Don't interfere in my battle!

Back then Beasts Pirates were still developing, and if they really managed to mess with both Roger and Whitebeard simultaneously, in order to protect the assets they had just accumulated, he would definitely order his men to withdraw from Wano.

Otherwise, he and Arceus wouldn't lose, but the Beasts Pirates might.

Now that it had come to full-scale war, he wasn't afraid, but the aftermath with the World Government and the Marines is giving him a headache. His troops were not numerous enough yet, and they had not reached the point where they could drag the Red Line into the conflict.

Moreover, battles in the one piece world essentially boiled down to clashes between top-tier powers. As long as he could hold his own against Whitebeard, the outcome of the fight would be more or less determined.

"Pops, let's go to Wano Country!"

"Yeah, Pops, we can't let this guy run wild like this!"

The news of Oden's death had already been confirmed by Kaido. But why was Oden's daughter acting as Shogun, and what happened to his son and wife? They wanted to figure out what exactly happened back then.

As for Kaido saying that it was Kurozumi, they didn't believe it. Especially after hearing from Izou that Kurozumi Orochi was just a commoner, they were even more incredulous. In their minds, the mighty Oden wouldn't die by such despicable means.

"Absolutely not, advance towards this direction. I'll personally handle this matter."

However, after much consideration, Whitebeard rejected his sons' proposal. If Oden was still alive, then Whitebeard would attack Wano Country at any cost. His family was important to him, and he could accept some sacrifices to rescue his family.

The prerequisite was that his family was still alive. A brief clash had already made him aware of the changes in Kaido's strength; he is not someone he could easily deal with, especially given Wano Country's terrain. Attacking it would result in significant casualties.

He wouldn't sacrifice more sons for his deceased family, especially when there was no guarantee of victory.

Furthermore, he was well aware that the World Government and the Marines were always looking for opportunities. Engaging in a bloody battle wouldn't serve both side's interests. Kaido's invitation for a one-on-one fight, on the other hand, was more to his liking. As long as he defeats Kaido, many things will become much simpler.

So, tossing aside the Eternal Pose left by Kaido, Whitebeard issued an order.

"Pops, could it be a scheme? This place has been selected by the enemy..."

"Gurararara, silly child, do you think I'm afraid of any scheme? And that guy wouldn't do such a thing. But make sure everyone is prepared. As long as I win, we'll go to Wano Country."


Whitebeard Pirates set sail directly towards their destination, while Kaido flew back to Wano Country for a few days first.

"I've arranged the place of the decisive battle with Whitebeard. Although it's not a full-scale war, I still need to take away some people. I'll leave Wano Country to you during this time. Those guys won't stay quiet once they receive the news."

Kaido briefed Arceus on some matters. This was also why the major pirates avoided full-scale wars; no one could be sure if they would be stabbed in the back while fighting.

Having a suitable guardian for the territory was crucial, so Kaido entrusted this matter to Arceus with confidence.

"Don't worry, no one can invade this place."

"King, Shayna, Zeraora, Olga, I'll take the four of them with me. And... Yamato! Get ready to see what the world's top powers look like!"

Kaido shouted towards the side, having already sensed Yamato's location.

However, at that moment, Kaido's Den Den Mushi rang. As Kaido picked up the Den Den Mushi, Charlotte Linlin's expression appeared on the snail.

"Mama-hahaha, Kaido, I heard you and Whitebeard are about to go to war."

"Where did you get that information from?"

"It's been spreading across the seas, haven't you seen today's newspaper yet? But let's not dwell on that, Kaido, how about joining forces with me? Together we can take down that Whitebeard, and then you and I can divide the entire New World between us!"

Listening to the voice on the Den Den Mushi, Kaido didn't feel joy; instead, a surge of anger rose within him.



"This is my fight alone. If you dare to intervene, I'll kill you first!"

There was silence on the other end of the Den Den Mushi for a moment, then Charlotte Linlin's voice turned gloomy.

"Kaido, do you know what you're saying?"

"I'm very clear. But Linlin, don't interfere in my battle, understand?!"

"Mama-hahaha, well then, forget it."

With that, she directly hung up the Den Den Mushi. She understood Kaido. If he really meant what he said, he would probably attack her first if she insisted on interfering. They have a friendly relationship, but the condition was not to cross each other's bottom line.

Kaido is a fighting maniac; he didn't like others meddling in his battles, especially prearranged duels.

Even in the original timeline, Kaido was the same. Due to Kurozumi Higurashi's interference, Kozuki Oden was hit on the back of the head with the mace. However, Kaido killed Kurozumi Higurashi afterwards because she interfered in his fight.

Even if she didn't interfere, Kaido might not have necessarily lost. Although Kozuki Oden left him with an indelible scar, he hadn't even used Zoan-type's strongest Human-Beast form.

Considering the recovery ability of Zoan-types, as long as he could have engaged in a prolonged battle, he wouldn't have lost.

Kaido of the original timeline had this idea, let alone this strengthened version of Kaido. He personally went to Whitebeard's ship and challenged him, so naturally, he wouldn't let others interfere. Bringing these officers along was also to prevent this type of situation.

"There's been a bit of a change. You also need to watch out for that old hag Linlin; that crazy woman might stir up some trouble."

After hanging up the phone, Kaido added another thing for Arceus to be cautious about. While the two sides had some exchanges, she couldn't be completely trusted.

"Got it, do as you please, just don't mess things up for yourself."

"Worororo, how could that happen? I'm not the same person I was back then..."


In the direction where Kaido had just spoken, Yamato and the others were gathered, examining the newspaper in front of them.

Beasts Pirates vs. Whitebeard

The showdown between the Strongest Creature and the Strongest Man!

Morgans' newspaper had once again devoted an entire section to this matter. However, this time he didn't have firsthand information; even the photos were edited and pieced together from previous ones, but they still looked quite convincing.

"Yamato, remember to record it, okay? I want to see Captain Kaido's heroics with my own eyes."

"Yeah, Captain Kaido's battle with Whitebeard, just thinking about it is exhilarating."

Maria and Jack were both urging Yamato to record the fight for them. Kaido hadn't shown any intention of taking them along, but at this moment, a remark from Ulti reminded them.

"Rather than expecting her to not forget, you're better off talking directly to Rotom ."

Although there was a hint of derision in Ulti's words, Maria and Jack exchanged a glance and felt that Ulti was right.

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