KB 6

Ace's entrance into the remnants of the Der Strum stronghold was marked by his visible frustration and disappointment, his features contorted with anger. The room was filled with a palpable sense of somberness, and the other resistance members gathered there could sense Ace's seething emotions.

Approaching him cautiously, one of the resistance members spoke up, concern evident in their voice. They were hopeful for a positive outcome. "Did the plan work, Ace?"

Ace's response carried a bitter undertone, his words laced with disappointment. "What did you expect? I told you they would ignore us."

Undeterred, the resistance member searched for alternatives, refusing to give up. "There must be another way to make them help us, Ace."

Ace's frustration boiled over, his tone betraying his growing disillusionment. "Do you still want them to help us? They destroyed our defenses, killed our comrades, and locked me up. The speech you wanted me to deliver meant nothing to them. They simply ignored it and left."

The resistance member persisted, grasping at any sliver of hope. "Perhaps it's just a misunderstanding, Ace. You've mentioned before that Heinrich was your friend."

Ace's expression darkened, his disappointment seeping through. "Since when? He's just using me, just like the rest of them. The only difference is that he's less demanding. He's only letting me go out of the cell to find Chey."

As the reality of the situation settled upon them, the resistance member questioned the motives behind the destruction of their base. "So, they know that they destroyed our base and just left like that? Weren't they supposed to help us?"

Ace let out a heavy sigh, his voice tinged with exhaustion. "Don't you see? Those Nachtwache Operatives only see themselves as heroes. If they make mistakes or cause harm, they shift the blame onto others or deny what they've done. We don't really need them. Besides, they might even cause more trouble for us than without them."

A collective sense of disappointment settled over the room, the once burning determination fading. They were left with the stark reality of their situation—rebuilding and surviving with what little remained.

Ace and the rest of the team finished their tasks in the room, diligently organizing and tidying up the scattered items. With each piece put back in its place, they moved on to the next area, prepared to repeat the process. Ace's instructions echoed through the room, carrying a sense of urgency and expectation.

"Keep doing what you're doing. If you've finished, head to the next room and do the same. Ask around if you're not sure," Ace commanded, his voice firm and determined.

The team members nodded in acknowledgment, their expressions mirroring their leader's sense of urgency. They continued their work, focused and resolute.

Meanwhile, Ace, feeling the weight of responsibility, made his way towards the corridor, seeking a moment of solitude to take an incoming call. The remnants of the stronghold surrounded him, the damage a testament to the fierce battles fought within its walls. With each step, his movements conveyed a sense of purpose and determination, as if time was of the essence.

Navigating through the debris-filled corridor, Ace's footsteps reverberated softly against the damaged walls, the sound a stark reminder of the turmoil they had endured. Finally, he found a relatively quiet spot, away from the hustle and bustle of the recovery efforts. It was here that he answered the call, his voice tinged with a mixture of anticipation and concern.

"Husin, are you here?" he inquired, his tone conveying both urgency and relief at the connection.

The voice on the other end belonged to Husin, a fellow comrade in arms. Their conversation unfolded swiftly, their words laden with the weight of their current situation.

"OTW. We barely got through the port security check, but we didn't spot any Karlas," Husin reported, their voice filled with a mix of fatigue and determination.

A sigh of relief escaped Ace's lips as he absorbed the information, a glimmer of hope shining through the clouds of uncertainty.

"Good, are you near?" he asked, his voice laced with anticipation.

Husin confirmed their proximity, their response carrying a hint of exhaustion from their journey.

"Yes, entering the wall. What happened here?" Husin inquired, their curiosity getting the better of them.

Ace's response was curt, not wanting to divulge too much sensitive information over the phone.

"Nothing, just attacked by the Seraphim when our defenses fell, that's all," he replied, his words weighted with weariness. "Anyways, head straight towards the briefing room right after. We've got a mission to do."

Husin acknowledged the instructions, their voice reflecting their determination and resolve.

"Roger," they responded, the call coming to an end, leaving Ace to gather his thoughts and brace himself for what lay ahead.

With a renewed sense of purpose, Ace resumed his purposeful stride, navigating the remnants of the stronghold. The path to the briefing room beckoned, and he knew that there, amidst the planning and strategizing, awaited a mission that would test their mettle once more.

The briefing room was packed with Ace's comrades, including Husin and the four other men. Husin's excitement and eagerness were obvious as he entered the room. The difference between his larger, more mature physique and Ace's younger appearance was obvious, but their friendship spanned any age or experience divide.

