
After the phone call with her father, Selena sighed as settled back on her seat as she thought about her stepmom.

Although she still didn't know the complete story of the history between her stepmom and Haewon's mom, she knew that her stepmom had paid for whatever wrong she had done, and deserved to be happy.

She glanced down at her phone when it beeped with a message notification from her father and she clicked on it to see the generated pictures of the boy who would have been her stepbrother.

She stared at the photo for some time and the more she looked at it the more she couldn't help feeling like there was something strangely familiar about the face. Perhaps it reminded her of her stepmom, Selena decided distractedly as she put the phone away and looked up when a knock sounded on her office door before Tessa walked in carrying a gift bag.

"This came for you," Tessa announced with a brilliant smile before Selena could ask her any question.