D̸͍̈́o̸͚̅ ̶̝̈́y̴̛͕o̷̧̔u̵͇͝ ̷̰̿s̶̛̩t̴̞̑i̸̖͌l̷͈̏l̸̬̒ ̵̠̌r̷͈̎e̶̢͆m̴̨̃ẹ̸͐m̴̧̈́b̸͖̽e̴̻̿ř̸ͅ ̵͉̇ȟ̶͔ḭ̸̉m̴͉̀?̵͂͜

Amelie stood in the dimly lit room, her heart heavy with a mix of emotions. Her return from the military after World War III had brought her back to her old house, a place filled with memories, both cherished and painful. Her sister, Ami, stood by her side, sharing in the weight of their shared history.

As Amelie surveyed the room, her eyes fell upon her brother, who was packing his bags with purposeful determination. The atmosphere shifted abruptly as he spoke of joining the Nachtwache Projekt, a newly established private military corporation. The mention of his decision seemed to carry an unspoken resentment, a reminder of the past and the choices they had all made.

Amelie's brother's words struck her deeply. "Du hast mich bei Mutti zurückgelassen für deinen Dienst. Und nachdem Mutti gestorben ist, kommst du endlich zurück? Ich werde einer neuen Söldnertruppe beitreten. Vielleicht verstehst du dann, wie ich mich gefühlt habe." ("You left me with mum for your duty. And after mum died, you finally come back? I'm joining a new mercenary group. Maybe then you'll understand how I felt.")

The weight of his words hung in the air, the room growing heavy with unspoken grievances. Amelie could feel the distance between them, the strain of their shared history and the toll it had taken on their relationship. As her brother walked out of the room, Amelie stood there, feeling a mixture of guilt, regret, and a desire to bridge the growing divide.

In the silence that followed, a sudden shift occurred. Ami and her brother disappeared, as if evaporating into thin air. Amelie's gaze turned towards a shadowy figure in the distance, its silhouette resembling that of a short boy. The figure's presence stirred something within her, a flicker of recognition.

The shadow spoke, its voice echoing through the room, "̸͔̦͔͇͠D̵͖̻̖̺͚̝̲͓̠̪̑̉̅͛͌͘͘ö̴̢̨̫̞̖̙̞͙̳̥̰͕̖̿͋̃̓̈́͜ ̵̛̜͕̳͑̋́̏̈́̅͐̍̋y̶̼͙͔̯͎̺̺͍̱̺̗̳̔̓̇͜͝͝ͅo̴̫̖̣̬̟͚͇̱̥͊͒͋͌̐̋́͌́́̓̾u̶̢̨͖̫͚̘̝̫̥̩̦̻̓̌̎̄͐̓͜ ̸͇̏̽̋̓͌͊̿͘s̶̼̞̣̮̈́̌͊̀̂̐̅̂̕̚͠t̵̢̨̧͙̼̘̟̰̠͍͓͊̈́̾̌̓̔͜i̶̛̳̞͚̯̖͕͔̪͗͆͒̆͆l̷̙͉̎͒̈́̃̂͆l̵̪̮̦̯̺̺͇̤͇̪̹̻̾͋̍͌̍́̒͌̓̈́͋́͆̚ ̷̡̨̣̞̖̝͓̫̭̯̰̟̩̜̼̆ŗ̵̛̫̲̻͖̦͍̤̪͍͕̬͐̈́͊̋̀̕ͅe̸̘̎̃̿͐͒̚͝m̶̨̛̹͙̲͔̲̈́̄̔̏̎́ȅ̴̡͓͍̹̫͍͖̺̟̣̗̹̂͑̋̕ͅm̵̞̖̲̭̯̦̎͂̀̈́̀b̴̻̣̭̱͗̿͐̂́͠ḛ̶͔̓́r̷̭͍͇̱̼̱͎̳̺͉̼͖̃ ̵̦̌̐̍̃̌ȟ̶̨̨͇̲̳̥̩͖̘̂̄̓͊͗́̔̐̋͝ͅḯ̴͉̰̬̙̯̥̘̿̆̋͝m̸̡̹͎͍̤͕̟̳̹͗̀̈́̈́́̽̈́̽̔̑͑̅̕̚?̷̟̰̝͎͊̂͂͆͑̐̓"̵̱̜̇̀̈̂̇͒̉̎͌́̔̕͝

Amelie's mind raced, trying to grasp the significance of the moment and the memories that flooded back. Fragments of the past resurfaced, intertwining with her present reality. It was as if the weight of her choices and her brother's resentment had manifested into a haunting reminder.

Amelie sat up in her bed, her body drenched in sweat as she tried to catch her breath. The remnants of the haunting dream lingered in her mind, casting a shadow over her thoughts. As she looked across the room, she noticed Enkoth, her teammate and close friend, slowly awakening from her own slumber, her tired eyes meeting Amelie's.

Enkoth's voice was filled with concern as she asked, "Mmm... what's wrong... you're having a nightmare?"

Amelie nodded, still feeling the weight of the dream clinging to her. "Yes, it was... intense. Just a dream, though."

Enkoth let out a sigh, rubbing his eyes as he fully regained his awareness. "Nightmares can be unsettling, especially after what we've been through. You should try to get some rest, Amelie. We have a long day ahead of us."

Amelie sighed, her mind still clouded by the vivid memories of the dream. "It's just... it felt so real, Enkoth. The emotions, the pain... It brought back memories I thought I had buried."

Enkoth let out a sigh. "Sometimes, our dreams have a way of bringing up unresolved feelings and fears. But remember, Amelie, you are strong. You've faced countless challenges before, and you will overcome this as well."

Amelie looked into Enkoth's eyes, finding solace in her words. "Thank you, Enkoth. I know you're right. It's just difficult to shake off the lingering effects of the dream."

Enkoth nodded understandingly, her presence providing a sense of reassurance. "Take your time, Amelie. Whenever you're ready, now back to sleep, Kaltherzkarton."

As Enkoth settled back into his own bed, the room returned to a hushed stillness. Amelie lay back down, her mind still grappling with the echoes of the dream. Amelie's gaze shifted to the window, the moon casting a soft glow into the room. Despite Enkoth's comforting presence, the memories from her nightmare continued to haunt her thoughts.


The next morning, they got out of bed and began preparing for the day ahead. As they geared up and checked their equipment, Amelie's mind kept drifting back to the nightmare. She couldn't shake the feeling that it held a deeper meaning, a message she needed to decipher.

They made their way to the briefing room, where the rest of their team was already assembled. Lieutenant Colonel Lugwig stood at the front, a serious expression etched upon his face.

LTC Lugwig: "Team, we have a new mission. Our intelligence suggests that the Eisenfust syndicate is planning a major operation in the heart of the city. It's our job to gather information, disrupt their plans, and neutralize their key operatives."

Amelie's mind snapped back to the present, her focus shifting to the mission at hand. The nightmare still tugged at her thoughts, but she knew she had to set it aside for now. The safety of innocent lives depended on their success.

Amelie: "Understood, sir. We won't let you down."

The team nodded in agreement, their determination palpable in the air. As they left the briefing room and headed towards their transport, Amelie couldn't help but feel a mixture of anticipation and trepidation. The nightmares may continue to haunt her, but she was determined to find the truth and bring closure to her past.

With each step forward, she steeled herself for the challenges that lay ahead. The echoes of her nightmare would serve as a constant reminder of what was at stake, driving her to push beyond her limits and uncover the hidden truths that awaited them.