Mechs are the right path?

The dual defense of the combat suit and cloak clearly didn't have much effect. Kaido's family heirloom weapon is a kanabo, and blunt weapons are much more effective at breaking armor than swords.

Even though the combat suit's properties temporarily allowed him to ignore Yamato's icy energy, her Super Strength still managed to breach his defenses and strike his body. Judging from the feedback from his body, his ribs were undoubtedly broken.

However, while he was hit by Yamato, his spear handle also struck Yamato's shoulder, but the sensation on this side also felt off; it seems he had hit some sort of iron lump.


A series of cracking sounds entered Judge's ears and the surface of Yamato's body began to crack from the shoulder, cracks spreading all over her body, eventually shattering like ice crystals.

"Mirror Mountain"

This is the ice armor she created with her own ice, providing all-around defense that allows her to withstand most attacks.

Feeling the pain in his chest, Judge's combat boots expelled air currents, propelling himself high into the air. From his recent performance, it's clear that Yamato seems to lack the ability to fly, while Germa's combat boots were equipped with floating and acceleration devices.

With these two devices, they can fly freely. Temporarily safe, Judge pressed the button on his combat suit, and the suit on the injured area automatically locked and stabilized the broken bones, while a dose of painkiller was injected into his body.

"A devil fruit user! Miss, it seems you're not any creation; I knew that guy Queen couldn't create such a perfect work."

Queen's addressing of Yamato combined with her performance made him cancel his previous thoughts. Thinking this way actually eased his mind a lot; at least it means he hasn't lost to Queen in terms of technology.

As he pondered his next move in the sky, suddenly a sound of breaking air reached his ears, followed by a claw slashing towards him.

Although he managed to block the attack, the force transmitted through his hands made his palm feel slightly numb. Additionally, the huge number GT-8 appeared in his field of vision.

With crimson eyes flickering with a red light, the cannon on its back appeared very dangerous. If it weren't for the fact that Genesect's body had been enlarged and the firing range of the cannon on its back couldn't attack Judge, he would have experienced the feeling of being hit by a cannon in the face.

If Yamato's identity was a misunderstanding, then the artificial aura on Genesect's body was too obvious. He also recognized this monster that had caused chaos in his army earlier.

As he looked towards the distant battlefield, Germa's army had already shifted from attacking to a stalemate. Led by Genesects, the defenders of Cozia Kingdom had launched a counterattack.

No. 8's position was Germa's weak point in the attack. After judging that it was no longer needed there, it came to Yamato's side.

Then GT-8 left the fight with Judge and turned into a flying saucer in front of Yamato.

"Oni Princess, please come up. I'll be your mount."

"Oh, thank you!"

Yamato jumped onto the back of GT-8 and then it flew away from Judge, while the cannon on GT-8's back began to charge up. After creating distance, Judge re-entered its firing range.

In the sky, the blade of Judge's spear slashed towards Genesect's body, but the special alloy spear blade surrounded by high-temperature lightning only left a shallow mark on it.

Faced with Arceus Steel, Judge, who relied entirely on weapons, failed to gain an advantage.

Looking at the opponent's transformable "combat mecha" and the sturdy alloy shell that even his own spear couldn't leave a mark on, Judge suddenly felt that something was off.

In the end, was he still being crushed by Queen's technology?

Once this thought emerged in his mind, it became unstoppable, accompanied by recollections of some recent news about Queen.

Just like he felt happy when he confirmed that Yamato was not an artificial human, between being crushed by strength and being crushed by technology, he was more able to accept the former than the latter.

But he didn't continue to dwell on it; he didn't have time to ponder this question anymore given the current situation. Not only had he lost the aerial advantage, but he was also outnumbered.

His attack on Genesect was aimed at depriving Yamato of her aerial combat capabilities. By now, the drawbacks of Yamato's lack of flight ability had already become apparent in the battle.

However, he was powerless in this regard. Not only did Yamato use Genesect for aerial combat, but they also perfectly coordinated with each other.

After Yamato used Genesect as a springboard to jump up, Genesect would transform itself to join the battle, and when her aerial time was about to reach its limit, it would transform back into a flying springboard, equipped with a powerful and eerie cannon.

GT-6 to GT10, these Genesect were essentially weakened versions; their cannons lacked the ability to switch types, but their power was still considerable, albeit with diminished specialization.

Although Judge was unwilling to admit defeat, the idea that mechs were the correct approach inevitably crossed his mind.

Both his battle and the battle of his clone army, he is at a disadvantage, so Judge no longer had the intention to continue fighting. After all, he had obtained the data he wanted.

Now that he couldn't defeat the opponent, he felt he had touched upon the threshold of some technology. He wants to wait for a breakthrough in technology before researching other things.

After issuing the order for the clone army to retreat through special means, his sons also began to withdraw back to Germa's fleet. Meanwhile, Judge began to contemplate how to get away himself.

The clone soldiers' retreat method was through suicidal attacks, their only means to hold Genesect back.

Despite the heavy casualties, Yamato wasn't foolish enough to let friendly forces stop attacking out of pity for the enemy. In her eyes, Genesect created by Arceus were just as much living beings and far more important than the enemy.

She despised Judge for disregarding the lives of his subordinates, but this wasn't contradictory to her actions. Casualties were inevitable in war; she had long understood this truth, and the best way to minimize casualties was to defeat the enemy's chief commander as quickly as possible.

The clone soldiers couldn't fly, and their weapons couldn't lock onto Genesect. But at this moment, someone suddenly came to Judge's aid: several CP0 agents clad in white suits.

Their target wasn't Judge; Germa Kingdom was still an affiliated nation of the World Government at this time, so they had no reason to act against him. Their target was Queen.

As the main suspicious target of the World Government, they didn't miss this opportunity. This team had originally been carrying out other escort missions nearby, but they received intelligence at the last minute and handed over their original mission to CP9, before carrying out the new capture plan.

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