Weather Team with their Small-scale Meteorological Weapon

While some people prefer to be low-key, others prefer to be flamboyant. Setsuna merely made a mark on her nails with nail polish. If you didn't look closely, you would mistake it for a special manicure.

Scotch, on the other hand, was different. He was more flamboyant. With his strength having almost reached the peak, he cherished the days when the Number was still low. Not only did he mark the number on his shoulders, but he also wrote a big No. 8 on his chest and the back of his coat.

Beasts Pirates knew this was a proof of his position, but outsiders didn't understand. To those who were new to the New World, such behavior seemed foolish.

Only those who frequently interacted with the Beasts Pirates understood this ranking mechanism. Those encountering them for the first time could only guess.

"Don't be careless. This is the New World. Compared to the first half of the Grand Line, the people here are much stronger."

They had already experienced battles before and had some understanding of the New World. However, the battles they had won only involved defeating some struggling losers in the New World. They hadn't realized the disparity in strength, so they still harbored inflated ambitions.

"Everyone, prepare to land! This is our first battle. Before becoming the Pirate King, let's take down the so-called Emperor of the Sea! Let those who are obsessed with external power understand that the body is fundamental!"


Under their captain's lead, the pirate ship continued to charge towards the island. Meanwhile, Scotch also noticed that something was amiss.

Beasts Pirates' coastal cannons had a much longer range than those of ordinary pirate's cannons. However, even at this distance, even the poorest quality cannons could attack the target. Yet, the enemy pirate ship had not fired a single shot so far.

Looking at the pirate flag on the mast, Scotch didn't recognize who they were. There were too many pirates on the sea, and he naturally couldn't remember so many flags.

This pirate flag looked simpler than most pirate crews, with a plain skull drawn on two crossed swords.

One characteristic of the pirates on the ship was that none of them were Devil Fruit users. They were all swordsmen or martial artists. They originated from an island in the first half of the Grand Line, where they used to be a gang. The island's philosophy was to develop physical strength.

In the island's culture, both Devil Fruit abilities and firearms and armor were seen as signs of weakness. During their voyage, they had also defeated some Devil Fruit users, which only reinforced their belief.

The reason for not firing cannons was also due to this belief. Their ship simply didn't have cannons. Even if they encountered the other at sea, their choice would be to engage in boarding battles.

Moreover, since setting sail, they had come into contact with some people from the Underworld and learned about the Beasts Pirates' extensive purchase of Devil Fruits. Even though they hailed from the Grand Line, their knowledge was only slightly better than those from the Four Seas.

For example, the captain warned his crew to be careful but continued to provoke enemies they couldn't match.

Relying on their excellent swordsmanship, they had ways to deal with cannonballs, but that was irrelevant to Scotch. At this moment, he was using his ability.

After using his ability, his legs should have transformed into large magnets. But now, the situation has changed. Two additional large eyeballs appeared at the position of his hips, with a wide range of motion. This greatly expanded his field of vision, and each leg's position turned into two magnets.

His left hand similarly also underwent transformation into two elongated U-shaped magnets, while his right hand held a modified Gatling gun. At this moment, he raised his right hand high and an unknown electromagnetic wave shot out from his body.

This was Magneton's ability. Within a radius of one kilometer from Magneton, the area experienced a slight increase in temperature due to the special electric aura it emitted.

As the temperature rose, moisture evaporated, forming rain clouds, ultimately creating an effect similar to a thunderstorm.

Wild Magnetons would gather together to trigger larger areas of thunderclouds, drawing the energy they needed from the natural lightning.

And during battles, a thunderstorm also means a higher likelihood of thunder strikes hitting their target.

Among the many Pokémon Ability Users, weather had gradually become integrated into their combat habits. It could be said that they each possessed small-scale meteorological weapons.

The range of the thunderclouds was concentrated over the sea. As usual, he doesn't want the other side to reach the shore.

When the ship was still some distance from the shore, Scotch had already flown over.

"This is our territory, state your intentions."

This was his standard line. Since they had previously ignored warnings and stormed in, it meant they were declaring war. However, some individuals who wished to join would also do the same to showcase their strength. Therefore, Scotch conducted routine inquiries.

While making inquiries, the magnets on his hands also began to gather electric currents. Although there might be those who voluntarily join, they are ultimately a minority; most people are here to cause trouble.

This group of pirates also proved themselves through action. The two who had previously intercepted cannonballs were now charging at Scotch with swords in hand.

"Communication failed. It seems you have chosen hostility."

As he spoke, Scotch's dispersed thoughts continued to emit special power into the sky, while his main body was condensing a new attack. The two people clearly felt the difference in their weapons, the swords feeling unusually heavy today.

This was why Scotch didn't fear swordsmen. Except for a very few individuals, ordinary swordsmen facing his Magnet Pull was akin to self-sabotage. Even someone trying to ambush him from the side couldn't succeed. Even without Observation Haki, his vision could capture everything.

Not to mention normal sword swings, under the influence of powerful Magnet Pull, some people even uncontrollably slashed towards their nearby comrades.

"Is this your level? In that case, you can leave your last words."


A thunderbolt flashed across the sky. Scotch's battleground was now ready. However, before he could act, a sword aura suddenly flew out and struck him in the chest. The tremendous force caused him, flying in mid-air, to be thrown back a considerable distance.


"Now you know how powerful our captain is, you magnet ba*tard! Your tricks are useless against the captain!"

Magnet Pull was only part of his ability. The closer someone got to him, the stronger his Magnet Pull became. Long-range Flying Slash Attacks were the best way to deal with him.

"Captain, let's take down this weirdo who likes to write numbers on his body in one fell swoop!"

Zzzt zzzt~

Suddenly, a voice filled with electric currents sounded in the ears of the person who had referred to Scotch as a weirdo for writing numbers on his body. Before he could react, several electric currents came rushing from a distance, accompanied by Scotch's gloomy voice.

"How dare you look down on me. When will you newcomers learn to keep your mouths shut?"

Hearing the thing he considered honorable being insulted by the other party, Scotch's anger erupted out. Meanwhile, the pirates looked at the faint white mark left on his chest in disbelief.

"How is this possible? The captain has long since mastered the ability to cut steel."

"Cut steel? Do you think the metal created by Lord Arceus' power is the same as ordinary steel?!"

With the thunder rumbling in the sky, electric currents swirled around the magnets on Scotch's body, and the Gatling gun on his right arm began to spin and warm up.

As the electric currents were released outward, the Gatling gun began to unleash firepower, and the magnets on his legs began to condense Electro Ball.

No.8 Scotch, full firepower mode activated.

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