Catching Up

After getting her art supplies, Haewon hummed a happy tune as she drove home while thinking about Jake and their unexpected meeting.

She had least expected to meet him again after he had disappeared like that, let alone being saved by him again or sharing a drink with him like old-time friends.

She realized now that even though Jake had asked her if she had a boyfriend, she had failed to ask if he had a girlfriend too. She was supposed to ask, right? What if he had a girlfriend?

Well, she believed that would be fixed. He had said he was going to hold her to her promise of getting him a drink, so she could ask him that when next they met. That was only if he didn't ghost her again. She reminded herself. She was just going to keep her fingers crossed.

As she drove into the parking lot of her apartment, she received a message notification and took out her phone from her purse to check.

Although she was yet to save his number, her heart skipped a beat when she saw that the text was from him.

[I hope you didn't save my number with mannerless savior this time. The name is Jake. I hope you got home safe without any mishap?]

It seemed like her mannerless savior had turned a new leaf, and he had no plans of ghosting her this time, she thought with a smile as she returned his text.

[Thanks. I just got home. I hope you did too. And don't worry. I will be saving your number with your name this time.]

Haewon had a wide smile on her face as she sent the message. She couldn't wait to tell her sisters and Charlotte about reuniting with Jake. She was certain they would be so shocked to hear about it. Talk about fate.

She pursed her lips when she remembered that Jake had said something about being on scholarship and tutoring to get extra money. Hadn't Charlotte said Jake was from a wealthy home? She mused, wondering what that was about.

Once she got home, she busied herself with painting, and soon all other thoughts cleared from her mind as she gave herself to what she loved to do the most. Painting.

She was brought back to reality two hours later by the sound of her alarm. She had set the alarm an hour before the time Selena and Ivy were expected to be arriving at the airport so she could pick them up.

Immediately, she freshened up and dressed up before heading out to the airport to pick them up. The weekend had started off on an exciting note with her meeting Jake. And it was about to become even more exciting and busy for her with her sisters here.

It had been a couple of weeks since she last saw them, and they had exciting plans for the weekend.

Three hours later, all three of them were seated in Haewon's living room, after freshening up, sharing a large box of pizza as they brought each other up to speed on all that had happened in the time they were apart.

"Well, you both won't believe who I ran into today!" Haewon said excitedly as she looked from Selena to Ivy, eager to share the news with them.

Selena angled her head contemplatively as she chewed, "Someone we know? We've met?" Selena asked, and Haewon bobbed her head.

Ivy shrugged, "It can only be Jake, I guess," Ivy said, and Haewon's eyes widened in surprise at the exactness of the guess.

"How did you manage to guess it so correctly? I was hoping to shock you both," Haewon complained with a scowl.

"It was truly Jake? Your prom date?" Selena asked as both she and Ivy laughed.

"Yeah. For real, Ivy, how did you guess?" Haewon asked Ivy again, and she shrugged.

"Apart from the fact that you've been bubbling with excitement and wearing a grin since you picked us up from the airport? I could tell it wasn't just about us being here," Ivy said, and Haewon winced.

"I'm always excited whenever I see you both," She said defensively.

"Not this way. I noticed the excitement too, but I didn't think it was about anyone. And I figured you'd eventually tell us whatever it was," Selena said, and Haewon rolled her eyes.

"Well, it wasn't about Jake. I'm excited because I get to spend the weekend with you both. Seeing Jake has nothing to do with it," Haewon insisted, and Selena and Ivy exchanged an amused look.

"If you say so," Selena said dryly.

"Tell us about it. What happened, and how did you meet? Does he study here?" Ivy asked, and Haewon chewed slowly as she tried to calm herself so she wouldn't sound too excited as she told them about it.

"Well, it was sort of embarrassing. You won't believe that we met because he had to rescue me again," Haewon said, and her sisters looked at her in confusion.

"What happened?" Ivy asked.

"What do you mean? Did something happen? Were you hurt? Are you okay?" Selena asked at the same time as Ivy.

"Calm down. Nothing happened. It was a purse thief who stole my purse, and Jake helped me catch him and recover my pause," Haewon explained.

"Where? How? Hope you weren't hurt?" Selena asked with concern as she stood up to take a closer look at Haewon.

"Calm down, Lena. If she were hurt, we would have seen it already," Ivy said, and Selena relaxed a bit.

"Yeah. I know you're worried, but I'm fine. I wasn't hurt, and he got back the purse. Can you believe he studies here? And we are both in the same faculty?" Haewon said as Selena returned to her seat.

"That's interesting. I guess you both did some catching up," Selena observed as she took a sip from her can of coke.

"Did he tell you why he disappeared?" Ivy asked curiously.

"He said he had something urgent he needed to handle," Haewon said as she went on to tell them more about their exchange and how he had been quite a gentleman this time and had even texted her.