Not Who I Am

They arrived at a rooftop lounge ten minutes later, and Selena was surprised to know that a place like that existed close to her house. 

Although a lady could be heard singing in the background, the place was sort of serene without the usual noise that accompanied bars and clubs where you had to either yell or lean close enough to have a conversation.

"I figured this place would suit you better," Oliver said as he watched her gaze around. 

"You figured, right. I love it. But tonight is about you, not me. You could have chosen somewhere of your choice without bothering about me," Selena said, and Oliver shrugged.

"I don't mind being here. I come here when I want to relax and be alone," He assured her as he signaled to a waiter to serve them. 

"It's a nice spot. I should bring my sisters and Gabe here," She thought out loud.