Dragon Dance Bagua

Yamato staring dumbly above naturally caught Morgans' attention. As he looked up at the collapsing sky, the excitement in his eyes couldn't be concealed. He couldn't think of any photo more suitable for a cover.

He was here only to take photos; he couldn't live stream this kind of thing, or else the World Government would come after him. Publishing it afterward was already pushing their limits. If Morgans was to advertise the strength of two pirates, that would touch their bottom line.

So, the only one broadcasting this battle was Onigashima.

"Rotom, hang in there, keep it up!"

"Rotommm, I'm trying my best!"

It was difficult to stabilize the camera under the powerful shockwaves. Although Rotom's camera could capture the battle scene, it was extremely unstable. The shaking of the camera lens was enough to make viewers dizzy.

Because it was being broadcasted live, the sound of the howling wind was also transmitted through Rotom to Wano Country. So nobody complained about the condition of the camera. Even from just listening, they could imagine how terrifying the battlefield was.

Aside from the pirates guarding the sea, members of the Beasts Pirates in Wano Country were all watching the first-hand situation of the battlefield brought by Yamato. Kaido's display of power had already fired them up, after all, it was their captain who had done this.

Meanwhile, on the other side, Delia was dragging Kiku to Flower Capital's palace to watch the live broadcast of the battlefield.

"Kiku, do you understand what kind of enemies you are facing? That's Kaido-sama, and what you've seen is only a part of it. Give up, that is an impossible dream, no, it's a delusion."

Something possible to achieve is called a dream, but something highly unlikely is called delusion. Besides delusion, Delia couldn't think of any other word to describe their wish to defeat the Beasts Pirates in the future.

As she spoke, she clutched his face and made him look in the direction of Kozuki Hiyori. If even adult samurai like them were shocked, then there is no need to mention Kozuki Hiyori, who had never seen the world.

The terrifying scene of the falling sky was deeply engraved in her mind, planting a seed of fear in her heart.

People far away could only experience the terror of this scene through such means. However, this raging wind was not deadly. Those who dared to stay around to watch the battle all have some skills, except for one Morgans who seems a bit out of place.

To them, the deadliest aftermath of this confrontation was the tsunami.

The tsunami caused by the Quake-Quake Fruit's aftermath surged out in all directions. Both the Moby Dick and the Beasts Pirates' flagship were within the range of the tsunami.

The Moby Dick was farther away and, being Whitebeard's flagship, it was designed to withstand tsunamis.

"Hold onto whatever you can! Pops is getting angry!"

Jozu personally held onto the helm. In this tumultuous tsunami, gripping the wheel was no easy task. The bow of the ship swayed in the tsunami, but they managed to resist the waves without any mishap.

However, on the Beasts Pirates' main ship' side, the tsunami was even more ferocious. After all, even Whitebeard needed to exercise caution when unleashing his power. Though he couldn't entirely shield the Moby Dick from risks, he could at least mitigate its impact.

But it was different for the Beasts Pirates' main ship. Watching the apocalyptic tsunami, even they couldn't help but feel panicked.

"Lapras, I'll leave it to you."

Shayna patted the two Lapras next to her, and then they both jumped into the water.


Amidst Lapras's melodious roar, their bodies gradually grew larger, and Dynamax Lapras appeared here.

Following that, two Ice Beams shot out from their mouths. These were not the G-Max Move that could only be used a few times in the game, but rather the Dynamax version of Ice Beam.

The terrifying waves gradually froze, ultimately turning into shards of ice before falling into the sea.

Arceus had already considered the aftermath of Whitebeard's attack, otherwise they wouldn't have specifically brought Lapras along.


"Brat, it seems you've got something quite extraordinary. That's quite an impressive ability you've got there."

Whether his attack had been effective or not, Whitebeard knew. That mysterious barrier actually blocked his attack. If this was also the power of Kaido's devil fruit, then Kaido's ability is excessively powerful.

But despite praising the ability, Whitebeard didn't hold back. After one strike failed, he swiftly shifted his stance and once again swung Murakumogiri towards Kaido's neck.

If one strike didn't work, try two. If that fails too, try again. Even the most powerful barrier had a limit; he didn't believe Kaido was invincible.

But Kaido wasn't the type to just stand there and take beatings. Protect was good, but its biggest flaw was its inability to be used consecutively.

Taking advantage of the residual force from Whitebeard's kick, Kaido lunged forward, planting both hands on the ground and swinging his body.

"Fire Dragon Dance Bagua!"

Many people have acquired Pokémon skills, but the most ordinary ones simply release their skills on the spot like a turret, mechanically mimicking what they've learned.

But those with a bit of talent developed their own usage based on the characteristics of the skill; these people were the ordinary Numbers.

People with even stronger talent incorporated the skill into their fighting style, developing more abilities based on the characteristics of Pokémon types; these were what the All-Stars achieved.

However, Kaido not only mastered those skills, but also developed new skills based on the characteristics of the skills!

His body was enveloped in scorching dragon flames, especially the flames burning fiercely on his tail. At the same time, his body swayed slightly, a sign that he was using Dragon Dance.

At this moment, using his body as the axis and his dragon tail as weapon, he enveloped the flames with his powerful Haki as his tail struck Whitebeard's chest with a speed far surpassing before.


Even though Whitebeard's body was also covered in Haki, this strike still produced a muffled sound.

Although struck by Kaido, Whitebeard's attack didn't stop. With Murakumogiri in hand, he struck downward, leaving a trail of sparks on the dragon scales on Kaido's shoulder.

The tough dragon scales and powerful Haki prevented him from being pierced, but the force had already penetrated his body. Both Kaido and Whitebeard can use the highest level of Armament Haki; so once struck, it was impossible to entirely negate the damage from the opponent.

"That hurts, Newgate. Old man, you are still as fearsome as before."

Though he complained of the pain, Kaido swung his kanabo once more towards Whitebeard. Whitebeard also noticed Kaido's anomaly; compared to just now, Kaido's attacks were fiercer, both in power and speed.

"Are you scared? Then surrender! Newgate!"

"What a joke. I am Whitebeard!"

Boom! A destructive wave emanated from the island, causing the sea and sky to boil once again under their attack...

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