Two Weeks Later

[Two Weeks Later.]

It was Friday, and Selena left work earlier than usual so she could prepare a nice welcoming meal for Gabe, who was traveling down to spend the weekend with them and to also show up for the interview with Carter.

"It's almost time to go pick Gabe up from the airport," Ivy announced excitedly as she took the apple pie out of the oven. 

She was feeling excited because not only was Carter going to finally have his interview with Gabe, but she was also going to be seeing Gabe again after over a month.

Although they have kept in touch since his last visit, but it was nothing compared to seeing him.

It was only now when she knew he was on his way, that she realized just how much she had missed him. She had been too busy with Carter that she hadn't really given it much thought.

Selena rolled her eyes as she glanced at the wall clock, "There is still about two hours before his arrival," Selena pointed out.