain's head for their own survival.

So, while Shayna and Katakuri dueled, a fight broke out between these people. In the end, with more than half casualties, they killed the captain and his loyalists.

However, their efforts were in vain. Since they also participated in those events, there was no possibility of forgiveness.

After concluding everything, they prepared to return to Onigashima. Katakuri, after gathering evidence, also prepared to return to Totto Land.

However, shortly after leaving that island, Shayna encountered new trouble.

"Boss, they're World Government agents."

Looking at the cross-shaped flag on the sail, the lookout quickly made a judgment. Meanwhile, they immediately launched an attack on Shayna's ship.

Three Emperors of the Sea unexpectedly began to besiege an ordinary rookie, making the World Government feel that something was amiss. However, they hadn't had the chance to land before Marco, Katakuri, and Shayna's forces surrounded the island.

Although their relationship wasn't particularly harmonious, facing World Government agents, these pirates would probably temporarily join forces.

They weren't confident in facing the three ships. So, they silently observed from a distance, awaiting the outcome of their battle and eventually catching up with Shayna, the victor.

"Boss, that ship is suspicious. They're very fast; our ship can't shake them off!"

"Prepare to face the enemy."

Shayna flicked her wrist and took out a withered yellow herb from her pocket, then directly stuffed it into her mouth.

"Really bitter."

The bitterness made her feel a bit uncomfortable, but what followed was a restoration of strength. A Pokémon's fainting state isn't actual death; it's just exhaustion of stamina. Revival Herb is a powerful recovery medicine. not a miraculous resurrection item.

Under its effect, Shayna's stamina quickly recovered, reaching ninety percent by the time the pursuing ship caught up.

This destroyed the agents' plan. They assumed Shayna had gone through two battles in a row and came to take advantage of the situation. However, they didn't expect to run into a wall again.

Facing Shayna, who had recovered her strength and mastered Mega Evolution, these people were no match. Soon, another sunken ship was added to the sea.

This incident came to a close, and the bookmakers running the gambling house made a fortune due to this incident.

Gamblers betted on who would be the one to take care of this group. Those who betted on the team were fortunate since they ultimately died at the hands of the Beasts Pirates. However, many people had placed separate bets on the fate of the Lone Hero.

No one anticipated that the lone heroes would turn against each other, resulting in everyone losing their bets, causing a clean sweep for the house.

On Onigashima, the departure of a large number of personnel left the place considerably empty. Additionally, with Yamato also gone, the training ground that used to be noisy every day became much quieter.

"Big Brother Jack still hasn't returned."

"Pay-tan, I told you not to call that p*rvert big brother, and isn't it better if he doesn't come back?"

"But Sis, yesterday you were also wondering why Sister Yamato and the others haven't returned yet."'

"Don't call her Sister! You only have me as a Sister!"

Big brother is fine, but when she heard Page One calling someone else "sister," she got even more furious. She hugged Page One in her arms and rubbed his head non-stop, starting to repeatedly instill this thought in him.

"Worororo, quite lively, huh? Come on, the new training is about to begin."

A somewhat terrifying voice appeared behind them, causing even Ulti to shiver.

She was indeed missing Yamato and the others a bit. Although she won't admit it openly, they have become somewhat like ordinary playmates. However, Ulti was missing Yamato not for that reason.

It was because of Kaido.

When Yamato and the others were around, Kaido's focus wasn't on her and Page One. However, with Yamato and the others gone, Shayna's absence, and Kaido having nothing to do, he set his sights on the two of them, starting his special physical training.

"N-no, I have other things to do with Pay-tan."

"Hmm? That won't do."

Then Ulti realized she was already off the ground. Kaido had lifted both her and Page One with one hand each. At this moment, she couldn't help but miss Yamato, who could share Kaido's attention.

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