Jealous Of Her

Even though neither Jake nor Haewon said a word to each other or exchanged any glances from the moment the professor walked into the hall, they were both completely distracted by the presence of the other and couldn't pay full attention to what was being said.

It seemed like the more time they spent together, the more aware they became of each other.

"That will be all for today. See you next time," The professor announced when he was done with his lecture.

As the other students trooped out of the hall, Jake and Haewon turned to look at each other.

"So, about earlier, were you intentionally trying to make me worry about you?" He asked with a slightly raised brow, and Haewon giggled.

"Don't tell me you've been waiting for him to leave only to ask me that?" She asked with a wide smile.

"I was going to ask you before he came in anyway. So, it definitely was on my mind, and I had to ask now before I get distracted by other things," Jake said, and Haewon smiled.