Boring Life

While Selena was still talking with Gabe, Oliver walked into the restaurant with Charles and caught sight of them.

He had overheard some of the staff whispering about Selena having a guest, and it being some big-shot celebrity, but seeing Selena laughing at something the handsome guy said, made him pause.

"Isn't that Gabriel Fox?" He asked Charles, who seemed to have brought him to the restaurant just so he could have another look at Gabriel Fox.

"That's him in flesh and blood. I still can't believe Selena is close to someone like that," Charles said as he led Oliver to an empty table.

"If you don't mind, let's continue here," Charles said, wanting to keep an eye on Selena and Gabe.

"Does she host a lot of male guests here?" Oliver asked with interest as he kept his gaze on them.