Excited Night Owls

Underworld's Black Widow, upon joining any organization, would soon bring bad luck to that organization, but there were still organizations daring enough to accept her. Just as those who had been dealt with by Elizabeth previously had said, betrayal was commonplace in such organizations.

Because they were accustomed to this norm, what they valued was ability. As long as one had sufficient ability, even those with sinister intentions would be accepted. Everyone has different ideas, and in the end, it depended on who could outsmart whom.

Moreover, Robin's abilities were extraordinary, and she carried out many tasks flawlessly, leaving no trace of her involvement in the downfall of organizations to outsiders. They even admired her escape skills; not even the Marines' encirclement could capture her.

However, those who failed to capture her had their reasons. After all, she was the one who had contacted Tesoro's side to report to the Marines. It would be a joke if she were caught by them.

So, the Underworld merely felt that her luck was suspicious and hadn't discovered any other issues. Some even felt confident that their own luck could suppress this Black Widow and actively recruited her.

While Robin continued her exploration of history, within Onigashima, there emerged some nocturnal groups, such as Setsuna, who stayed up all night writing diaries.

Regardless of the weather, she would write in her diary, and even on a particularly ordinary day, she would jot down a sentence or two.

[January 18th, 1509, Sunny

Life is still full of fun. I don't feel the boredom that mom spoke of. Maybe it's because Zeraora and dad are completely different.

Perona is becoming more adept at staying up late. I need to find a way to get her to sleep earlier, but her skin is truly remarkable. Even though she stays up so late, she doesn't have any acne or dark circles. She's an exception among humans, I think.]

Minks were not usually troubled by this issue due to their unique static-electric skin; they never worry about skin problems but rather about losing fur.

Compared to the human concern about hair loss, middle-aged Minks were more bothered by losing fur. Waking up to find a bed full of fur was a feeling that humans find hard to comprehend.

However, those suffering from hair loss can understand. Seeing one's own hair falling out feels like cutting into one's flesh.

Setting down her quill pen, Setsuna called out to Perona, who was still playing with Bewear, "It's time to go to sleep! Don't you want to watch the competition tomorrow?"

Perona is well-behaved most of the time. Except for when it comes to staying up late, she practically listens without question. It seems that her Hollow-Hollow Fruit made her mental strength different from ordinary people.

Thus, Setsuna's demands were more lenient compared to those placed on normal kids. However, it's already late into the night, and even if she is a wolf Mink, she intends to rest. Therefore, Setsuna naturally urged Perona to go to sleep.

And Setsuna wasn't the only one urging others to sleep; there was also Page One in Onigashima.

"Sister, it's time to sleep. Aren't you feeling tired?"

This year, Page One was already seven years old and no longer shared a room with Ulti. Even though they are siblings, they need to avoid certain things as they grow older.

But Page One didn't move into Jack's room; instead, he and Ulti lived separately in a suite with two rooms.

At this moment, Ulti was pulling Page One to spar in the suite's living room.

"Pay-tan, tomorrow is the day of the competition. Aren't you nervous?"

"Sister, you are too nervous. Why should the ranking matter to us for now?"

The competition they referred to was the position battle within the Beasts Pirates. In theory, challenges could be initiated at any time, but arranging a time on regular days was rather difficult.

Currently, for the Beasts Pirates, it was the time for their annual gathering. During this time, they internally organize a special "sports competition". It was during this event that the positions of the new Numbers would be decided, causing excitement and sleeplessness among many.

"How can it not matter? The ranking affects the treatment we receive."

The higher the ranking, the more benefits one receives. Not to mention, a portion of the earnings from the Beasts Fruits is given as a bonus.

The most ordinary members only receive basic necessities, and bonuses are only obtained through combat. With a Number, however, one can earn a significant amount of Berries each month without doing anything, just like how Mandrell managed to save enough to buy an island.

"But we're still learning, and our allowance is enough for daily expenses, right?"

"No, no, no, Pay-tan, I've figured it out. That idiot Kaido doesn't handle any matters normally. Even though he's the captain, the one who influences everything is Lord Arceus."

Just mentioning that name made her feel a pain in her butt. Shayna had taught her a good lesson back then.

"You see, Sasaki managed to bring back that plate, so even some disrespectful behavior can be forgiven. As long as we can obtain higher status, we can become stronger, and then we can go out and find a plate ourselves. That way, Lord Arceus will be pleased, and we can move out to a separate residence, far away from that pe*vert Jack. Just the two of us living together would be enough."

Initially, Page One was paying close attention to Ulti's plan since her words seemed to make sense. However, as she continued, things started to sound off, proving that he had overestimated his sis' thoughts.

In this aspect, she was somewhat similar to Yamato. When facing Kaido, Yamato tends to passively max out her combat IQ, and likewise, this Brocon could adopt creative ways of acting spoiled to force Page One to pay attention to her.


"So tomorrow is our first opportunity; we need to secure a rank first."

Saying that, she nodded and charged towards the humanoid target in the room. Observing the marks left by her axe teeth, Ulti revealed a hint of a smile.

"Come on, Pay-tan, I believe you can do it too. Let's practice a bit more, then we'll go rest soon."

They weren't just practicing before the battle; they were also excited for their first participation in such a large-scale competition. This sentiment wasn't exclusive to them; some newly joined members felt similarly.

For instance, Sasaki, who was still at the Udon quarry, had endured some difficulties* after joining the Beasts Pirates but he also survived that stage and is now preparing to take a suitable position in this trial. [*Difficulties created by one's boss or superior.]

Similar to Ulti's past experiences, after going through some things, he gained insight into the internal workings of the Beasts Pirates. However, this didn't affect his personal admiration for Kaido.

In the Udon quarry, he was currently clashing with the towering Aggron.


Aggron's massive body charged forward, colliding with the transformed Sasaki.

Without dodging, Sasaki confronted Aggron head-on, which had been his training method during his time at the quarry.

From being easily defeated at first to now being able to wrestle with Aggron, Sasaki has also undergone his own growth.

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