Surprise at the HQ

Amelie's voice quivered with a mixture of anger, disbelief, and concern as she confronted the unseen presence. The gravity of the situation weighed heavily on her, and she was determined to uncover the truth about Chey's fate.

"Are you threatening me?" she demanded, her tone sharp and resolute. "What have you done with Chey?"

Her eyes narrowed, searching for any hints or clues that could shed light on the mysterious voice and the fate of her friend.

To her astonishment, the voice responded with a disturbing lack of remorse, recounting a twisted plan involving Chey's demise.

"Chey? We had intended for her to be killed in a bear attack, but she met a different fate, courtesy of a 150mm ship battery," the voice declared, its words dripping with callousness.

Amelie's body tensed, a surge of shock and grief coursing through her. The news struck her like a physical blow, and she struggled to process the cruel reality that had befallen her friend.

The weight of the situation grew heavier as Veronica interjected, her voice laced with piercing accusation.

"Are you proud of yourself?" Veronica's words sliced through the air. "You've callously murdered an innocent girl. What could possibly justify such an act?"

The voice from within responded with a twisted sense of justification, attempting to turn the blame onto the operatives.

"What if I asked you the same question? Are you proud of yourselves? How many civilians have you killed?" the voice retorted.

Amelie's anger flared, her voice rising in a mixture of anguish and fury. She vehemently denied the accusation, her words laced with conviction.

"They weren't civilians!" she shouted, her expression contorted with a potent mix of anger and grief. "Traitors like them are a cancer that needs to be eradicated, all in the name of the greater good. They were scum, and they received the punishment they deserved, along with their despicable allies."

Madison stepped forward, her finger hovering ominously over the trigger, a simmering rage burning in her eyes.

Madison took a step forward, her finger hovering over the trigger. "You don't know who you're messing with," she continued, her words dripping with venom. "Do you really want to keep being so cocky?"

The voice responded with a chilling confidence, defying their claims of superiority and implying a hidden depth to their own capabilities.

"Oh, NawOps, always shifting the blame onto others. Let me assure you of one thing: we are well aware of who we're dealing with, while you remain oblivious to our true identity," the voice declared.

The NawOps froze, their faces etched with confusion and fear. The realization of an invader within their minds was both surreal and terrifying. Their eyes remained open, but their bodies were immobilized, leaving them defenseless against this unseen adversary.

Ami's voice trembled with disbelief and shock as she struggled to comprehend the situation.

"What is happening?" she questioned, her eyes wide with disbelief. "What is this... inside our heads?"

Her attempts to move her hand to her head were met with a disheartening failure, as if her body had become a prisoner to an external force. Panic gripped her, her mind racing to make sense of the surreal situation unfolding before her.

The voice within continued its unsettling revelation, boasting of its ability to see through their eyes, hear their thoughts, and even control their bodies. The full extent of its intrusion sent a chill down their spines.

"We possess the ability to perceive everything you perceive, hear everything you hear, and manipulate your very movements. There's no hiding from us; we already possess extensive knowledge. As I mentioned before, you know nothing about our capabilities. We

are not your usual adversaries like KM (Krasnyj Medved) or Eisenfust," the voice declared with an eerie confidence.

The T-Dolls were paralyzed, their eyes wide with a mix of terror and disbelief. The realization that their thoughts and actions were no longer their own struck them with a profound sense of vulnerability.

Desperate for answers, Enkoth mustered the courage to inquire, her voice laden with a racing heartbeat.

"What... What do you want?" Enkoth questioned, her words quivering with fear and uncertainty. "You've invaded my mind. What more could you possibly seek from me?"

In response, the voice offered a cryptic directive, mentioning a figure named Heinrich and suggesting a rendezvous with TNP.

"You work for TNP, correct? All you need to do is meet Heinrich," the voice replied, leaving the operatives grappling with a myriad of questions and uncertainties, their minds in turmoil.

Stella's eyes remained wide with fear, but her voice no longer carried confusion as she pressed for answers. "What about Mr. Heinrich?" she asked, her tone steady. "Why do you want us to meet him?"

The voice on the other end responded with a hint of amusement. "As I mentioned before, we can see and hear everything you do. Leave the rest to us," it said, the confidence evident in its words.

UMP45 couldn't shake off the residual fear as she spoke, her voice tinged with uncertainty. The invasion of her mind had left her feeling vulnerable, exposing a level of intrusion she never anticipated. "How do we meet him?" she inquired, her voice trembling slightly. "Heinrich is a busy man. Simply calling him up and requesting a meeting won't suffice."

The voice maintained its enigmatic stance. "Why don't you start by returning to your headquarters? Remember, I have a surprise waiting for you there," it suggested cryptically.

Just then, a figure emerged behind the NawOps, stepping into the room. Clad in a black paramilitary uniform and wearing a balaclava to conceal their identity, the presence of the man sent shivers down their spines.

"This way," the man directed them, his tone devoid of any emotion.

Rebecca, positioned at the back, instantly tensed at the sight of the mysterious figure and his words. Her instincts kicked in, and she raised her weapon without hesitation, suspicion coloring her voice.

