Queen's ominous premonition and Tiger on the cliff

Who could resist a transforming robot? She liked cute things, no doubt, but she wouldn't refuse something as cool as this.

Germa 66's battle suits have gained a massive fan following in the North Blue due to the comic. So for Genesect, a mechanized Pokémon that can transform for real, it's even easier to attract fans.

"Sure, I'll prepare a smaller one for you in a few days."

The original purpose of Genesect was to guard certain islands, a war machine. Their role in the Beasts Pirates was like the pirate version of Pacifista, so their body size was slightly larger.

This size was suitable for the battlefield, but as playmates, it was too large. Since Yamato was interested, he could create a slightly smaller version in a while.

"Okay, but Dad, what are they planning to do?"

"Weapon testing. They should be with Queen now."

Genesect's flying speed was fast, and in no time, they arrived at the Udon region's Beasts Pirates shooting range for testing new weapons. Not far away was Queen's weapon laboratory. He naturally saw what the originally manufactured robots had transformed into.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Genesect's attacks precisely hit the targets, turning the places where the targets were initially placed into three large craters.

The cannon, enhanced by Arceus, became extremely powerful. However, for some reason, Queen didn't feel any happiness.

The numbers on Genesect's chest were very obvious. Although he didn't know what GT meant, he understood something. The modern weapons of Genesect, coupled with the number on chest, was telling others that these were mass-produced machines.

The appearance of the insect-shaped robot is bound to create misunderstandings, coupled with the energy cannon similar to the Lineage Factor, Queen has a premonition that his bounty will inevitably increase again.

Looking at Genesect's weapons, Queen entertained some ideas. Since the prototypes of those cannons were weapons he created, he believed that the weapons in his body could also be modified. He felt it necessary to apply for a second modification by Arceus.

For example, upgrading the weapons inside him. To deal with a potential crisis, he thought it was a necessary thing to do.

Afterwards, Genesect went through a series of tests. After and after organizing the collected data, Genesect left. These data, combined with the blueprints in his room, could easily lead to misunderstandings by outsiders.

This time, Tesoro didn't stay on Onigashima for too long this time; he quickly set off for Fishman Island with prepared supplies and the Pokémon.

Establishing a mining company and switching with Kojiro was his mission this time. If Jack had learned enough, he would return to Onigashima with Kojiro.

Sailing is a tedious and long process. The route from Wano Country to Sabaody Archipelago was frequently sailed by the Beasts Pirates, and many had grown tired of the scenery along the way.

Moreover, the trip this time was easier than before. Manaphy swimming in the sea spared them from the harassment of sea beasts. Some ordinary sea creatures, under Manaphy's control, danced around the ship, adding a different kind of fun to the journey.

Beasts Pirates continued to look for the traces of plates, as usual, in their search across the sea. Different situations were happening worldwide.

For example, after making a name for themselves near Flevance, the Revolutionary Army gained a large number of followers. With these people as the foundation, Dragon began developing the Revolutionary Army in the Four Seas; entering the Grand Line was still too difficult for them.

Meanwhile, Bartholomew Kuma returned to the Sorbet Kingdom due to some trivial matters, and Dragon's friend, Queen Emporio Ivankov of the Kamabakka Kingdom, also joined the Revolutionary Army.

Although the Revolutionary Army has not entered the Grand Line yet, the Kamabakka Kingdom has provided them with a foothold because it is located on Grand Line's Momoiro Island. However, many people are unwilling to set foot on this island.

Not because the island's environment is treacherous, instead it is because the residents on it are peculiar. Kamabakka Kingdom, known as Okama kingdom, is a nightmare for some.

Meanwhile, in the North Blue, although the Donquixote Family would occasionally be pursued by Tsuru, Law still proved his worth. He, along with Baby 5 and Buffalo, robbed a wealthy merchant at their new base, securing the medicine he needed.

Several months of taking the medicine made him realize one thing: this medicine was not a cure for Amber Lead Syndrome. Although it enhanced a person's resistance, with this medicine, he could probably endure a few more months, but it was by no means a permanent cure.

Moreover, many doubts surfaced in his mind. He really wanted to confront the nun and get some clear answers, but there is currently no opportunity to do so.

Meanwhile, on the Red Line, a major event was unfolding.

Red Line under the dark night seemed extremely quiet. Although Bondola in Red Port was still in business, in the shadows far away, Fisher Tiger was climbing with all his might.

There isn't much vigilance around the Red Line; the World Government couldn't possibly build fences or install watchtowers around the entire Red Line. Moreover, they don't believe anyone can climb the Red Line, given its height that has deterred countless individuals.

However, tonight, something abnormal was happening. The climber had no safety devices in his hands, and he was climbing the Red Line with his bare hands.

The massive cliff had some protrusions, allowing him to find some footholds. However, many of these rocks had weathered due to exposure to wind and sun. Suddenly, he was careless and a stone beneath his foot shattered, and due to losing balance, he found himself hanging on the cliff with just one hand.

On his exposed chest, you could see the sun-shaped mark.

Originally, there was the Hoof of the Soaring Dragon mark, the symbol of the Celestial Dragons. It was also the most humiliating thing for Tiger, so he covered up the original mark with this pattern shortly after he escaped.

Although the Hoof of the Soaring Dragon mark was just a tattoo, it contained some kind of solution that couldn't be removed by ordinary means. So, they could only cover it up, and this was also the most puzzling behavior of the Boa sisters in the original timeline.

Compared to the emotional trauma, the pain of the mark was nothing. Yet, after several years, they still chose not to use the Kuja's symbol to cover it.

Tiger, hanging on the cliff with one hand, desperately searched for a new foothold. Unexpectedly, he encountered a pleasant surprise - he actually found a cave in the cliff.

Although the inside had collapsed and sealed off, the remaining space was enough for him to take a temporary rest. This is precisely the trace left by the Onix from earlier.

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