Ivy Is The Rebel

It seemed like no matter how much Ivy tried not to think about Gabe in a romantic light, Selena was never going to let her be. And she feared that telling Haewon about it might make it even worse for her.

Ivy could only hope that Haewon wouldn't take sides with Selena and just take her word for it that there was nothing romantic about her attraction for Gabe.

"Well, you won't believe what happened between Ivy and Gabe," Selena said, and Ivy raised a brow.

"What exactly happened between us? Tell me, please, because I don't remember," Ivy said with displeasure, and Haewon grinned.

"Tell me, Lena! Seeing how Ivy is overreacting right now, I'm even more curious to know," Haewon said excitedly.

"While at the club, Ivy got very drunk and..." Selena went on to tell Haewon all Ivy had done and said at the club and also how Gabe and Ivy had checked each other out at the pool. By the time she was done, Haewon was howling with laughter.