"Who are you?" she demanded, her eyes narrowed and icy. "Speak now, or I will open fire."

The man remained silent, seemingly unaffected by the threat, and calmly turned around, signaling for the operatives to follow him.

Amelie's grip tightened around her weapon, her expression reflecting a resolute determination. She issued a sharp command, her authority cutting through the tense atmosphere. "Fine, but you walk ahead of me," she declared, positioning herself next to the man, her gun pointed at his back.

"Where are we going?" she demanded, her voice unwavering. "And remember, you'll walk slowly, or I won't hesitate to pull this trigger. No sudden moves. Do you understand?"

The man continued to disregard the threat, unperturbed by the weapons pointed at him. Ignoring the NawOps, he pressed forward, and as they exited the room, a battalion of men dressed in matching black paramilitary attire and balaclavas stood guard, making way for their passage. The sheer size and organization of the force left Madison seething with anger, confusion, and frustration.

"I'm warning you, one more step and I will shoot!" she shouted, her rage palpable. "This is your final warning!"

However, her threats fell on deaf ears as the battalion stood firm, displaying their strength and refusing to acknowledge the NawOps' authority. With the escort concluded, the man led the operatives towards their waiting vehicle, while the battalion maintained their vigilant stance.

Andorra's jaw dropped in disbelief at the sight before her. It was beyond anything she had ever encountered. The battalion stood united, displaying no signs of fear or trepidation.

Amelie, too stunned to react, finally lowered her gun in disbelief. The sheer force and organization of the battalion were overwhelming.

As they reached the vehicle, the man signaled the end of their escort and stepped aside. It was clear that the NawOps were to proceed to their headquarters.

The team stood in awe, their minds grappling with the unprecedented situation they found themselves in. Powerless to stop the battalion and unsure of their next move, they reluctantly turned and made their way back to the armored personnel carrier (APC), their heads held low, a heavy weight of dejection settling upon them.

Helplessness washed over the NawOps, an unfamiliar sensation that left them devoid of control. They had become pawns in a larger game, their destiny dictated by an unknown force.

Returning to the APC, they embarked on their journey back to headquarters, their thoughts consumed by a mixture of trepidation, confusion, and a growing urgency to uncover the truth that lay hidden within their own organization.

𝚂𝚌𝚎𝚗𝚎: KЯΛƧПYJ MΣDVΣD'Ƨ 𝚃𝚎𝚛𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢

Inside the light armored tank, the men of the Thunderstrike Battalion settled into their positions, preparing for the mission ahead. The low rumble of the engine provided a backdrop for their conversation, their voices mingling with the sound of metal and the occasional jolt from the rough terrain.

Sergeant Erik, always one to foster camaraderie among his comrades, initiated the discussion. With a gruff yet warm tone, he turned to Corporal Markus and asked, "So, Markus, any predictions on how this mission will unfold? You always seem to have a knack for foreseeing the unexpected."

Markus chuckled, his mischievous eyes glinting. "Well, Erik, you know how it goes. In this line of work, the unexpected is practically routine. But if I had to guess, I'd say we'll encounter some stubborn defenses, perhaps a few surprises from the Krasnyj Medved base. They're known for their resourcefulness."

Private Lukas, eager to contribute to the conversation, chimed in with youthful enthusiasm. "I've been studying their defenses and tactics, and I think we have a good chance of outmaneuvering them. Our Artillerie can provide excellent cover for the advancing Infanterie, keeping their heads down while we gather the intel."

Sergeant Erik nodded, a small smile playing on his lips. "That's the spirit, Lukas. Your enthusiasm is infectious. Remember, lads, teamwork is key. We're here to support the infantry and ensure their safety. Our artillery can turn the tide of battle when used strategically."

Corporal Markus leaned back in his seat, crossing his arms. "Indeed, Erik. Our Feuerkraft may be devastating, but we must never lose sight of our objective. Our mission is to gather intelligence, and that means staying focused and coordinated. Precision strikes can make all the difference."

The conversation continued, weaving through tactical discussions and moments of levity. The soldiers exchanged stories of past missions, sharing their experiences and lessons learned. They found solace in each other's company, knowing that they were part of a cohesive team, each with a unique role to play.

As they neared their destination, the conversation grew quieter, the anticipation of the impending mission settling upon them. They knew the gravity of their task, and their determination to succeed shone through their words.

Sergeant Erik, breaking the momentary silence, addressed the men with a firm yet reassuring tone. "Gentlemen, we have trained for this. Trust in your skills, trust in each other. Our role as the Artillerie-Division is crucial, and together, we will overcome any challenge that stands in our way."

The men nodded in agreement, a shared resolve emanating from within the confines of the tank.

As Sergeant Erik opened the hatch, he was met with the sight of Private Dieter Mueller standing outside, a concerned expression etched on his face. The wind carried the sound of their conversation, the atmosphere tinged with tension and anticipation.

"What's the problem, Dieter?" Erik asked, his voice laced with a mixture of curiosity and caution.

