Where did the money go?

Several years ago, Fish-Man District wasn't known by this name. It was the public orphanage where orphans from Fishman Island once lived. However, after things went out of control there, most of the Merfolk left because the scum of Fishman Island had gathered there.

Including those Fish-Men who trafficked their own kind. Although Fish-Men are priced higher than humans in the slave market, they were vastly different from Merfolk.

In the eyes of humans, Arlong wasn't considered a good person; he was even seen as a villain. The influence of racial prejudice on him was significant, and under Tiger's influence, he wavered slightly. However, Tiger's death shattered any possibility of change.

Tiger is a belief in the hearts of many Fish-Men, especially those who grew up in Fish-Man District like Arlong. Although Jinbe was powerful as well, he could only suppress Arlong using force, unable to make him truly submit.

However, when it comes to his own kind, Arlong had no issues. Despite being very greedy, he never engaged in selling his fellow Fish-Men.

The relationship between the siblings wasn't exactly harmonious because Arlong and Shyarly had different beliefs. However, it couldn't be denied that when Shyarly was abandoned in Fish-Man District, she did rely on Arlong.

Apart from Tiger and Jinbe, most of the people in Fish-Man District followed Arlong's lead. On Fishman Island, Fish-Man District was a lawless place, and in such circumstances, seeking the authorities was less efficient than finding the local boss.

If they laid hands on Shyarly, Arlong could quickly track them down.

"Mandrell, we're back."

"Umm, I have some business to attend to. Do you want to come with me?"

The year 1507 was special for Mandrell, as Rusalka had recently celebrated her 30th birthday. For female Merfolk, the age of 30 was known as the Tail Splitting Day. On this day, they gained the ability to split their tails.

The process wasn't like magic, where the tail transforms into legs after a burst of light. Instead, it splits open in the middle, with the legs not much different from each other, and the feet still located in a similar position to the tail fins.

However, Merfolk can then step onto land by using the cover of skirts and shoes.

Meanwhile, Mandrell's business was related to the planning of the new base. That's why he has been short of money lately and Kojiro lent him a considerable amount before leaving.

Being a veteran of the Beasts Pirates and one of the first ordinary members to receive ability from Arceus, it wasn't that he lacked money; he had ample money. Unlike other pirates, he always had thoughts of a smooth retirement.

That's why he had savings, but they were now almost depleted, mainly due to investing in an island.

Originally, the Beasts Pirates' stronghold in the New World was mainly for military purposes. However, there was not only one island there. In addition to the main island, there were also other small islands in the vicinity.

Those islands had previously served as a shooting range and warehouse, but to improve his lifestyle, Mandrell transformed the largest one nearby, opting to purchase an island instead of a new house.

Moreover, he converted the uninhabited island into a residential area suitable for both land and water living. With this significant investment, his savings naturally depleted, and even his burial funds had been thrown into it.

He originally had a second option. Following Otohime's approach, if he had conveyed that the purpose of the island was to live with the Merfolk, the Ryugu Kingdom would not have minded investing. However, he chose not to do so.

The place was defined as his private residence, and involving others in investment would change its nature.

The infrastructure capability in this world is quite robust. Now the island has been almost completely transformed, with basic water and electricity facilities in place. It's ready for occupancy at any time.

Genesect had reached their designated location, and one of them had been assigned to guard the island. Mandrell needs to go back and make proper arrangements.

It's only a two-day journey from Fishman Island. If he pushes himself, he can return in half a day. As for why he's taking Rusalka with him, in his view, the island he's stationed at may have some risks, but it's undoubtedly much safer than Fishman Island.

"But, Shyarly…."

"It's fine. She can come too. I'm not comfortable leaving you here. While it's land over there, it's still my territory, and no one dares to cause trouble."

The initial momentum of the Emperor of the Sea has passed, and now many people on the seas have come to understand a truth: those who can be called the Emperor of the Sea are not stepping stones for others; they are insurmountable mountains.

As a result, unexpected situations in the emperors' territories were becoming rarer, especially after what happened to the Lone Hero. It made it clear to them that challenging the great pirate's dignity will lead to consequences they can't bear.

"Brother Mandrell, your journey this time might not be smooth."

Although it's not very timely, Shyarly, looking at the scene in the crystal ball, spoke about what she saw. Her divination accuracy is extremely high, and it's useful to take a look as a reference before going out.

"Not smooth?"

"Although the outcome will be fine, you might not be too happy."

After some thought, Shyarly revealed everything that she had seen.

"It's okay, Shyarly. Don't worry too much about divination. Our principle is not to believe in fate. If you're not satisfied with the predicted future, what you need to do is change it, and not anxiously wait for it to happen."

Beasts Pirates' principle is never to believe in the elusive concept of fate. It's one of the philosophies Kaido follows, and trying to make members of the Beasts Pirates give up certain ideas through prophecies is impossible.

Although Shyarly's divination has a high success rate, there's a weird problem. Perhaps because she tells the prophecy, those who hear it want to change the result, ultimately leading to the prophecy's fulfillment.

Or maybe, by not saying anything, everything follows the original trajectory, resulting in the fulfillment of the prophecy.

In the end, Mandrell still wanted to take Rusalka to his new home. Even if the divination is true, it will only make him less happy. After the incident last time, he was becoming less trusting of the security environment on Fishman Island.

Merfolk have one convenience—they don't need to wait for ships. They can swim directly in the predetermined direction.

Under the sea surface, Mandrell transformed into Gyarados, swimming towards the island. Rusalka kept pace with him. If it weren't for the Eternal Pose in Mandrell's hands and Rusalka hadn't been to the island yet, she could even take the lead. Merfolk's speed is not inferior to Gyarados.

But when it comes to endurance, she can't compare. After swimming for a while, Mandrell let both of them ride on his back.

As nightfall approached, Mandrell returned with Rusalka and Shyarly to his territory. This marked the first time the two Merfolk set foot on land.

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