Not My Boyfriend!

Haewon had been expecting at least another text or a call from Jake since his text to her the previous day. She had been sort of disappointed when nothing came and had been tempted a couple of times to reach out to him. But She had not wanted to seem sort of forward or desperate for his friendship by chatting him up or calling him first.

She wanted to be able to match his energy. If he wanted to be a friend, she wanted him to show her. She wanted to see his effort before she put in any of her own.

"Hey!" She greeted the moment she received the call.

"Hey! Is it a good time? I could call ba..."

"That won't be necessary. Maybe if you had called a couple of hours ago, I might not have been able to take your call. But I'm free now," Haewon assured him.

"I was reluctant to call you. I thought you might not take the call," Jake said, and Haewon raised a brow.

"And why would I do that?" She asked curiously.

"I don't know. I thought maybe you might want to pay me back for the past by ghosting me," Jake said, and Haewon smiled.

"I don't do paybacks. It's boring and childish. I prefer to leave stuff to karma," Haewon said dismissively, and Jake scowled.

Revenge was boring and childish? Well, he hoped she would still think so when he was done with both her and her family.

"That's good to know. And I was just kidding about the payback stuff. I was actually reluctant to call because I knew you'd be with your sisters and didn't want to interrupt. But I just had to call to make sure you've not gotten into any trouble in my absence," Jake joked, choosing not to dwell on what she said about paybacks.

"Thanks for checking. Thankfully, I have been able to stay away from trouble since I know my savior is nowhere around to save me," She joked, and Jake chuckled.

Haewon grinned. He had really changed a lot. She was glad.

"That's a relief. And your sisters? How are they? I hope they arrived safely and y'all are having fun?"

"Sure. They got here safely, and we had loads of fun today. I was out with my sisters to watch a basketball game. I never knew it was this interesting to watch. I really enjoyed the game," Haewon said excitedly, and Jake listened with interest.

"I never knew you were a fan of basketball."

"I didn't know I was either until today."

"That means you wouldn't have a problem watching me play then," Jake said, and Haewon's eyes widened in surprise.

"You play basketball?"

"How about you see for yourself? It's just for fun, though. Not a career choice or anything serious. Maybe you could go with me next weekend?" Jake asked, and Haewon's eyes lit up.

"Really? I would love that!" Haewon said excitedly.

"Okay then. I should let you return to your sisters. I've taken you away for too long," Jake said, and Haewon smiled.

"Sure... Uhm, Jake?" She called when she suddenly remembered she had a question for him.

"Yeah?" He asked curiously when he heard the way she cleared her throat.

"You don't happen to have a girlfriend who would be mad about me hanging out with you to watch your game, right?" She asked, and Jake smirked.

"Not yet. But when I do, you will be the first to know," He promised, and Haewon bit her lower lip as a smile bloomed on her face.

"Alright. Bye then," She said and hung up.

She nearly screamed when she turned and saw Ivy standing behind her with a knowing smile on her face, "Jeez, Ivy! You almost scared the life out of me!" Haewon said, and Ivy shrugged.

"If you weren't too engrossed in your conversation with your boyfriend, you would have heard me coming," Ivy said, and Haewon scowled.

"Whose boyfriend?" Selena, who was just coming out from the bedroom, asked.

"No one," Haewon said.

"Haewon's," Ivy and Haewon said at the same time, and Selena chuckled when Haewon glared at Ivy.

"He is not my boyfriend!" Haewon hissed at Ivy.

"Yeah, right. That wasn't the way you sounded when you indirectly asked him for his relationship status," Ivy said as she mimicked Haewon's words and tone, and Selena laughed out loud.

"Did you really ask him that?" Selena asked when a blush stained Haewon's cheeks.

"What's wrong with that? I had to be sure he wouldn't be hurting anyone by hanging out with me since he invited me to watch him play basketball next weekend," Haewon said with a shrug.

"Are you sure that was the only reason you asked?" Selena asked with a grin, and Haewon rolled her eyes.

"Yes! Why else, would I ask? Besides, he asked me the same question yesterday. I didn't read any meaning into it, so why are you reading so much meaning into mine?" Haewon asked defensively.

"What's up with the both of you having boyfriends who play basketball? Perhaps I should find one too?" Ivy asked, ignoring all that Haewon had just said.

"He is NOT my boyfriend!" Selena and Haewon snapped at Ivy simultaneously, and she giggled.

"Maybe not yet, but I see it happening soon," Ivy said with a shrug as she walked away to the dining leaving both Haewon and Selena glaring at her back.

"Ivy is so annoying," Haewon said, and Selena scowled.

"Tell me something I don't know already," Selena said as they both headed for the living room.

"So, I guess you have a date with your boyfriend next weekend?" Selena asked with a teasing smile, and Haewon glared at her.

"You're just as annoying as Ivy! I should kick you both out of my apartment!" Haewon hissed as she went to join Ivy in the dining, and both Selena and Ivy giggled.

As much as she tried to hide it from them, she was bubbling with excitement at the prospect of hanging out with Jake.

How much she loved her life right now!