Uta, Luffy, Heracross

Beasts Fruits' Film and Television Department is well-rounded in all aspects except for music, which has become their biggest weakness. With Cindry joining, she has taken up the flag in the dance field.

In the film and television field, there is Tesoro and Stella, and Ann has great abilities in hosting and post-production. However, they lack a standout singer among them.

It's not that they couldn't sing, it's just that compared to their respective strengths, music is their weak spot. Now, Tesoro planned to take them all for further training.

This is also true for him. His childhood dream of performing on a big stage has been realized, but he also hopes to sing more beautiful songs.

"Get ready to depart. Oh, Tanaka, bring along that new recruit from the Security Department; he seems to have some skills."

Apart from those personally recruited by Tesoro, Beasts Fruits also had its own talent scouting department, searching for suitable talents within its business scope, and this Security Department was newly established after he acquired the Gol-Gol Fruit.

Previous security issues were handled by the Beasts Pirates, but after Doflamingo recognized his identity last time, he understood that he needed to bring along some special talents when going out.

Those who could be brought along by him had naturally passed the assessment and were no longer ordinary employees. The recruit he mentioned was Dice, a burly man with golden sideburns, who was decent in Armament Haki.

But that wasn't the reason he was chosen. Both Baccarat and Tanaka were recruited because of their unique Luck-Luck Fruit and Through-Through Fruit. Armament Haki isn't commonplace, but finding someone who can use it in the New World isn't really that difficult.

Dice was chosen because of his bizarre body; in simple terms, he was a hardcore masochist. His perception of pain is different from that of ordinary people; in fact, he doesn't even understand what pain is. On the contrary, the more pain inflicted by an attack, the more excited he becomes, sometimes even experiencing intense pleasure.

Pain is the body's warning signal, not feeling pain meant that in many situations, he could demonstrate combat skills different from ordinary people, which is why he was included in the special training list.

Now that Arceus has recovered more of his powers, the reward mechanism has also become more systematic. In the lottery system, depending on achievements and individual differences, the reward pool will also be planned accordingly.

Among them, some of these special individuals have been designated the most suitable skills by Arceus. For example, Baccarat and Metronome are perfect examples. Every year, the names of the people with special talents are compiled into a list and sent to Onigashima.

If suitable, Dice is the perfect fit for "Counter."

Due to the vast trading system, Beasts Fruits' people didn't need special arrangements to set sail. After everyone packed up, Tesoro led them onto a merchant ship which will pass by Elegia.

At the same time, East Blue, Goa Kingdom, Foosha Village, a young boy and girl were having their own competition.

The boy, seven years old this year, was none other than Monkey D. Luffy.

The girl, with hair half red and half white, was named Uta, the adopted daughter of Red-Haired Shanks.

After snatching the Gum-Gum Fruit from Who's-Who, Shanks' pirate crew made Foosha Village their base and temporarily stationed here. Even if they went out to sea, they never crossed over the Red Line, only operating in East Blue, South Blue, and the first half of the Grand Line.

Different from Buggy, who was still a nobody, Shanks had gained considerable fame by now.

Uta was his adopted daughter. Seven years ago, after a battle with another pirate crew, Shanks found the surviving Uta in one of the chests. Seeing her as a child, Shanks thought of his own childhood and thus adopted her.

Children still need someone their age to play with. After arriving at Foosha Village, Uta quickly became friends with a boy of her age, and various types of competitions emerged between them.

Who could row a boat faster, who could eat fried chicken faster — in less than a year, they had competed 182 times and both insisted they had won 182 times.

Today, they decided on a new way to compete, which is to capture beetles and see who can catch the largest one.

"Alright, let's do it here. You go catch over there, and I'll catch on this side. We'll meet back here in two hours."

Luffy drew a dividing line on the ground and pointed to the mountain forests on both sides, determining the areas where each person could catch beetles.

"Don't be a crybaby if you lose. I'm definitely going to catch the biggest beetle."

"I'm not the one who cries for losing! I've won plenty of times already!" Luffy retorted, but while he was speaking, Uta had already darted into the woods.

"Damn it, you cheated again!"

Realizing belatedly, he turned around and ran into his own hunting ground, starting their 183rd competition.


"Hmph, that idiot Luffy, how could he possibly catch a beetle while making such a big commotion."

Even though they split up, Uta could still sense what Luffy was up to because of his recklessness. The birds in the forest were startled by him, and the beetles were probably scared off long ago.

"Phew, this spot should be good enough. Where did this wind come from~"

A melodious tune softly flowed out from her lips. Her goal was to become the singer of the Red Hair Pirates, and it was because of Uta that Luffy believed that a musician was an essential part of a pirate crew.

Unlike the chaos on Luffy's side, under the influence of Uta's singing, the surrounding small animals didn't flee. Instead, they were drawn to her, with butterflies even landing on her fingertips.

"Beetle, beetle, where are you, come out..."

Continuing to sing her own song softly, Uta's eyes searched for the beetles. But she seemed to forget that besides ordinary animals, there were also fierce beasts in this mountain forest. A wild boar quickly appeared in front of her.

Wild boars weren't like pigs; in the mountain forests, they were extremely dangerous beasts. Seeing the sudden appearance of the wild boar, Uta involuntarily stopped her humming, frozen in place.

The wild boar, however, didn't think much. Seeing the "two-legged beast" intruding into its territory, it perceived a threat and charged straight at her.


Screaming might not serve any purpose, but it was one of the residual reactions when the body encounters danger. However, nothing happened next. When Uta opened her eyes again, she saw a beetle about her height standing in front of her.


A massive horn blocked the wild boar's charge, and as it exerted force, the wild boar was sent flying.

The beetle was naturally Heracross. It stepped forward because it was attracted by Uta's singing and chose to protect her.

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