Stand Up

After breakfast, Selena excused herself to receive an important phone call while Gabe decided to show Ivy around the house.

"Are you okay?" Gabe asked when he noticed that she was unusually silent.

"Yes," Ivy said, but Gabe didn't buy that.

"Are you sure? You look like you're worried about something," Gabe pressed.

"Was Selena really drunk last night? From what I remember…" She let the rest of her words trail off when she remembered that she had decided to act like she didn't remember a thing.

"Yes, she was. Thankfully she wasn't as drunk as you. Else I would have had a really tough time getting you both out of the club with you being knocked out," Gabe said with a straight face.

"So, you're saying I was knocked out?"

"Yeah," He said, causing Ivy's frown to deepen.

No matter how much she wanted to ignore it and pretend like nothing happened, it bothered her that what she remembered was different from their story. What was wrong with her? Ivy mused with a frown.