"Haha, Ace! It's been quite a while," Husin exclaimed, his voice brimming with energy.

Ace replied with a hint of amusement, downplaying the length of their separation. "It's only been 2 months."

Husin's appearance mirrored his resilient and fearless nature. His facial structure boasted a strong jawline and intense dark brown eyes, exuding confidence and determination. His hair was cropped short and neat, a practical choice that reflected his no-nonsense attitude. Husin's physique was muscular and well-built, a testament to his physical strength and endurance. As a proud Malaysian, he incorporated traditional elements into his attire, often wearing a tactical vest over a black t-shirt, paired with cargo pants and sturdy boots. His clothing exemplified a blend of functionality and cultural pride, reflecting his readiness for any mission.

Shortly after, four other men entered the room, each exchanging handshakes with Ace.

"Captain Raz, how have you been?" Ace inquired, acknowledging the seasoned leader.

Captain Razali, a figure of authority, returned Ace's gesture with a firm handshake. His mature and commanding presence demanded attention, and his sharp eyes reflected years of experience.

Next, Ace turned to Sergeant Ahmad, affectionately known as Adeq. Their bond was evident in the casual yet respectful interaction.

"Adeq," Ace greeted, a warm smile on his face.

Sergeant Ahmad reciprocated the greeting, his friendly eyes reflecting his amiable nature. His lean physique spoke of his agility and adaptability on the field.

Lieutenant Malik, the strategic thinker of the team, caught Ace's attention next.

"Malik," Ace acknowledged, a sense of mutual understanding present between them.

Lieutenant Malik met Ace's keen gaze, showing his analytical mindset. In his appearance, he emanated discipline and attention to detail.

Finally, Ace addressed Corporal Izzat, recognizing his resourcefulness and reliability.

"And Izzat," Ace said, his tone appreciative.

Corporal Izzat's warm and loyal nature was evident in his friendly demeanor. His solid physique represented his strength and physical capabilities.

Izzat chimed in, expressing his observation with a touch of humor. "It seems like KB 6 is back again."

Ace, now ready to shift the atmosphere to a more serious tone, nodded in agreement.

"Alright, now. Let's get serious," Ace stated firmly.

The team gathered inside the briefing room, their attention fixed on Ace as he laid out the details of their daring rescue mission.

"We've managed to track down and locate Zain Watson, held captive inside the heavily fortified Citadel Tenebris," Ace began, his voice carrying a serious tone. "The enemy has tight security measures in place, including sensors, surveillance cameras, guards, and radars. It won't be easy. They're highly vigilant, and any slight deviation from their routine checks will be seen as a threat. If the alarm is triggered, Zain and the other prisoners will be executed without hesitation. We need to free them before they're discovered."

Sergeant Ahmad, ever the quick thinker, spoke up. "What if we divert their attention elsewhere? Create a distraction?"

Ace shook his head, his expression grave. "Diversionary tactics won't work against them. The enemy has separate response teams and guards. They have minimal blind spots, and any disabled security cameras or blind spots are guarded promptly. They've memorized the profiles of their team members, making disguises extremely difficult. They've covered all bases, maximizing their security measures. However, there is a way in..."

The team listened intently as Ace continued.

"Husin, you will be the bait," Ace announced, his gaze fixed on his friend.

Husin's eyes widened in surprise. "What? Are you serious?"

Ace nodded solemnly. "As a high-profile target, you'll be captured and sent to the death row. Since you'll be a bigger priority to the enemy, your execution will be expedited. This will buy us some time and delay Zain's execution, along with the others."

Husin's disbelief was evident in his voice. "The hell? Putting my life on the line like that?"

Ace met Husin's gaze, his voice filled with determination. "We're doing whatever it takes to save Zain and the others. But don't worry, we won't let anything happen to you. We'll be right there to rescue you at the perfect moment."

Lieutenant Malik interjected, seeking clarification. "But how are we going to locate Zain's cell and get him out?"

Ace smirked, a glimmer of confidence in his eyes. "There's one person I know who can help us. Cell 31, on death row. We'll need you to smuggle contraband into that person's cell, Husin. Make sure it's done before we arrive."

Husin nodded, his resolve firm. "Alright, but you better come to the rescue on time, Ace. We can't afford to be too late. And how do you plan on getting inside the Citadel? They have surveillance everywhere."

Ace's grin widened as he leaned in, a hint of mischief in his voice. "Ever heard of the Trojan Horse?"