Chapter IV: Missing Camera

The next day, school is in session, and Christian is at his locker, shuffling through his school supplies. The first bell rings. Seconds later, Zak walks up to Christian.

"Hey, are you still coming into the woods after school?" Zak asks. "We're all planning to have a tournament using our-" Zak pauses. "Powers."

"As fun as that sounds, I can't; I need to stay after school and help videotape a few scenes for my theatre group today," Christian says.

"What are you guys shooting?" Zak asks.

"You haven't been reading the school paper, have you?" Christian asks.

"Christian, does it look like I read the school paper?" His brother replies. Christian scoffs.

"Well, you're always welcome to come by if you have some free time afterwards," Zak says.

"Thanks," Christian replies. As Christian and Zak finish up their conversation, the second bell rings. Both boys then walk toward the cafeteria for lunch.

After lunch, Christian sits in the middle of his second to last period of the day. He watches the clock move in slow motion, marking an hour left before the end of class. The teacher pulls up a set of notes and walks to the front of the room to get his class' attention.

"Ladies, and gentlemen, listen up!" Mr. Roberts says, shouting out to the class. Things started to quiet down in the classroom. "I want every one of you to pull out a piece of paper and something to write with, you all have notes to take." The class groans. "But, if there's time left at the end of the period, you guys are free to do whatever you want." The class cheers.

"Bet," Christian happily mumbles under his breath. He searches his bag for his notebook, only to notice the video camera is not in his backpack. He starts to plan an excuse to get out of class to call his brother.

"Mr. Roberts?" Christian asks while raising his hand. Mr. Roberts notices Christian with his hand up.

"Yes, Christian?" Mr. Roberts responds.

"Can I use the bathroom really quick? It's an emergency," Christian asks.

"Can't that wait until you complete your notes first?" Mr. Roberts asks Christian.

"I promise I'll get them done for you; just let me take a picture, and I'll complete them for homework later.

"As long as you get them done." Mr. Roberts says "Take your things with you, I don't want you coming back in and interrupting."

"Thank you." Christian says, relieved. Christian then takes a picture of the board, packs up his stuff, and heads out the door.

Once Christian heads out the door, he calls his brother. While Zak was in his class, his phone buzzed. He looked down at his phone and noticed it was Christian calling him. Zak tried to ignore Christian's phone call, but Christian kept calling. He looks at his teacher, and then back down to his phone.

"Mr. Little?" Zak asked his teacher.

"Zak?" his teacher replied.

"You think it would be cool if I used the bathroom? It's an emergency," Zak says.

"Make it fast," Mr. Little responded. Once Zak had permission to leave the classroom, he rushed out of the classroom and answered the phone.

"What?" Zak asks over the phone, annoyed. "The video camera, do you have it?" Christian asked.

"No," Zak pauses. "We all thought you grabbed it before we headed out."

"No," Christian says.

"Do you think Dexter or Charlie might have it, then?" Christian asks.

"Nah, like I said, we all thought you had taken it before we left," Zak explains. There was nothing but silence on the phone for a few seconds. Christian thinks back to the day before, his mouth falling open in remembrance.

"Hello?" Zak says on the phone. Christian snaps out of it.

"Uh yeah, I'm here," Christian says as he breathes heavily.

"What's wrong?" Zak asks.

"Nothing, I was just thinking; forget I called," Christian says, and then hangs up. Zak looks at his phone, confused and slightly suspicious. Meanwhile, Christian paces around the classroom door, thinking about the camera he'd left in the woods.

"I need to get that camera," Christian says to himself. He sneaks towards the school's back entrance, his mind overrun with worry.