Lost But Found Friend

Jake returned quickly to his seat when he heard a door open down the hallway and approaching footsteps.

He pretended to rise up immediately when the footsteps approached closer and turned to see Haewon approaching, flanked on both sides by Selena and Ivy, who looked really proud of what they had done with Haewon.

Ivy, who was holding up a digital camera, giggled as she captured the priceless look on Jake's face. His mouth was hanging open, and she could tell he did not know it.

Apart from the beautiful picture that she made in her rose colored spaghetti-strapped mermaid dress, she had allowed her hair to flow down her shoulders, and the makeup made her look very alluring.

Immediately the camera shutter clicked, Jake realized he had almost been drooling and quickly cleared his throat, embarrassed by his reaction.

He took a step forward and handed her the wrist corsage he had gotten her, "You look beautiful," He said to Haewon, and she smiled as she received the corsage from him.

"Thanks. You don't look so bad yourself," She said, reminding herself not to be flattered by his compliment.

"Judging by your attitude the last time we met, I never would have thought that you would be the one taking my sister to prom," Selena said as she looked Jake over.

Jake forced a small smile, "I'm sorry about that. And I am grateful that you allowed me to take Haewon to prom. It is an immense honor," He said politely.

Selena was impressed that he even had it in him to say such respectful words, "You'd have to say that to Haewon's father. He wants to speak with you before you leave, and I'm calling him now," Selena informed Jake as she took Haewon's phone and dialed Tan's line.

Jake felt his heart skip when he heard that. He had not anticipated this. What was he supposed to say? He was not ready to speak with his father's murderer yet.

Immediately after Tan received the call, Selena handed the phone to Jake, "Here," She said and excused herself to go receive her call when her own phone started ringing.

Jake cleared his throat, "Hello, sir!"

"Hello, young man. What is your name?" Tan asked in a broad voice meant to intimidate and frighten Jake while Nana rolled her eyes as she watched her husband.

"I'm Jake. Jake Davies," Jake said politely, even though his heart was beating fast. What if he was discovered before he achieved anything? What if he said something wrong or made a slip?

"Are you dating my daughter?" Tan asked harshly.

"No, sir! We are just classmates," Jake rushed to explain.

"Good. It's best you keep it that way. And make sure you keep your hands to yourself as well. Is that clear?"

"Yes, sir," He answered.

Before Tan could say anything else, Haewon grabbed the phone from Jake, "We have to go now."

"Be safe, darling. If you need someone to pick you up before the night is over, do not hesitate to call Selena or Ivy. And make sure you have fun. You're going to tell me all about it tomorrow and..."

Her father cut in before her mother could finish, "Don't have too much fun. No alcohol pumpkin. And if he touches you inappropriately...."

Haewon rolled her eyes, "I really have to go now. Love you both."

"We love you!" Her parents called back before she hung up.

"Can we leave now?" Haewon asked Jake.

"Only if you're ready," He responded.

"Not so fast, kiddo. I have to take a picture of you two together," Ivy said as she signaled to them to assume their postures.

Once they were done taking the pictures, Haewon frowned, "Where is Lena?" She asked when she couldn't see Selena anywhere around.

"She is busy with a phone ca..."

"I'm right here," Selena said as she reappeared with a wide, infectious smile.

"Did something happen?" Ivy asked, smiling too as they looked at Selena, whose eyes were dancing with excitement.

"Guess what?" Selena asked, and Jake watched as both Haewon and Ivy moved closer to Selena, both already buzzing with excitement as though they couldn't wait to hear her news.

"C'mon, Lena! Haewon can't keep Jake waiting by playing your guess game right now. Out with it. What's happening?" Ivy asked, and Selena glanced at Jake and wrinkled her nose.

"It's not fun if you don't guess. Anyway, I will give you both a hint to make it easier for you to guess," Selena said as she pressed her lips together, wanting to heighten their curiosity.

"For Christ's sake, Lena!" Haewon snapped impatiently, making Selena giggle.

"That was my private investigator on the phone," Selena started slowly, and she giggled when both Haewon's and Ivy's eyes lit up.

"He found him?"

"You've found him?" Both girls asked, and Selena bobbed her head happily.

All three of them held hands and danced around in circles happily while Jake watched them curiously, wondering who had been found and why they were celebrating.

"This is wonderful news, Lena!" Haewon said as she embraced Selena once they all stopped dancing.

"Now you can stop staring into space and mourning your lost love," Ivy teased, and Selena giggled.

"What happened? How did they find him?" Haewon asked curiously, momentarily forgetting that Jake was waiting.

Jake didn't mind being kept waiting, either. For some reason he didn't know, he enjoyed watching the interaction between them. It gave him a glimpse into their life and relationships.

"The summary of it all is that he was involved in an Auto crash with his parents. He lost them both and was in a coma for a very long time. Afterward, he was adopted by his distant relatives, and they changed his name after moving to Boston. He is now a basketball player," Selena explained.

"That sounds like he has been through a lot," Haewon said, and Selena nodded sadly.

"Well, he survived, and you found him. That is the most important thing," Ivy added, causing Selena to smile again.

"You both need to leave now. I need to go check him out on all his social media pages," Selena said, and Ivy grinned.

"I want to see, too," Ivy said excitedly while Haewon pouted.

"I feel left out," Haewon complained.

"We will fill you in on it all tomorrow. You should leave now, kiddo; it's rude to keep your date waiting," Ivy said, and Haewon sighed in resignation as she turned to Jake.

"Let's go," She said, and both Ivy and Selena saw them off outside to the rented Limo waiting for them.