Dieter's gaze shifted towards the direction of the Krasnyj Medved base, which lay in ruins in the distance. Smoke billowed from the crumbling structures, remnants of a fierce battle that had taken place.

"Sir, we've stumbled upon the aftermath of a major conflict," Dieter responded, his voice filled with a mixture of awe and concern. "The Krasnyj Medved base appears to have been kaputt. It seems like they've been hit hard."

Erik's eyes widened as he took in the scene before him. The once imposing fortress now lay in ruins, a testament to the power of the recent battle. He felt a mix of relief and apprehension, knowing that their mission had been successful in weakening their rival's stronghold.

"What could have caused this level of destruction?" Erik wondered aloud, his voice tinged with a sense of bewilderment. "It seems like someone has dealt a severe blow to the Krasnyj Medved."

Dieter nodded in agreement, his eyes scanning the surroundings. "It's difficult to say for sure, sir. It looks like a combination of airstrikes and ground assault. The enemy defenses were overwhelmed, and they couldn't withstand the assault."

Sergeant Erik's mind raced, considering the implications of the scene. The destruction of the Krasnyj Medved base opened up new possibilities and challenges for their mission. While it offered an advantage in terms of weakened defenses, it also meant that the situation could be more volatile and unpredictable.

"Stay alert, Dieter," Erik commanded, his voice firm and authoritative. "We can't afford to let our guard down. There may still be pockets of resistance or unexpected threats. We need to gather intel and assess the situation carefully."

Dieter nodded, his posture straightening as he prepared to face the unknown. "Understood, sir. I'll keep a close eye out for any signs of activity or potential danger. We'll proceed with caution."

Sergeant Erik closed the hatch, the weight of the situation settling upon him. The Thunderstrike artillery division had an opportunity to exploit the chaos, but they also had to tread carefully in the face of uncertainty. The mission had just become more complex, and the stakes had risen.

Inside the tank, the men exchanged glances, their expressions a mix of determination and wariness. They knew that their next moves would be crucial, as they navigated the aftermath of the battle and gathered the vital intelligence they had been tasked with.

The scene outside the tank remained ominous, the ruins of the Krasnyj Medved base a stark reminder of the relentless nature of their conflict. With a renewed sense of purpose, the Thunderstrike artillery division prepared to advance, ready to seize the opportunity presented to them while keeping a watchful eye on the ever-changing battlefield.

As the ground troops cautiously surveyed the area, ensuring it was clear of any threats, the tank rumbled its way into the ruins of the Krasnyj Medved base. The armored vehicles were parked just outside the dilapidated walls, their engines humming softly. Sergeant Erik emerged from his tank, his eyes scanning the desolate surroundings, and beckoned the others to stay vigilant.

"Alright, boys, keep your guards up," Erik called out, his voice firm but tinged with a touch of concern. "This place gives me the creeps. Stay sharp and watch each other's backs."

The soldiers nodded in understanding, their expressions reflecting a mix of determination and wariness. They knew the danger that lurked within the silence, and the importance of maintaining their focus.

Erik took the lead, striding forward with purpose as he ventured deeper into the abandoned base. Private Dieter, a trusted comrade, followed closely behind. The buildings stood as solemn reminders of the enemy's former stronghold, their walls crumbling and paint peeling.

As they made their way through the ghostly corridors, their footsteps echoed against the empty walls. The once bustling command center now lay in ruins, its grandeur reduced to a mere shell. Erik couldn't help but marvel at the stark contrast between the present desolation and the past significance of this place.

"Can you believe it, Dieter?" Erik mused, his voice filled with a mix of curiosity and disbelief. "This used to be their main headquarters, their pride and joy. And now look at it... all in ruins."

Dieter, his eyes scanning the remnants of the once-mighty structure, shook his head in astonishment. "It's hard to imagine, isn't it, Sarge? This place was their stronghold, the heart of their operations. But now, it's nothing more than a hollow memory."

As they continued their exploration, the two soldiers ventured into a partially intact building. The air was musty, and beams of sunlight peeked through cracks in the walls, casting eerie shadows on the ground. They carefully navigated the debris, their senses heightened, searching for any clues that could shed light on the fate of their adversaries.

Erik's eyes fell upon a stack of papers, scattered and weathered by time. He picked one up, his brow furrowing as he scanned its contents.

"Looks like this was their battle plan," Erik observed, his voice laced with a mixture of curiosity and intrigue. "They had it all mapped out, strategies and tactics... but something went wrong."

Dieter joined him, peering over Erik's shoulder at the document. "You're right, Sarge. But what could have caused them to fall so suddenly? They were our toughest rivals. Who could have pulled off such a feat?"

Erik sighed, his gaze fixed on the torn map before him. "I wish I had the answers, Dieter. It's a mystery, and we're right in the middle of it. We need to find out who brought down the Krasnyj Medved and why."

The soldiers exchanged glances, their eyes reflecting a mixture of determination and curiosity. They understood the weight of their task and the significance of uncovering the truth.

"Alright, let's keep searching," Erik declared, his voice filled with curiosity. "We need to find any clues or survivors who can shed light on what happened here. The more we know, the better prepared we'll be for whatever comes next."