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For a professional cleric, missionary work is crucial, and it also depends on talent. Although she has been doing missionary work in Wano Country for a long time, and this missionary activity also has the support of local forces, the results can only be described as somewhat good.

The adopted children are not bad. Although there are many devout believers among others, they don't have any "fanatics". But Mandrell, who had never done such a thing before, was able to recruit such a devout believer of a different race.

Some of these doctrines written by her contain profound meanings and Tiger is the first person to understand them without any explanation.

Because of this, she believes Mandrell should have talent in this area and can focus on developing it.

"I don't think...Brother Mandrell is interested in this."

"Why? I think he's very talented."

"Sister Misu, when do you plan to retire?"

"Retire? Nuns don't retire."

"Then, Brother Mandrell won't be interested, after all, his biggest goal is a smooth retirement."

This is why Jack concluded that Mandrell wouldn't be interested. Other's goal for going out to sea is either becoming Pirate King or a lofty dream like being the world's best, but for Mandrell, everything is for retirement.

However, his requirements for retirement are increasing, and he had even started thinking about paving the way for his children.

"Well, that's a shame. I'll talk to him myself when he returns next year. And this hero of Fish-Men... he seems to understand some things that even I haven't thought of."

Due to racial differences, Tiger was thinking about these things from another level, which gave Misu some inspiration. She realized that her perspective was too narrow.

Tiger also expressed in the letter that he wants to discuss some issues with her, but because of the current situation, he's not sure when he will come here. Although they haven't met yet, Misu had already become interested in him.

As for why they don't use Den Den Mushi for communication, it's because some things can't be expressed through Den Den Mushi, and can only be discussed clearly face-to-face.

In reality, many people who are meek in person can be quite aggressive behind a screen, a phenomenon that can be called a unique form of 'social phobia'."

"Sister Misu, Lord Kaido told me to choose two subordinates."

"All the children of age are over there. If you need to pick someone, go ahead. They are all greatly loyal to the Lord and can definitely help with His cause."

Misu had seen Jack's bounty poster. Before the destruction of Flevance, she believed that everyone with a bounty was evil, but now she knows that she was wrong.

Although most of them are indeed evil, some are also forced into it without any choice.

People tend to believe what they see with their own eyes. She saw the ruthless massacre of Flevance by neighboring countries, saw the World Government only evacuate the royal family, and also saw the World Government's investigation into Amber Lead many years ago from here.

From then on, she no longer believed in the World Government, so seeing the bounty posters here didn't evoke much feeling in her.

Especially Arceus's bounty poster, to her, that is just "evil" fearing her Lord.

Nowadays, the monastery doubles as a place for preaching, a school, an orphanage, and many other professions. Apart from the adopted orphans, some of the offspring of pirates also live and grow up here, alongside some pirates' apprentices.

There weren't many candidates, only about twenty in total. They had heard that Kaido had assigned a new officer to select subordinates, and they all hoped to be chosen.

Some of the girls had experienced Yamato's previous subordinate selection. They thought there would be a competition like last time, but Jack's way of choosing turned out to be quite different.

Alcremie didn't understand these strange things, and in the end, a boy eating oranges and a girl with candies in her pocket were chosen by Alcremie. Because Alcremie liked the smell of the food, they successfully stood out from the crowd.


"Sheepshead." The boy with an ordinary appearance and short white hair, had a well-defined physique, indicating that he kept his body in good shape.

"Ginrummy." The girl had pale-purple coloured hair; her name differing from Lami's by only one word. [TN: Chinese names.]

Both of them had a normal human physique. Although they were close in age, they seemed quite small in front of Jack.

"You'll follow me from now on, but let me make it clear, I won't show mercy if you're weak or make mistakes."

He didn't immediately give them the Devil Fruits. Due to Alcremie, he chose these two as his subordinates, but whether they would receive the Devil Fruits was uncertain. Instead, he showed the Devil Fruits to them so that they can work hard for them.


Jack's selection process bored Yamato. However, after leaving the monastery, to her surprise, she saw Robin outside Mogura Port in Hakumai.

"Robin?! You're back!"

"Yeah, I've seen a lot of things in these two years. I found some interesting documents this time, so I brought them back to show everyone."

After leaving, Nico Robin spent over two years exploring outside and witnessed many things. She came back early so that she could visit her family and friends.

Although she did not find anything like plates, Poneglyph, some of the deals with the Donquixote family, and her work at Tesoro could be considered special "contributions".


Experiencing this series of matters has enriched her experiences.

"Has your Sobble evolved?"

"Yeah, three months ago, it evolved into Drizzile when facing an enemy. Isn't it cute?"

"Er... kind of."

Unlike the elegant and cool Inteleon, and the cute Sobble, the middle form Drizzile looked a bit embarrassing.

Drizzile's skin color was ashen, and it no longer had watery eyes while gaining some dark green skin.

Overall, it looked like a depressed little hooligan, but this appearance suited Robin's aesthetics perfectly.

"I'll tell you more later. I have to talk to Mom and Professor Clover about something first."

Saying this, Robin headed back to Sky Island where the scholars lived and also saw Saul, who was looking like a farmer.

"Saul, you seem to be doing well."

"Dereshishishi, it's not bad. It's great that you're back safely. Go see Olvia first; she's been really missing you."

Saul put down his hoe and climbed up along the vines. There were indeed many Altaria here, but Saul was out of their carrying range. Being a Giant, Saul was too heavy.

Robin's return drew different kinds of attention from many, such as concern from Olvia, curiosity about Drizzile from several paleontologists, and Professor Clover's intention to impart some new knowledge to Robin.

Chapter 576 Drizzile and the Return of Robin

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