*Title Hidden*

If it were just a matter of taking them away, he wouldn't be so surprised. However, the intelligence of those Gyarados exceeded his imagination; they actually understood that they had to destroy the controllers on the heads of the two Gyarados.

Watching the monitor screen turn into black-and-white static, Vegapunk, with the number 2 written on his chest, touched his chin. His indifferent expression gained a touch of excitement, evident in the slight upturn at the corner of his mouth. It was clear that he had a considerable interest in the matter.

With a few taps on the keyboard in front of him, a significant change occurred in the workshop, and many additional defense measures were implemented outside.

Based on his past research on Gyarados, these creatures should hold grudges. If that's the case, they are likely to come back for revenge.

Vegapunk's speculation itself wasn't entirely wrong, but he underestimated the evolutionary nature of the creatures.

In the distant deep sea, the two freed Gyarados roared angrily. It was this very sound that had attracted other Gyarados before.

If it were according to Gyarados' nature, they would indeed retaliate immediately. However, these two Gyarados did not gain the approval of their companions; instead, they received a flick on the head from a large tail.

Through the dim seawater, a Red Gyarados could be seen.

Even since Arceus modified Magikarp, they had already spread across the Four Seas. In this vast population, some special individuals emerged among Magikarp, such as Golden Magikarp.

Apart from the giant carp originally modified by Arceus, these Magikarp were the result of reproduction. They only remembered one command from Arceus: search, return, report.

However, this Magikarp seems to have undergone atavism. Arceus' command had profoundly influenced it, and its individuality has become unique. Compared to ordinary Gyarados, it was smarter and it had also seen Arceus during the pilgrimage event.

Facing this unique Gyarados, Arceus also strengthened it, making it even more extraordinary.


Under the pressure from this Red Gyarados, the two Gyarados obediently followed it and left. This was the community consciousness of Gyarados; the powerful Gyarados were the leaders, and the Red Gyarados, being larger and stronger, naturally could command them.

Even as they left, they left pheromones on the rocks in this sea area, a signal from the Gyarados race, warning other Gyarados to stay away from this dangerous zone. Meanwhile, it was also to mark the location of the island, intending to report everything during the next pilgrimage.

Then came another roar, and the group of Gyarados completely disappeared in the sea, the day of their pilgrimage approaching again.

As for whether other Gyarados from other sea regions would be captured and brought here or whether Gyarados would accidentally enter, that was no longer its concern. Although smarter than other Gyarados, this was pretty much its limit.

"Roar~ Roar~"

Some time later, in the waters near Wano Country, with the last Gyarados diving into the water, this year's pilgrimage event came to an end. Arceus also received this piece of information.

"Queen, from the location of Wano Country, move east for twelve days at the speed of Gyarados, then head south for a month and mark that position."

"Lord Arceus, what is this for?"

"Perhaps it's one of Vegapunk's research institutes. Haven't you heard of it before? Although it's not worth bothering about now, who knows in the future."

"No, even though we were in the same research group, we were just group members. Vegapunk has the most secrets, and the current research institute might be provided by the World Government."

Queen didn't ask Arceus why he knew about this; he had grown accustomed to such things. Despite being a scientist, he had already witnessed too many mystical things. Pokémon, creatures that transcended biological norms, were already sufficiently mystical.

Meanwhile, Setsuna, leaving the trivial matters of Zou Island to Hitsugisukan, concluded a new honeymoon trip with Zeraora.

They have now returned to their new home in Kuri. The house wasn't large, but it was cozy. Perona also moved into the basement of the house.

It wasn't that Setsuna and Zeraora mistreated her; she just liked the environment of the basement, which was decorated like a little princess's room.

[February 7, 1508, Snow

Even though I'm now married, I haven't felt the way mom described. Perhaps I'll understand when we have children, but raising Perona doesn't feel like much of a burden.

Perhaps because she's not my own child, but I don't know when I'll have my own children.

Every month, Hitsugisukan urges me to return and officially take over the position of Duke, but I still don't want to do it for now. Sure enough, dreams change as people grow up. ]

With the increase in experiences, some people's dreams may change, but there are also those who remain steadfast. Setsuna cannot say that she has no desire to become a duke at all, but at this moment, she feels that she is not yet ready to shoulder such a huge responsibility.

[I really miss the carefree days of my childhood, but the present seems to be pretty good too]

Looking at Zeraora outside the window, Setsuna closed her notebook. Writing a diary daily for years had become a habit for her. Not many could persist in this habit, and even members of the Beast Pirates would come to Setsuna if they forgot details of significant events.

Because flipping through her diary might reveal some details.

But this year, something else happened. Nico Robin turned 16. In the one piece world, this age was no different from adulthood. She had also reached the agreed-upon time to go out.

According to the agreement made years ago, she could now leave Wano Country and explore some ruins or similar things in the outside world. Her identity was not registered with the World Government, and she wasn't a wanted pirate, so she could do these things through normal channels.

Compared to wandering among various forces since the age of 8, experiencing the dark side of the world, this was already a good life for her. Choosing to set sail was also her own choice. Although she now leaned towards becoming a Pokémon Professor, fundamentally, she was still a history professor.

Moreover, whether it's the missing Poneglyph or the plates that might be sealed in some ruins, both demand the expertise of a more specialized individual.

She had discussed this matter with Yamato a few days ago, but after that, Yamato seemed to disappear. It wasn't until today, just as she was about to set sail, that she saw Yamato again, sporting a bruised and swollen face.

"What happened to you?"

"Nothing. I went to ask my father for something. Follow me; I'll have Smeargle draw something for you."

Chapter 472 Red Gyarados, Robin is about to sail!

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