Potential Boyfriend

The moment Haewon opened her eyes the next morning, the first thought that came to her mind was that of Jake, and a smile lit up her face at the thought of seeing him. Even though it had only been a day since she last saw him, it felt like ages.

She picked up her phone to check the time and got off the bed when she saw it was past seven.

Immediately, she headed to her closet to pick up a nice dress to wear to school, and once she had made her choice, she headed for the bathroom to freshen up quickly since she knew Charlotte was waiting for her.

They always went to school together on Thursdays since their first classes for the day started at the same time.

After freshening up, she glanced at her watch and decided to call Selena after she saw that she still had time. She dialed Selena's line and waited a bit before the call connected.

"Good morning, Lena," Haewon greeted the moment Selena took her call.