
"Don't tell me you are still unable to reach him?" Charlotte asked Haewon, who was seated across from her at the dining table.

Charlotte was eating while Haewon played around with her food. She just couldn't work up the appetite to eat when she was so worried and would have preferred to stay locked up in her bedroom had she not really been both worried and bored out of her wits.

"Not yet," Haewon said without lifting her gaze from the phone, as though merely by staring at it, she would be able to conjure a phone call from Jake.

She had been trying to reach Jake since after she got home from school, and when she had tried but to no avail, she had resorted to painting to keep herself from worrying about him, but that hadn't really helped either like it usually did, and eventually, she had to stop painting and focus on worrying again.

The question she had continued to ask herself since the last couple of hours was, What if he had truly packed up and left again?