Mr Perfect

Selena kept reminiscing about the event that took place over the weekend as she drove to the office on Monday morning.

The first thought that came to her was that of Oliver. The handsome stranger she had met at the club.

The thought of his soft lips flashed through her mind, and she quickly shoved the thought out of her mind since it was 'not needed.'

There was absolutely no need to be fantasizing about a stranger she had no plans or means of meeting again. And if for any reason she mistakenly met him, it was to correct the impression she had given him and not to further that show of shame they had put up at the parking lot of the club.

Reminding herself that she had other important things to dwell on, she smiled as her thoughts drifted to Gabe and their reunion the previous day.

He had promised to stop by the restaurant later in the day despite her insistence that there was no need for him to do that since it would bring unnecessary attention to him.