Beedrill's String Shot

Due to several consecutive days of intense performances, coupled with the old injury on her ankle, Cindry felt some discomfort in her ankle while dancing, but because the performance was not over yet, she did not show it and continued to perform despite the pain.

However, the body has its limits. After the performance ended and she had taken only a few steps, a sharp pain shot up from her ankle, causing her body to uncontrollably lose balance.

Although her popularity was not as high as before, there were still many spectators in the audience. When they saw her fall from the stage, they instantly cried out in alarm.

The stage where she performed was about ten meters above the ground. At such a height, the speed of a person falling is extremely fast, and most people cannot react in time. However, just as she was falling, a thin rope caught her and pulled her to the side.

To be precise, it was not a rope but Tesoro's silk thread.

Beedrill can also use String Shot. Apart from a few Bug-type Pokémon, most Bug-type Pokémon with larval forms can use this move. However, in the games, String Shot is often considered weak, and due to limitations of move slots, it's easily forgotten.

In the Pokémon world, groups of Beedrill do not usually need to use String Shot.

But when Bug-type Pokémon becomes a human's ability, String Shot becomes a divine skill. After all, it's essentially a magical skill that allows everyone to be Spider-Man.

He had just noticed that Cindry's footsteps were off. Although she concealed it well, anyone who has gone through systematic training could see the abnormality.

This is related to his training in the Beasts Pirates. There are roughly two training methods in the Beasts Pirates. One is to rely on brute force; Yamato, Jack, Ulti, and others mostly follow this path.

They don't need to be overly precise in battles, as long as they know roughly where the vital points are.

The other path is more delicate. Due to insufficient innate power, their attacks need to be more accurate. Robin and Nightin are examples of this. Previous Tesoro didn't have an ability of his own and also followed this path.

Both paths have a enough understanding of the body, but the latter is more meticulous. When Cindry lost her balance, Tesoro reacted immediately, and the thread he released was very tough, smoothly bringing Cindry to safety.

He wasn't wearing a mask while watching the performance. Since he didn't want to transform in front of everyone, he used the thread instead.

The incident at the venue startled the audience, but when they came to their senses, some people noticed something different.

"It's... It's Tesoro!"

"Mr. Tesoro saved Miss Cindry!"

When the first person realized it, the performance hall erupted into cheers. On one hand, they were celebrating Cindry's rescue, and on the other, they recognized Tesoro.

This was a performance hall, and the people who came here could be considered "Groupie." To them, Tesoro's identity as the CEO of Beasts Fruits was not as important; they value his identity as a popular actor more.

Cindry is a world-renowned dancer in some parts of the world, while Tesoro himself was a world-class celebrity. This was a huge shock to them who chase after stars.

This is also why Tesoro wore a mask and used a code name before. When one's fame grows, it becomes less convenient to do some things. Doflamingo even reminded him and suggested that Baccarat and Tanaka should also wear masks next time.

"Miss Cindry, if you don't want this performance to turn into an accident, then better cooperate with me."

Tesoro whispered into Cindry's ear. A performer making a mistake and falling off the stage isn't an ideal situation. With plans to sign her, it was only natural for him to protect her reputation.

Although Cindry's face had turned pale due to the sudden turn of events, her on-the-spot reaction was still good. Even though her main profession was just a dancer, she had encountered many things over the years and immediately gave a response that showed her willingness to cooperate.

"Tanaka, it's up to you now."

"Okay, boss, I know what to do."

Saying that, Tanaka pulled Tesoro and Cindry, sinking from the platform in front of the audience's eyes and then reappeared at the center of the stage, performing the disappearing person trick.

"Hello everybody! I'm sorry to scare you all. This is today's special performance, and I am today's special guest, Tesoro!"

Thanks to Tesoro's intervention, the mistake on the stage turned into an impromptu performance. Some small reporters even found tomorrow's headline because of this. After the performance ended, Cindry was invited to have a discussion with Tesoro.

But before that, her foot injury needed to be addressed.

"Miss Cindry, how many times have you injured your foot?"

"Three times... Is it serious?"

"It's not too bad this time, just a slight ligament strain. But if your foot gets injured again... you might have to say goodbye to your career."

After giving a basic treatment to Cindry's injury, the accompanying doctors retreated behind Tesoro and walked out one by one, leaving only Tanaka and Baccarat behind.

"Hey, Miss Cindry, you heard it too. Your condition probably won't allow you to continue such intense performances, and you'll need some time to recuperate."

"I know. My previous doctor said the same thing... but I still love this stage... Mr. Tesoro, thank you for saving me. May I ask, did you come to watch my performance specifically? Isn't Miss Stella with you?"

Not seeing Stella, she felt slightly disappointed because she was actually a fan of Stella. They debuted around the same time, but Stella's career had far outshone hers.

"She had other matters, but I indeed came for you. Miss Cindry, are you interested in moving to a bigger stage?"

Tesoro got straight to the point and presented a contract. It was an artist agreement with Beasts Fruits, and it was for a ten-year deal.

"The stage of West Blue is too small. The world offers a much larger stage. If you love this stage, why not give it a try?"


Cindry looked over the contents of the contract. The terms were very favorable, especially in terms of income, which is undoubtedly much higher than in the West Blue. However, she didn't pursue this career for money. She came from a wealthy noble family in the West Blue, and she chose to dance purely out of passion.

"Your foot injury can't handle intense performances anymore. This is the best opportunity for you. You saw what happened today as well."

"Ah, Mr. Tesoro, you've misunderstood me. I want to discuss this with my family before making a decision."

Unlike Tesoro and Stella, she wasn't alone. She had her own family and fiancé. Going to the Grand Line was a matter that required careful consideration.

But before she could come to a decision after returning home, a bunch of tabloid news started circulating...

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