Real Immersive Virtual Reality

Logically speaking, being hit by a club or blasted with a Breath Blast would be a normal occurrence. If his mood was good, it might even be a baptism of Conqueror's Haki or a long-distance attack of Armament Haki, and Yamato wouldn't find any of these things strange.

However, Kaido did nothing, and this was something she couldn't accept.

Because, according to her understanding, Kaido would never do such a thing. It would be more likely that everyone else would have a day off while she stayed in class by herself. How could she possibly have a day off by herself?

"Today is not my birthday. No one is going out on a trip, and Instructor also hasn't mentioned that there is a new course."

Yamato's unique trait: When facing Kaido, her intelligence briefly maxes out, and she will not miss any details.

At this moment, she was recalling the details, but she didn't discover anything. This made her more nervous, and this nervousness persisted until noon. When Maria and the others started their lunch break, she remained vigilant, watching her surroundings.

"Hey, do you have to hold your No. 5 even when you're eating?"

"It's not No. 5; it's Takeru No. 6."

Facing Ulti's questioning, she first corrected the issue of the kanabo's number. Takeru 5.0 didn't meet a violent end; it just became unsuitable for Yamato as she grew. It was the second kanabo to retire successfully after No. 1.

As for No. 6, which inherited the will of No. 5, it was increased in size and weight.

"I have a very bad feeling right now. Father is definitely not going to sit idly by and do nothing."

"Yeah, that p*rvert is definitely not a normal person."

It was rare that Ulti didn't argue with her and reached a consensus on Kaido being a p*rvert.

Being under huge pressure, even her appetite was affected; only eating food equivalent to the portion for five adults.

"Yamato? Why are you so on edge?"

"Dad, you don't know. Father actually gave me a day off today. That's too abnormal; he must be scheming something."

It wasn't until Arceus appeared that her nervousness eased, but she still remained vigilant, releasing her Observation Haki at full strength, trying to detect Kaido's aura who might appear at any moment.

However, it was of no use; her Haki was far inferior to Kaido's. Every time Kaido would use a much stronger Haki to evade Yamato's perception and then launch a sudden attack.

"I know, I was the one who told him to tell you about your day off. I went to prepare something and didn't have time. Didn't he tell you?"

He has prepared a special trial for Yamato, and because it was quite exacting, he couldn't spare the time, so he had Kaido relay the message to Yamato.

Kaido did relay Arceus' words, but only half of it, ultimately leading to Yamato needlessly being nervous all morning.

Needless to say, Kaido did it on purpose. He was well aware of Yamato being very cautious of him, so he directly took advantage of this, giving an unusual answer and giving no reminder afterward, ultimately leading to this result.

"What the heck? So I wasted my day off for nothing?"

Holiday time is always short, especially when one has wasted it themselves; the pain is hard to describe.

In terms of mindset, she probably would never surpass Kaido in her lifetime, but Arceus didn't give her time to continue thinking.

"Stop thinking about it; come with me. This is a course specially prepared for you."

For Yamato, this statement was not delightful. Courses and training had entirely different concepts for her, and she had no interest in that so-called course.

"Dad, I think it's better for Father to give me some extra training. Let's forget about the class..."

"Rest assured, this time will definitely be more fun for you than a class, but you better be mentally prepared. After all, your father and I made a deal."


"If you succeed this time, the rest of the year will be a holiday for you. But if you fail, get ready for his hellish training."

There isn't much time left in the year, but this agreement has sparked her interest. Faced with the prospect of a holiday, she selectively ignored the words 'Kaido's hellish training' and happily followed Arceus.

As for Arceus and Kaido making an agreement using her future, she did not voice any objections. She had become somewhat accustomed to this dictatorship.

Led by Arceus, she reached the summit of Mt. Fuji. This place is the highest point in Wano Country. On ordinary days, the summit of Mt. Fuji is hidden in clouds and mist, making it impossible for the outside world to see what's up there. Even Yamato has climbed to the summit of Mt. Fuji for the first time.

"Dad, why are we here?"

In her Okuchi no Makami form, she is not afraid of the cold. The freezing temperature here was no different from room temperature for her.

"Because this is your new trial ground."

Following Arceus' gaze, she saw several plates. In the past, Arceus kept these plates inside his body. Unless creating a new Pokémon, they wouldn't appear outside.

But now, several plates were simply inserted into the snowy ground—three in the center and five surrounding them. All eight plates were now exposed outside.

"Your Okuchi no Makami is only a part of the power. I've told you before; it's just a vessel. Whether you can withstand the full power depends on you. After this trip, you should have some thoughts and feelings. Now, give it a try, stand in the middle."

Following Arceus's instructions, Yamato stood in the middle of the plate array and curiously poked one of the plates.

"Don't move randomly. Relax your mind. What you'll experience next is your own trial."

"Wait, Dad, tell me what the trial is!"

This time, she didn't get a response because the plates around her were already glowing. Thunder, flames, draconic power—these three forces directly transported her consciousness to a special space.

Simultaneously, the outer plates also activated, stabilizing the power that had fused the plates together.

This was the unknown trial that Yamato couldn't get an answer to—a test of her Ideals versus Truth.

Her consciousness was now in a unique space. In simple terms, her game had transitioned from dodgeball and battle royale to virtual reality.

Creating a Legendary Pokémon with complete powers is a massive undertaking, but nurturing the consciousness-level power is much simpler.

Ever since he had modified the Okuchi no Makami, he had been using the Draco Plate to nurture the consciousness of Zekrom and Reshiram. At this point, their consciousness was almost complete.

Due to the strength of Legendary Pokémon, their strength is not simply bestowed; it's a fusion akin to Tailed Beasts. Even if the energy is bestowed, they must be completely brought into the world in order to work, which is the test for Yamato.

If the conditions are right, Arceus will separate a part of their consciousness and let them establish a connection with Yamato first. If not, they will continue to wait.

When Yamato's consciousness opened her eyes, the surrounding environment had undergone a tremendous change.

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