Good News

After Haewon's conversation with Ha-nuel, she decided to give Ivy a call to tell her about her miscarried matchmaking attempt and to seek her opinion but then she remembered that she was yet to respond to Selena's group chat message so she decided to do that first and take another look at the picture.

[Is it just me, or does this look like what every nineteen years old Korean male could look like?] Ivy had typed earlier.

[Now that you mention it, it does look a bit like Haewon's Jake.] Selena had responded.

[If you ask me it looks like every Korean guy I've met.] Ivy had responded.

Seeing their chat, Haewon tapped on the picture again and took a closer look at it. It did look a bit like Jake, but it could also be said that it looked like Ha-nuel in a way.

[I agree with Ivy. I don't think this picture is going to be of much help.] Haewon responded now before going off to dial Ivy's line.