
Seated comfortably in their apartment an hour later and eating from the same ice cream bowl, Charlotte's gaze was fixed on Haewon's face as she waited for her to fill her in on all that had happened in her absence, especially her reunion with Jake.

"Go on," Charlotte urged her.

"Alright. Alright," Haewon said with a grin as she filled her in on how Jake saved her.

"What do you mean, saved you? Were you in trouble? How come you're just telling me now? What...."

"Calm down, okay? It was just a thief who stole my purse, and like my knight in shining armor, Jake appeared. Can you believe it? After two years and my first encounter with him was being saved by him again!" Haewon said excitedly.

"Wow!" Charlotte said for lack of what to say.

"That's not the most interesting part, though," She said, and Charlotte raised a questioning brow.

"Don't tell me he schools here too," Charlotte said, and Haewon grinned.

"Talk about destiny," Charlotte said, and Haewon giggled.