Order spanning a thousand years


"Dad, are you tired?"

Hearing Arceus' muttering, Yamato looked at Arceus in confusion. It was the first time she had heard this word from Arceus. As long as she could remember, Arceus had never mentioned anything about fatigue.

"No, I just heard an unusual voice."

"But nobody spoke. Did anyone say something?"

Yamato asked the others behind her, but all of them denied, even the Alcremie in her arms gave a negative answer.

"Dad, you must be hearing things. Who would be talking in the sky so high up?"


"No, Dad, I think I heard something too. Someone is shouting for help?"

Yamato felt that she heard a cry for help in the distance, and the voice was very familiar.

"Right now, you still can't hear that voice, but you indeed didn't mishear the call for help. Look down to the lower left."

Yamato looked as instructed and saw two figures falling.

"Is that... Ulti and Pay-tan?! Why are they playing without me again?"

As the number of children in the Beasts Pirates increased, many things became strange. For example, seeing someone fall from a high place didn't scare them at all, especially since Page One had learned how to fly.

As for the reason why Ulti and Page One were falling, it was simple. The Millennial Dragon's back was so large that it was normal for them to fall while playing around. However, when Ulti fell, she grabbed Page One's ankle, taking him down with her.

Page One transformed in mid-air, flying back up like a jet.

"Sister! Can't you just calm down for a bit!"

He strongly suspected that Ulti raised him just to be able to toy around with him, and he even had some evidence to support this. His mood can be judged by the way he addresses her.

If he called her "Sis," it meant that he was not emotionally affected. However, if he called her "Big Sister" or "Sister," it meant that he had suffered a major blow, and it was even a betrayal from his own sister.

"What's the big deal? Pay-tan, you can fly anyway."

"But if you hadn't messed around, we wouldn't have fallen!"

"It's not my fault. It's Jack's fault for taking too much space. Let's just fly over like this, then there won't be any pe*vert threatening you."

"Sister, you wouldn't have deliberately pulled me down just to get away from Big Brother Jack, right?"

"How could that be? Why would I do such a thing?"

The structure of his head prevented him from seeing Ulti's current expression, but Page One knew he had guessed correctly.

"Alright, Pay-tan, you should trust your Sis. Hurry up and catch up, they've already flown far away."

After some small hiccups, they successfully reached Zou Island. Moreover, they met up with Zeraora and others in mid-air. This was possible because Setsuna possessed Rin's Vivre Card, and with Zeraora's Speed Boost, they caught up.

Inside Mokomo Dukedom, everything was ready. Although they couldn't create starlight, the citizens all mobilized, collecting blooming flowers on Zou Island and decorating the outer walls.

For the sparsely populated Zou Island, marriage within the tribe had always been a significant event, especially considering Setsuna's special status as the heir to the dukedom.

Even Hitsugisukan participated; although he has started to show signs of aging, overall, he still looks much the same as before, organizing the open-air venue on Zou Island.

Zeraora and Setsuna were not wearing elaborate formal attire here; instead, they were wearing simple floral wreaths, adhering to Zou Island's tradition.

Beasts Pirates' children quickly immersed themselves in the ambiance of Zou Island. The Minks here were particularly warm and welcoming to recognized friends, especially since most of them were Zoan users.

In their Human-Beast form, Devil Fruit users like Yamato, belonging to the mammal category, didn't have much distinction from Minks. After participating in the wedding ceremony as the groom's parent, Arceus did not join in their celebration but left while everyone was celebrating.

Following a path on Zou Island, Arceus crossed the Whale Forest, arriving at a slightly elevated location. This was already outside Mokomo Dukedom, and beneath his feet was the colossal head of Zou Island's giant elephant.

During the ceremony, he faintly heard that complaining voice again.

Unable to confirm it in the sky just now, Arceus now identified the source of the voice. The complaining voice indeed came from Zou Island's giant elephant.

"Are you tired?"

"Of course…You can hear me?!"

The aged voice carried a hint of surprise. Its life has been incredibly long. Centuries ago, it began carrying the Mokomo Dukedom across the seas, all because of a mistake it had made.

As punishment for that mistake, it was condemned to carry the nation across the sea and never stop unless commanded by someone else.

This command could come from anyone, as long as that person could understand its words and speak in a way it could comprehend. Such a person was qualified to command it.

It didn't dare hope for a command that would grant it freedom, but with a command, it could at least move. Without one, even if attacked, it had no right to retaliate.

It had encountered such individuals before, but they could only understand a few words of it and couldn't communicate with it.

In fact, the giant elephant didn't speak; instead, it emitted sound waves with special frequency, which limited the people who could answer it. It had been waiting for the person who could answer it all along.

"If you're tired, you can take a rest. The people of Zou Island are celebrating the wedding, and after carrying the Mokomo Dukedom for so many years, you naturally deserve a chance to rest."


Above its head, a gleam appeared in the eye sockets of the giant elephant. Originally, its eye sockets were extremely dried up, appearing hollow from a distance. But now, exquisite gemstone-colored pupils appeared in its eye sockets, a rare and stunning sight.

"Of course."

"Did you command that I can rest? Are you sure this is a command?"

The giant elephant's tone became excited. The order from back then was like a program to it, so it eagerly hoped that the subsequent events would unfold according to the entire program.

"I order you to rest. However, there's a wedding going on on your back; you should also congratulate them."


After a millennium, the giant elephant's steps came to a halt once again, and its elongated trunk, spanning kilometers, was raised.


A loud elephant cry rang out across the sky, dispersing even the clouds nearby. The entire Mokomo Dukedom was enveloped in Zunesha's cry.

Anyone could hear the joy in Zunesha's voice. Despite being from different species, they could feel that emotion through the cry.

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