Insufficient Authority and Plan Commences

"Mr. Tesoro, where are we?"

"This is our real headquarters. Don't speak recklessly. I'm also taking a risk by bringing you here."

It might be a bit exaggerated, but it was in line with the truth. These are the people he personally recruited.

Within the Beasts Pirates, there are not many people skilled in business management. Therefore, Arceus delegated this to Tesoro, allowing him to recruit personnel on his own. It is not possible for him to manage the entire company alone.

Over the years, he had also gradually recruited some people with some management skills, but Baccarat is the first person he brought to Onigashima, mainly because of her unique ability.

Beasts Pirates never refuse people with talent unless they are traitors.

"Alright, I'll be careful."

"No need to be so nervous. It's not that serious, and there are plenty of kids here. Just don't use your ability here."

Baccarat's ability is difficult to control, even for her. She can only decide whether to bring good luck or bad luck, but everything else is up to fate. If someone's luck is exceptionally good, even her Devil Fruit ability may not have any effect.

The environment outside Wano Country seemed somewhat eerie under the cover of night. Occasionally, massive figures would flash in the water. As the waterfall of Mogura Port opened, Tesoro, accompanied by Baccarat, arrived at the entrance of Hakumai.

"Baccarat, stop looking around. Let's go."

"Oh, coming."

Tesoro slung his backpack and walked out. It had become a habit for him to bring some gifts when coming to Onigashima.

These gifts were for children like Yamato or officers like Queen.

As long as he handles things well, Arceus wouldn't mistreat him no matter what he did. However, it is very important for him to handle relationships with the people below.

"Oh, you're here."

"Yeah, Lord Arceus' orders."

"Go in; Lord Arceus is still in the office."

For instance, these people on the road who greeted him.

"Rottom, unknown identity, entry not allowed, please halt, Rottom."

However, his ID card did not include Baccarat's identity, so while he could enter, Baccarat was stopped by Rotom.

"She's someone I just recruited. Can't she enter?"

"Insufficient authority, Rottom, please acquire ID card first, Rottom."

Rotom's work in this regard was very procedural. Tesoro wasn't often in Onigashima, so his authority was limited.

Just as he was feeling at a loss, Queen walked over, holding a thick stack of papers. Faint dark circles could be seen around his sunglasses.

This is the research paper he stayed up late recently to revise. After several modifications, it has finally been finished. He had just taken them to the Beasts Pirates' Pokémon Center.

These doctors, who were hired by the Beasts Pirates at a high price, are also considered famous in the world; having them review the reports had some reference value.

After several rounds of corrections, Queen managed to resolve some loopholes.

He even had some scholars from Ohara review it. Some of them specialized in ancient medicine and minerals, and many had published research paper with the World Government. They helped further polish the research paper while making revisions.

And this was his final revision. The doctors at the Pokémon Center couldn't find any issues this time, so he came to report to Arceus.

"Tesoro? You're here this early? Why aren't you going in?"

"Brother Queen, this is the new kid I brought over. But my authority isn't enough."

"So, you've learned this too? You've adapted quite quickly. Come with me! Rotom, this girl is an exception; let her in."

As an All-Star, Queen had the authority to make decisions on such matters. At Queen's request, the electronic door Rotom opened the gate.

"Little girl, don't run around since you don't have any permissions. If you wander around, be careful not to get electrocuted. Muhahaha."

"Brother Queen, don't scare her. I brought you plenty of specialty cigars from Tikken Kingdom."

"Thanks, but I'm not joking. People without permissions should better not wander around."

Getting electrocuted was undoubtedly an exaggeration, but if any alarm was triggered, punishment was certain.

Inside the top-floor office, Baccarat saw the many unscientific creatures for the first time. While the earlier Rotom could still be considered a unique intelligent machine, Swampert and Manaphy were different.

"Lord Arceus, this is a child I adopted, a Paramecia-type Luck-Luck Fruit user. She's helped me a lot and is reliable."

"As long as you trust her. Yamato, take her and Manaphy out to play. Also, get her a temporary ID card while you're at it."

"Sure, Dad, leave it to me."

When there was important business, she would obediently leave. As the door closed behind her, discussions about the plan's implementation began in the room.

"Lord Arceus, here are the relevant documents and treatment reports. Everything is ready, and the nun has also been notified."

Queen handed over the relevant items; the preparations had basically been completed during this time.

"Tesoro, what about your side?"

"The plan has already started. We can begin once the news spreads."

"Very well. Then, pass the information to Morgans. You've worked hard; go take care of these matters first."

"Understood! You've given me and Stella a new lease on life. A little effort is nothing."

Saying that, Tesoro glanced at his watch.

"It should have already started on Stella's side."

The news needed a spark to set it off. They didn't plan to rely entirely on Morgans' newspaper but intended to start from the women's circle.

At this time, on an island near the Red Line, a salon for upper-class women had already begun. Stella, having discarded her former slave identity, appeared in the public eye as a rising star.

"Miss Stella, watch your steps."

A big-headed man resembling a Pokonyan walked in front of Stella. She and Tesoro share absolute trust and won't harbor suspicions due to the other's interpersonal relationships. This person is Tanaka, another subordinate of Tesoro who also doubles as Stella's bodyguard.

Paramecia-type Through-Through Fruit user, able to pass through all non-living objects and take others with him; very suitable for this environment.

In addition, Persian was also with Stella. Almost all the women present had a cat with them as this was the theme of this salon. Soon, Stella found several acquaintances.

Looking at the Amber Lead wine glass in her hand and the Amber Lead-made tableware on the table, she was ready to act according to the plan.

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